1. Gift. Part 1: I'm a student
  2. Gift. Part 2: Angelica
  3. Gift. Part 3: The Making of the Gift
  4. Gift. Part 4: Third Course

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Two months passed quickly. During the day I was in the classroom, then almost for hours I talked with Angelica over the Internet, then I talked for a long time with Vlad, again about Angelica. Therefore, when the day of our meeting came, I was even surprised that he lived to see him and did not die of longing for his beloved.

Angelica arrived only for three days and only for my sake. We were not separated from her for a moment during the day, but only late in the evening I accompanied her to sleep at home. It was something incredible! I could again catch her emotions and feelings. Just taking Angelica by the arms at the airport and hugging her, I realized that she, like two months ago, loves me, her heart trembles and rejoices, she wants to kiss me truly, but shy of her father, who meets me here too her. And then even better. I felt everything, even her feeling of awkwardness when she had to go to the toilet, and I got carried away and very passionately kissed her.

How did I know all this? How do I understand what the slightest change in her mood means? No idea! The mechanism was approximately the same. When I touched Angelica's hand, or better when I hugged her, in my chest, an area approximately from the solar plexus to the apex of the heart, it seemed that butterflies fluttered and touched my bare nerves with their tender wings. Here, depending on what kind of touch these were, images appeared in my head. At first, I did not always succeed in recognizing them. But the longer we were together, the better I got. Sometimes I was so tuned to my beloved girl that it seemed to me that I was reading her thoughts.

This time, Angelica’s departure was no longer so painful. We both knew that we could survive the separation, moreover, her next visit was planned in about a month and a half. Perhaps that is why we said good-bye gently, but without suffering.

Angelica left, and strange and scary things started happening to me.

The same weekend that Angelica came, Vlad went home. He returned on Monday morning. We shook hands in greeting, and I felt a sadness, an experience in my chest. The next moment I began to realize with horror that these sensations were transmitted to me from Vlad. It was he who was sad about something or worried! Well, I could feel the emotions of my beloved, but what does my friend have to do with it?

Since emotionally I didn’t know Vlad as well as Angelica, the images in my head were very vague and unclear. I just realized that he was sad for someone, either he was sorry, or he was sad. I urgently needed to sort through all this strange insight.

- Vlad, what's wrong with you? You seem to be sad - I immediately got down to business.

- Yes there is a bit...

- What happened?

- Mom ... she was taken to the hospital again ...

- Very sorry...

“That's why I realized that something was wrong with him! He was just very worried about his mother, and I understood this by sadness in his eyes. Well, strange sensations in my chest due to the fact that it is easier for me to analyze what I see! ”- I concluded, and almost calmed down. - “There is nothing special in the fact that I immediately realized that some trouble had happened to my friend.”

Vlad and I went to class. On the way, of course, we met many acquaintances and friends, with some of them we were greeted by the hand. Waves of fear and horror rolled over me. Almost everyone whom I welcomed by the hand, “contacted” with me, told me about my feelings. I could not figure out what they meant, but I could still highlight the brightest. Vaughn Sasha is now happy about something, or maybe there is a pleasant meeting ahead of him. Did he fall in love? Boris is in a bad mood today, he seems to have a headache. Tolya did not get enough sleep. Another Sasha for some reason worried ...

From all this information that began to come to me from different people, my head ached. What is it with me? Well, thank God, we are already in the audience, have greeted everyone, maybe I can rest now. Then Zoe passes by me. She is in the circle of my closest friends, so she kisses me on the cheek. Kiss ordinary, friendly ... But suddenly the question arises in her head: is she in love with me?

What can be lectures! I barely restrained not to scream with fear. The next moment, I jumped up from my seat and ran to the exit.

- Dan, where are you going? - Vlad called me.

“I'll be back soon,” I replied, and I ran home at a run.

At first he washed with cold water to refresh his head a little, then he went online. But how much I did not try to at least find something about this - zero. Either the description did not correspond to what I felt, or it was said about some fucking psychics, which I didn’t want to read about. Which one of me is psychic? There was not enough to climb into the jungle - and so the problems fell - manage to rake.

Having been a bit alone, I began to calm down. I have already analyzed everything that I had survived in the morning with a calm head, and concluded that nothing much happened. All those people with whom, as it seemed to me, I “contacted”, were my long-time friends and buddies. I knew them well, so I understood their mood. Vlad had sad eyes, Boris rubbed his temples, Tolya yawned altogether. Probably, both Sasha also outwardly showed themselves. This is called non-verbal information. Well, the fact that I analyzed it as I felt Angelica, then this is probably the residual effect of the recent communication with her. Some time will pass and everything will be forgotten ...

Having calmed myself with such reflections, I went to the university again. Now, before greeting someone by the hand, I carefully watched the facial expression, eyes, and the behavior of that person in general. Almost always the appearance and my feelings coincided, but it was that almost, and not always. Sometimes a person seems to be smiling, but I am more than sure that at the moment he suffers, or vice versa - outwardly calm, and in his heart a whole storm of emotions.

For several days I did not go on my own. I was waiting for everything when this marasmus ceased, what was going on in my head and in my chest, but it didn’t seem to stop, it even seemed to be picking up speed.

“Well, then,” I humbled. - If I can not get rid of this delusion, I will try to find positive sides. I need to study my phenomenon!

I set about implementing my plan. In parallel with the fact that I “contacted” people and tried to recognize my feelings, I read a lot. Of course, I started with psychology.

- Oh, Dan, what I see! - Vlad was surprised when he noticed in my hands one of the books on psychology. - I was making fun of me, but he became interested!

- In vain joked, I tell you. Very interesting book.

After reviewing several volumes on psychology, I realized that my feelings partially fall within the definition of empathy. From Greek this word translates as empathy. I learned that empathy, that is, the non-rational human knowledge of the inner world of other people is a very important condition for the development of such professional qualities as insight from a practicing psychologist and psychotherapist. I also learned that there is aesthetic empathy, that is, artistic objects are a source of aesthetic pleasure, and emotional empathy, that is, a person responds to the experiences of other people, which makes him sympathize, help, and is also the main motivation for the emergence of altruism.

It was all clear. We look at the pictures, watch a movie or read an art book, empathize with the heroes and enjoy new images. We communicate with people, become witnesses of their happiness or grief, respectively, together with them we feel joy or regret. But I could not understand why I receive information about the emotions and feelings of other people not only by verbal and non-verbal means, but also somehow, probably, correctly called it tactile. I continued searching.

It turned out that if you want to get answers to some of your questions, in life you have situations that give you such answers. Later I found confirmation ...

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