1. Gift. Part 1: I'm a student
  2. Gift. Part 2: Angelica
  3. Gift. Part 3: The Making of the Gift
  4. Gift. Part 4: Third Course

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this is even Jung. He called it synchronicity.

At that time, I was most interested in my phenomenon. I partially explained it to the concept of empathy. Imagine my surprise when I heard this word by chance, passing by a group of my fellow students. They discussed a film whose main character was the empath. I held my breath and listened. The girls shared their impressions of a not-so-fantastic, not-so-mystical movie, the main character of which intercepted and could feel physical pain from a nearby suffering person. Therefore, his enemies did not have to torture him, it was enough just to make fun of the child.

I was again disappointed, because the answer again eluded me. Physical influence from others, I did not feel. I could only feel the emotions and feelings. And if a person suffered from physical pain, I knew about it, but I did not feel pain myself.

Well ... I'll have to wait and hope that sooner or later I will find the answers to all my questions. In the meantime, life went on as usual. After just a couple of weeks after the unexpectedly manifested ability to sense the emotions and feelings of other people, I stopped being afraid of them. Moreover, I gradually learned to analyze my feelings. The knowledge that I got from psychology books and from the Internet helped me a great deal in all this.

The pain of frustration.

But while I was busy with myself, I missed the most important thing - Angelica. We, as before, talked a lot through the Internet. But at some point, either I didn’t see and didn’t feel that she was emotionally moving away from me, or I was distanced myself with my problems. One day Nick contacted me. He began to talk about something in French, but naturally I did not understand anything. With grief in half, we began to speak English. Although I could not boast a special knowledge of English, but I still understood the main thing. Nick claimed that Angelica was his girlfriend, and he demanded that I leave her alone. Naturally, I sent him to hell, but in a conversation with Angelica I mentioned this unpleasant type. And she calmly said that he was her old friend and that I did not pay attention. Like, he has long been in love with her, and she, Angelica, loves only me.

I was jealous madly! In conversations I tried not to recall this, but how would you restrain yourself from commenting, if from time to time she herself began to recall his name.

So word by word, day by day ... I was looking forward to the arrival of Angelica, I wanted to talk to her, I wanted to say that I was extremely jealous, but I believe that she loves only me. I also love her very much and just wait for the hour when we can be together forever ...

In a word, I was dreaming, but she did not come. At first she postponed her arrival for a few days, and then she said that she would come no sooner than at Christmas.

Well then. I got it. I don’t know if I stole Angelica from Nick, and then he returned her to himself, or maybe the relationship started recently. But this was not so important. Angelica found less and less time to communicate with me, and then, as one would expect, in general, she stopped making herself felt.

Well, let! Just think! On Angelique, the world has not come together. Vaughn, it seems Zoya is not indifferent to me. Nothing so girl, you can try to forget in her company.

But although I tried to cheer myself up with such a little rude and indifferent words about Zoe, in fact, I did not really need her. In fact, nobody could replace Angelica then. That's probably why I started having total bad luck with girls.

After that unexpected discovery about Zoe being in love with me, I avoided touching her.I thought that it was better not to know about her feelings than to know that she really feels something to me and not be able to reciprocate. Well, when Angelica was finished, he decided it was time to return to Zoya.

Then, as usual, Vlad and I entered the audience. The girl stood near the door, greeted us, smacking Vlad's cheek first, then me. I was happy to feel that Zoya’s heart was beating fast, which means that now she is experiencing strong positive emotions. I told her a compliment, then offered to sit next to us. She agreed, smiling happily.

“All right, I won't cry for a long time about Angelica!” Vaughn Zoe beautiful girl! And most importantly, it is here nearby, and not in some Paris, I thought.

What was my surprise when a few hours later I approached her and did not catch any special emotions from her. Neither you accelerated heartbeat, nor you a happy smile. Just a polite smile and a question, where am I in such a hurry. My jaw dropped. What did I think in the morning that I was not indifferent to the girl? Or maybe I'm too far away from her now, so I understand everything wrong? I came closer, put my arm around Zoya, as I often did before, because we were old friends, and started a simple conversation, then even a compliment I made to her — nothing. She was absolutely indifferent to me. But why was it different this morning? Well, of course! Vlad! I completely forgot that he was next to me!

If Zoe had fallen in love with someone else, I would not have paid attention. I would surround with attention, care, a few special compliments and everything — I don’t know if she would love me, but she would definitely not refuse sex. But I could not do that with my friend. And what if Zoya Vlada is as cute as he is to her? Immediately I had a plan for how to find out everything in my head

“Zoe, listen, I have a great idea.” And why would we soon, say today, or, as a last resort, not get together tomorrow and go to the cinema. I already forgot when I had fun. Let's take some pretty girlfriend with me, I’ve been agitating Vlad, so let's take a walk.

- Vlada? - She asked again in surprise, but she didn’t hide from me, as her heart beat fast.

- And who are you planning to take from girlfriends?

- How about Lena?

- Nice girl. I like. Well, so how? What time do I buy tickets?

- Agree everything with Vlad, and I will talk with Lena. Maybe some of them will not want to go ...

- For Vlad, I'm sure, but you try to persuade Lena ...

Arriving home, I immediately stuck to Vlad, so that he would express his opinion about Zoe.

- What do you want from me? - he waved. - Girl, ka girl. Cute, like not stupid. What do I need?

- I just invited her and Lena to the movies. I want you to keep us company. So I ask who you like more.

“You invited, you choose,” Vlad did not understand.

- And if I say that you like Zoe? - I insisted on a specific answer.

That I did not expect to see. He suddenly broke into a contented smile.

“Did she tell you?” - He asked, as they say, in disbelief.

- You can say so. When I offered to go to the cinema, Zoe just led me with a shoulder, they say, you can go, which is all. Well, when I said that you would, too, she blossomed with a smile just like you are now blooming and smelling, ”I laughed.

Well. I could afford a generous gesture. After all, I was not in love with Zoe, so I was glad that I could do a good deed for my friends. Especially since Lena is a girl, too, nothing - the wall never propped up.

But I did say that my luck with the girls ended. For some reason, Lena refused to go to the cinema with us, Vika went. True, from the very beginning we had somehow failed. Whether she was in a bad mood, or for some other reason, but she was silent almost all the time. I already took Vika by the hand in order to “read” one of her emotions — nothing. Emptiness. She was calm, polite, answered direct questions, but neither you take the initiative during a conversation, neither joy nor pleasure. I started to get angry.Maybe even express their negative attitude? He allowed himself some liberty in behavior, and as a result he received such a cold look that he raised his hands up. Like ... Read more →

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