1. Gift. Part 1: I'm a student
  2. Gift. Part 2: Angelica
  3. Gift. Part 3: The Making of the Gift
  4. Gift. Part 4: Third Course

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My hands reached out for her and began to take them off, and her lips kissed the exposed places. My admiration was mixed with the delight and delight of Angelica. I was happy, incredibly, simply unimaginably happy.

- Angelica, my happiness, - I whispered.

“Dan,” she repeated my name again, but I felt that she wanted to say something more, but was embarrassed. I realized that she was ready for the future, she was already wondering what else she would experience and feel.

“Yes, my love,” I replied, and passionately kissed her on the lips.

I haven't gotten rid of my pants yet, now it's time to do it. And the kiss was supposed to distract her from my wickedness. Well, I'm also on full alert.

“Dan, I want to ...” she said, but again I felt insecure and afraid.

- My angel, I will be very careful and gentle. Do not be afraid of anything.

I first lay down on her, spreading her legs. With astonishment, her eyes opened wide. She felt embarrassed. In order not to give these unnecessary doubts, surprises and constraints to cool Angelica's arousal, I kissed her passionately again, and with my hand caressed her chest. Within a few seconds, I felt that all the unnecessary was gone, evaporated, leaving only excitement and passion. In order not to frighten Angelica anymore, I decided that I should gradually accustom her to what I would do now. I started kissing her not just passionately, but with a certain rhythm, the rhythm appeared in my caresses. She was not shy and not afraid, she was in anticipation, because I began to move more boldly towards my goal.

- Dan, I'm not getting pregnant? She said suddenly.

How did she remember that?

- No, honey, I took care of security. Here is a touch. - I took her hand so she could feel the condom.

- When did you have time? - she laughed.

“It doesn't matter,” I smiled back.

Angelica relaxed again, and I continued to caress and kiss her. It seemed to me that I was still not sufficiently aroused by her in order for her to have time to experience an orgasm before I experienced it, because I was already at the limit. That is why I kept putting off my enjoyment, and cared about her feelings. What was my surprise when I barely barely entered the tip again felt a strong shudder of her whole body. In ecstasy, she herself bent to meet me and strung on me. I did not even have time to come to my senses when I entered it to the full depth. I expected that I would feel her pain, because everyone says that for a girl the first time it always hurts, I felt only pleasure, only a strong orgasm. From this fit it was to finish myself, but, probably, it was surprise and fear from the fact that I could hurt her that they did not allow me to relax to the end.

- Angelica, is it the second time? I do not believe my eyes.

- Dan, don't talk ...

She herself began to move rhythmically. That is temperament! I admired her. He began to move towards her, enjoying now his and her feelings. I stretched pleasure. I did not want to stop, I wanted to extend this bliss to infinity. And it seemed to me that this is quite realistic, because who wants to voluntarily leave paradise. We sailed with Angelica in the soft gentle waves of our love, tenderness and passion. Infinitely long sailed. At some point, I felt that Angelica squeezed my hand very tightly. She wanted something. I listened and felt that she was at the limit, that she wanted to get an orgasm, and I, with my measured and gentle movements, were delaying this moment. She enjoys it, and at the same time can no longer bear it. Therefore I have satisfied her desire. My tremors became tougher, stronger and deeper. I myself was suffocating from the oversupply of feelings and sensations, I was holding on with all my strength.But when her body once again shuddered from an even stronger orgasm than the previous two, I, naturally, could not hold back any longer. It was the strongest, most incredible and most unforgettable orgasm in my life.

Angelica was very sensitive and temperamental woman. True Frenchwoman! This really never happened to me before!

And tomorrow I escorted her from Boryspil airport. She cried, her parents were surprised, I also barely held back tears. But what could I do? Now it was necessary only to wait for the next meeting, which was to be held no earlier than in two months.

I returned home in complete confusion. Immediately fell on the bed, even the jacket did not take off. Vlad was surprised to see me so sad and unhappy.

“Dan, you've known only two weeks.” Are you really in love?

“You can't even imagine how strong,” I confessed.

- Well this is necessary! You could not find a girl who would live a little closer than Paris?

Probably, he didn’t really believe that my feelings for Angelica are so strong, so he began to make fun of me. Or maybe he thought that would cheer me up?

- Vlad, do not rash me salt on the wound! - I was indignant and turned away from the wall.

First sufferings

Angelica contacted me that evening. Her eyes were red with tears, even the camera saw it. My heart sank again because she was suffering, and I cannot console her. There was no time for my torment. I began to say some words to Angelica in order to at least a little cheer her up and calm her down.

