1. Gift. Part 1: I'm a student
  2. Gift. Part 2: Angelica
  3. Gift. Part 3: The Making of the Gift
  4. Gift. Part 4: Third Course

Page: 3 of 4

the frustration of not liking her at all. Of course, this was not the case, so I hurried to reassure the girl.

“My angel, how could you have thought that you didn’t like me?” - I said. - I love you very much. Do not be afraid and do not be shy about what will happen between us now.

After these words, the sensations that came from Angelica did not become weaker, but they ceased to be so confused. By some miracle, I began to distinguish them from each other, and was also able to separate my own feelings and emotions from Angelica's emotions and feelings. Since it was easier for me to cope with my feelings than my girlfriend with her anxiety, I simply “forgot” about myself, and focused all my attention on Angelica. Started with a kiss. My kiss was gentle and cautious, he reassured. Angelica and the truth gradually began to relax. The panic that I didn’t like her passed, gradually began to fade away shame, because she, so shameless, herself dragged me to her home. But my ultimate goal was not to calm her down; on the contrary, to excite her. Therefore, I gradually began to add emotion, kiss more demanding and passionate. Gradually, he himself began to be excited. Everything was fine and I began to dream again about the moment when we would finally be in bed.

“Angelica, my love,” I whispered. - Let's go to your room.

“Yes, Dan,” she nodded.

I took her hand and she held me.

- I love you, Angelica. Let me show my love.

She smiled faintly, and again I caught anxiety, shyness and even a little fear. At that moment I wanted most of all to relieve her of fear, so I kissed Angelica with a gentle and, as it seemed to me, soothing kiss, but in reality he only excited us both.

I slowly brought my lips to hers, thought to gently and gently touch them. But I do not know whether it is a habit, or I myself was too excited to restrict myself to a gentle touch. My tongue beat my lips. I first touched her tongues, and only after that I kissed her.

To be honest, I did not understand what had happened. It seemed to me that my chest broke, my heart looked out and someone gently touches it with his hand. And although this touch is really gentle and careful, it still hurts a lot. But this pain is sweet, I do not want this invisible hand to stop its caress. Everything happened so quickly that I did not even have time to react to these sensations, and by inertia after the tongue, I touched Angelica’s lips with my own lips. It was even better, because the pain was no longer there, only pleasure. Calm, gentle, such that makes you forget who you are and where you are.

I was surprised, and that was very mildly. I was shocked. Until now, I did not have to feel anything like that. I have always loved kissing, kissing excited me, but I never experienced anything similar. And now I realized that all this sweet pain is not my feelings and sensations, but Angelica. This touch of my tongue to her lips pierced with a sharp sweet pain, as if someone had touched her naked heart with a tender hand, it was my lips that relieved this pain and left only pleasure. This realization made me the happiest person on earth.

I again touched her lips with my tongue, and then fell to them with my lips. The same sharp pain and the same pleasure. She groaned, unable to keep her passion, which was waking up in her. And I woke up this passion.

“Angelica, I love you,” I whispered in a frenzy.

“I love you, Dan,” she whispered back.

- I want to put you down ...

- Yes...

I picked up Angelica in my arms and laid her on the bed. That evening she was wearing a dress, but some kind of strange fabric consisting of weaves.I could not figure out how it dresses and how it is removed, but in principle this did not prevent me from finding with my lips all the new parts of her naked body. At first I covered her neck from ear to shoulder with kisses, pulling part of the dress down. Then he returned to his lips and did the same with the other shoulder. Back to the lips again. Every time I touched them, I used the language. Now there was no pain in her response, only a very strong pleasure and arousal.

I felt that Angelica wanted it to stop. All this was new to her, and it seemed to her that nothing could be better.

“It will still be there,” I promised mentally, but for now I continued to do what she wanted.

And she just wanted to relive again and again this short, but such an exciting kiss on the lips, my gentle touches to her neck and her shoulders, my gentle touches with her hand to her hair, her face, her arms and shoulders. I also clearly felt it, knew and understood, as if she was saying out loud what she wanted. Therefore, without delay executed her "request". But she did not know that there are still other caresses. Or rather, maybe she knew, but so far she has not had such an experience, so she did not ask me about it. I began to take the initiative.

Carefully caressing her shoulder with my hand, I smoothly moved to the chest. She bent, exposing her to me, and I felt surprise and joy, mixed with even more excitement. I was also happy. The next moment I tried to move this miracle of model art and free her breasts from the dress, touch her with her lips. Her nipple was hard and sensitive. She moaned, wrapped her arms around my head. At first I wanted to push aside, the sensation was so acute, and when I loosened my pressure a little bit, on the contrary, I pressed myself to her.

“Dan,” she exclaimed.

- Yes, my love ...

- I want to...

- What?

- I want ... I do not know ... Dan ... - She began to hug me, to cave in so that to cuddle closer to me, - Dan, kiss me.

I was delighted with her excitement, he himself was excited just as much, but I didn’t suspect that Angelica was already at the limit. When I kissed her very passionately, and very tightly pressed me to her, she suddenly trembled with her whole body, then again.

- Dan! - her eyes opened in astonishment and delight.

- Angelica! - I was amazed even more, because I never managed to bring a girl to orgasm, without even having time to undress her. I almost did not finish with happiness.

- Dan ...

I thought that now she would need rest, as I always needed after an orgasm, but I felt that she wanted me to kiss her lips again. Which I did immediately. Only I did not want to be limited to short, though very strongly exciting kisses. I needed stronger emotions and sensations, because now my tongue not only gently touched her lips and hid shyly, but also caressed her lips, her neck, her chest. I finally felt some kind of clasp on her dress and I managed to pull it off at the waist. I also pulled my shirt off. And now our naked bodies touched each other. Angelica looked just great! Her white, almost marble skin was tender and hot under my hands. Her perfect hairstyle hopelessly deteriorated, because I found and removed all the hairpins from her black as pitch hair. Now they scattered across the pillow and framed her immaculate face.

- Angelica, you are so beautiful! - I admired. - And I love you.

“Dan,” she repeated my name.

I attacked her again with frantic kisses and caresses. She answered me no less passionately, exciting me incredibly. I felt that she was getting excited again and wanted me to bring her the pleasure of kisses and caresses. For this, Angelica sagged and pressed against me.

I also wanted to merge with her. My hand went down and began to caress her hips, rising higher. For a moment, I felt that somewhere deep in the heart of Angelica the embarrassment and desire to push me away began to move again, but instead she smiled. I was in for a surprise. My beloved unbuttoned another clasp on the skirt of her intricate dress and pulled it off herself.She was only small panties and transparent pantyhose. The sight of this beauty took my breath .... Read more →

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