1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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he sews costumes, also according to my ideas and sketches, Veririra hides his relief, but I see. My attitude towards her gradually changed, the beatings and bullying stopped, even our bedding after the taking of the oath can not be called rape, where used to be Xa-Aran with this wonderful medallion? Why is this happening? I just decided to take on the mind, stop doing bad things and call them evil, I didn’t grow up to a real villain, any robber can kill the peasants and rape the girls, and he will not have much honor from this. Maybe I’ve already had a lot of fun, got fed up with someone’s pain and suffering, played with other people's bodies and finally lost the belief that sex is something gorgeous and wonderful. Yes, it’s nice, I don’t argue, even very much, but it’s boring ... Molai-Ha turned out to be a rather mediocre magician, in terms of the fact that he didn’t know any great spells, and he didn’t shine with particularly outstanding skills. His strength was enough to turn the four small wooden chests into a kind of freezer, the spell is not perfect, sometimes you need to feed with force, but with this, problems should not arise.

This time I decided not to show off and buy four good, hardy and, most importantly, living horses in the city. I had to pay a price that was not small, but gold was still quite enough. I didn’t take any magical things with me, except for the medallion, I would have to go through several teleports, and this is not safe. Just before I left, a demon visited me, he listened to my request and did something to me, I cannot explain that, but in the end I stopped being myself. No, I didn’t become a woman, I didn’t have a third ear and I didn’t get a second nose on my back. As Xa-Aran said, I have ceased to be myself, my soul, its unique pattern swelled and became different, Misha is no more, the cast of which is still kept in the archive of the Council of Mages, I can no longer be identified by that pattern, I have a second chance, and I was not going so stupidly miss it. Before leaving, the demon unexpectedly made me happy, took out five blocks of my beloved Winston from a small bag, I immediately gutted one pack and with pleasure drew up, looking at how the demon again exhausted in cigarette smoke.

The workers received their salary, the hired craftsmen left yesterday, only Larvin, Nastya, Molai-ha, Veririra and I remained in the fortress. I sent the arrived peasants back, the plans changed and there was no need for them, and I haven’t considered Veres a person for a long time. Verimera and the magician went out into the courtyard of the fortress, in front of the gate stood horses loaded with luggage and a carriage. I looked at sad Verimera, she was wearing a beautiful beige dress, the hem barely covers her knees, graceful boots made of soft deer skin, emphasize slender legs, the chest is also not badly visible in a moderate neckline, not the worst substitute for the perfect Nastya. I spat aside and waved my hand, giving a sign to the magician. Molai-Ha stepped forward and raised his hands to the sky, in the windows of the fortress there shone and there was a dull, wailing cry.

“Sorry, I can't leave you here ...” I whispered faintly, trying to hide my sadness. When everything inside the fortress burned out, when the last shouts subsided, when the connection with Veres was broken, I sat down in a spacious carriage, closed the door behind Verimera and leaned back in the back of the soft sofa, here it is, a new beginning.


Before, I liked the noise of cars, this measured rumble of car engines, that they make an endless stream of noise under the windows day and night. At first I didn’t even have enough of it, the deafening silence of the nights of this world was unnerving, forcing me to listen to every rustle and creak. Now I'm used to it, such a native sound of the modern city replaced the human hubbub.The windows and the balcony of the inn overlook the main street, Molai-Ha said that this is one of the best places to sleep, and I tend to believe it. The dim sunset sun has almost fallen over the horizon line, a narrow strip of scarlet sunset freakishly paints the roofs of houses, from my balcony you can clearly see the street and a small part of the city square, is it always so calm here? We arrived in Brigat two hours ago, the road took us a few days and took a lot of strength, live horses do not jump as fast as their dead cousins. The magician showed the way to the inn, rented our rooms and went to the city administration with a discontented look. I can understand his displeasure, dreaming of miracles from my childhood, strive and reach for the great, get a unique chance and get into a magic school, spend years learning magic, and then just take and abandon my vocation, close the magician's path for myself , to renounce the right to become great ... That is what Molai-Ha is doing now, only in this way can he return to the capital, an ordinary citizen, the son of a cloth merchant, without authority and privilege, without the right to use magic. I just grinned, I wanted to do it gloatingly, but, the smile turned out to be sad, lately it’s generally difficult for me to sincerely rejoice at someone’s misfortune ...

Behind my back, the door creaked softly, I turned around and saw Veriira wrapped in a wide towel and with wet hair. I did not move, only two energy probes, which were obedient to my will, slipped out of my hand and slowly sailed towards it in the air. Invisible with ordinary eyes, the manipulators grabbed a towel by the corners and threw it to the sides. I took a step away from the window, and the threads wrapped around the wrists of the girl, drawing her towards her. I say this figuratively, in fact, they only indicated my intentions, I no longer have to pull Veriri, the oath does his job. When I touched the tender and still wet skin of the shoulder, the girl flushed and looked away to the side, I smiled and ran my fingers to the side, barely touching the very tips, she started and swallowed when I touched the nipple. Over the past few days, she has learned that I can not only torture and torment, but also deliver a painful and pleasant feeling of pleasure. I leaned forward and put my lips to my chest, my teeth didn’t hold the nipple tightly and began to nibble it, Veririra threw back her head and groaned softly. I put one hand down, my fingers immediately became hot and sticky, how rapidly everything changes. Having taken an oath to me, Veririra not only imprisoned herself in lifelong slavery, but also received an absolute guarantee of security. When a person realizes that he will not be done any serious harm, he liberates himself, his body responds more readily to affection and gets much more pleasure.

Every man likes it when the girl in his arms is numb and enjoying, and I am not an exception, no matter how he shouted at all angles about his own extraordinary nature, I am just like everyone else, the most ordinary person, just the circumstances were not like everyone else ... in my observations, I grabbed her young and elastic ass with both palms, squeezed her and began to knead, arrogantly, unceremoniously, but not rigidly. The bruises and abrasions on her body just started to go away, you should not put new ones, it looks not beautiful. Straightening, I found her lips, my cheek was burned with hot breath and the next moment she clung to me with her whole body, clasped her neck and kissed her. There was no passion in this kiss, it was a plea and hope, she no longer wanted pain, did not want fear, she showed me that she was ready to give up her body, just not to live in constant anticipation of a blow. My hard cock rested against her crotch, she clung to me so tightly, as if trying to merge into a single whole, I did not expect such pressure and was pleasantly surprised by the changes that had occurred. My hands grabbed a slender body and were easily torn off the floor, I threw it on the softly creaking bed and began to feverishly undress.When I finished with this not a tricky business, Veririra was already lying on her back, legs spread wide and eyes closed, her arms were spread out to the sides, and her chest slowly heaved upwards to the beat of breathing. I hung over the girl and put my lips to her chin, she continued to lie waiting for me to enter her ... Read more →

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