Somehow it happened that when we started talking to Angelica, Vlad was in the room, and I forgot about it. He sat quietly on his bed and did not betray his presence. No, he did not want to eavesdrop, just thought that I have no secrets from him. And I, although I did not hide my feelings for Angelica, still, if I had remembered that Vlad was in the room, I would have kept from some intimate details in a conversation with her. When we finished the conversation, and I found a friend in the room, I almost jumped in surprise.

- You were here all the time! And I heard everything! - I was shy and tried to remember what we were talking with Angelica.

- Didn't you see me? - Vlad was surprised at my reaction.

“I forgot that you were in the room,” he gradually began to come to his senses. So what if he heard our conversation? He, too, fell in love!

- Well, I'm sorry I tried not to disturb you, - Vlad was offended that I reacted so to his presence in the room.

“C'mon,” I finally took possession of myself. - Well, you heard what we were talking about ... There will be a reason to make fun of me.

- Upon you? Poke fun? - again surprised one.

- Well, I can imagine how our dialogue looked like from the side ...

“Looked good,” he reassured me. - I would say, looked very good. It can be seen that you really love each other and both suffer. You would sympathize, not to joke about you.

Vlad and I were good friends. They always found understanding between themselves, helped out in difficult times, helped each other, had fun together, even arranged double dates. But they never shared intimate details about what we do alone with the girl, what we are talking about. It was a taboo, which, in principle, could be easily broken, but which we did not break because of respect for our girls. Well, if to be completely honest, the main reason for this silence was in Vlad. After all, I told him in great detail about my first experience with a girl. And he limited himself to a few common phrases. He said that he could not so beautifully describe his feelings. Well, for some reason I was offended and did not want to confide with him on this topic anymore.

Today, by chance, Vlad has witnessed very personal details of our relationship with Angelica. Naturally, I was upset at first, but then I was even glad that it happened. Now, not having the opportunity to meet with my girlfriend, and not wanting to see anyone at all next to me, I began to share my memories of Angelica with Vlad.In the evening, when we already went to bed, I could not resist.

- Vlad, I love her so much! I really miss Angelica.

- I'm sorry, friend.

- Did you really fall in love?

- Naturally! Every time I really fall in love, - Vlad laughed.

He understood what I was asking. And I wanted to say that I had not yet experienced such a deep feeling, that he still does not know the suffering of love, but only pleasant feelings, but in order not to drive me into even greater melancholy, I got off with a joke.

- Yes, I also once thought that I was falling in love for real. Only Angelica showed how it is - to love with all my heart.

Not immediately, but with time more and more details Vlad learned about our meetings with Angelica. How we kissed, how we danced, how I first felt that I also liked her. It was very hard for me then to describe my emotional connection with Angelica, because I myself didn’t really understand the mechanism of that connection. Confused in words, and Vlad is even more confused in my explanations. Not understanding me, he did not know how to react to my revelations, expressed doubts, and I was offended that he did not believe me. Then I concluded that no one would believe it, because I decided that I would never put anyone about our connection with Angelica. However, I shared the rest without hesitating.

Once Vlad asked me:

- Dan, this is how much interesting things you told me about you and Angelica, I told each of my dates I told each of them, but I didn’t say if you had sex. If you don’t want to answer, you don’t need to, but I confess that I’m very interested ...

- Yes, I had sex with Angelica. On the eve of her departure, the parents were invited to a reception, so Angelica invited me to her place. I confess that this has never happened to me before!

“You have been repeating this phrase for several weeks already, talking about Angelica,” Vlad laughed.

- You do not understand! - I again remembered that day in all details.

I kept my word, given to myself, and I never confessed to anyone about the strange emotional and sensual connection between Angelica and me. But I really wanted to share my feelings with Vlad, because besides him, I could no longer talk to anyone about my love. Therefore, he decided to be frank, but with some inaccuracies.

“You know, somehow I realized by chance that if in a moment before touching my lips to Angelica’s lips, I would touch them with my tongue, she would rather react to my kisses.” That evening we started with just such a kiss. And then she told me that she thought I was touching her heart.

- Wow! Did she caress you like she touched your heart? - In the voice of my friend, I caught a note of envy.

- Of course! I have never had such sex before!

  • November 9, 2016 10:56 PM

    very romantic and candid story! Thank! it was so nice to read and feel really love.


    • Rating: 1
  • November 9, 2016 23:47

    And thank you very much for the response! Read the sequel soon.


    • Rating: 1

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