1. Gift. Part 1: I'm a student
  2. Gift. Part 2: Angelica
  3. Gift. Part 3: The Making of the Gift
  4. Gift. Part 4: Third Course

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all from the first guy in the village, but did not achieve reciprocity from the girl! Yes, if she was the daughter of even the king himself, she must fall in love with me!

This date was already quite different. I no longer showered compliments, more restrained courting Angelica. Now I tried to understand the girl, to find her vulnerable spots, to be able to achieve my goal. To be honest, the implementation of my plan was very hard. After all, I was still in love, so I did not want to count every word, every gesture and action instead of just enjoying her company ... But I reminded myself that she would leave soon. And if I don't want her to forget my name in two weeks, I have to do something.

Angelica was an extraordinary girl. Very beautiful, very emotional and something else that I couldn’t find the name for a long time. In time, I began to call it mysterious. It was difficult for me to understand it, and even harder to accept this fact. However, the more I tried to comprehend Angelica, the less I succeeded. The situation was very reminiscent of the story "Twilight", when Edward could not read the thoughts of his future beloved Bella.

I must say that it was not for nothing that I remembered “Twilight” and my excitement about the fact that I was unable to deal with the mysteriousness of Angelica. The fact is that at some subconscious level, I almost always could feel the mood of other people. I have this ability almost from birth, for, as I can remember, I often guessed whether my mother would punish me for some kind of prank or get away with it, whether the teacher is in a good mood or better not risk it. There were never problems with girls either. I always understood whether I like a girl, glad to see me, whether I should expect her favors or better to stay away from this girl. With the male half, things were a little worse, but I also always felt their anger and aggression. To be honest, I didn’t even think about the fact that there might be some problems in this regard.

But with Angelica problems arose. First, that slap in the face, which I, in principle, did not take offense, but which was unexpected for me. Then the shock that she was driving and talking about it so calmly means that she really doesn’t feel close to what I feel. Then how do you explain her agreement on the fourth consecutive date with me? Maybe because of boredom? Maybe she has no one to spend her leisure time with? But no, she herself said that in Kiev she had a lot of friends and acquaintances. I asked myself more and more new questions, but had no answers to them. Until one day a miracle happened, in the literal meaning of the word.

During the time we met, I discovered one pattern - the closer the physical contact between Angelica and me, the more clearly I could feel her mood and emotions. It only remained to learn how to analyze them.

Then we were at a nightclub. I invited Angelica to dance. Her hand in my hand, light smooth movements to the music ... I was happy that I could touch her and enjoy her closeness. And so, at some point, I realized that something had changed. Next to the happiness and pleasure that I identified in myself earlier, something new appeared for me. It is not known where in my chest there was some kind of uncertainty, indecision and trembling. Such emotions were generally alien to me, self-confident and proud guy. It seems that I already remembered that I thought then that the whole world should have bowed down before me. Where did these doubts come from? You can imagine with what pleasure I guessed that this is not mine, but her indecision is now aching in my chest.That is why I could not understand Angelica! She carefully hid her real emotions from others, behaved as freely and self-confident as I, and in fact was indecisive and modest.

Now I knew that the girl in my hands in the literal and figurative sense. Since I was in love, first of all I tried to find out if I had a chance for reciprocity. He leaned closer to her and whispered something tender in his ear. The next moment I felt her heart tremble. Rather, my heart trembled, but I already knew that it was Angelica's emotions that were given in me. But the girl did not give up - she answered me with something in a cheerful and carefree voice. Now I did not listen to her. Finally, I began to understand Angelica and falling in love with her was a trifle, especially since I already knew that she was not completely indifferent to me anyway.

Next week we started classes. True, while there was a lecture reading, I had more than enough free time. I continued to meet Angelica every day. He invited her to his hostel, was invited to her home. Our novel was developing by leaps and bounds, and soon I noticed in my beloved’s eyes the same fear of separation as I had read from the moment I learned of her soon departure.

And that day inexorably approached. On the eve of Angelica so wept that my heart was torn to pieces. I wanted to calm her down, take at least some of the suffering. But what could I do?

- Let's go to my place! - suddenly offered Angelica.

- Inconveniently somehow. Maybe your home is busy preparing for departure, and I will interfere, - I suggested. Although in reality I just did not want to sit at the table and drink tea with her parents instead of hugging the girl, kissing her ... - Let's go better ...

- I have no one at home. Parents are now at the reception at the embassy, ​​they will be late, - Angelica did not let me finish, and then drastically pulled me along.

To say that I was glad - to say nothing. During these two weeks we spent a lot of time together, and recently we kissed a lot, but didn’t go further. I myself was surprised that so indecisive. Thank you, Angelica put an end to this. She simply could not give me a better gift.

I seem to have lost my mind. I do not even remember how she managed to open the apartment, because I constantly kissed her. Once behind the door, proceeded to more decisive action. I managed to throw off my raincoat, threw my jacket somewhere (it was raining outside). I was just burning with desire.

“Dan, I'm going tomorrow,” she suddenly remembered, and tears gleamed in her eyes again.

“Angelica, my angel,” I caressed her, trying to calm her down. - Do not worry so. You said that you have the opportunity to come to Kiev. We will meet often ...

Another minute I was burning with excitement and dreamed of getting to the bed, but now I completely forgot about it. Now the main thing was to relieve the suffering of Angelica.

- You will not forget me? Will you remember? - She asked.

- I will not forget you! I look forward to it. In the meantime, you will be in your France, we will communicate via the Internet, ”I assured my beloved.

- Dan, kiss me!

I hugged her, caressed, kissed her, but by that moment nothing special was happening. Suddenly, I again felt something that is not peculiar to me - I felt the fear of future sex. I was so surprised that I even stopped kissing Angelica, because I realized that it was not my fear, but her. What could this mean? Why is she afraid?

- Angelica, you're trembling. What's the matter? - I asked. - Are you afraid of me?

“I’m not afraid of you, I’m afraid of what is about to happen,” she honestly confessed.

- That is, you still never ...

- Dan ... I am very ashamed.

Then everything fell on me at once: and fear, and shame, and passion, and much more. Understanding anything in this cocktail of feelings and emotions in general was unreal. They pressed me so hard that I was scared myself. Where is it from? Why, when I touch Angelica, do I seem to connect to her nervous system, like a computer to the Internet? Now I know everything about her, as if she was a part of me, and I was part of her.

Angelica misunderstood my tetanus.Suddenly, to everything that I already managed to intercept from her, I also had a feeling ... Read more →

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