1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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Verimera just needs to, that gently push the hated oppressor in the back, she doesn’t know that I had previously created insurance from the energy strands. But no, she continues to stand quietly beside her and look into the ground, after all the beatings that Nastya inflicted on her, just dragging me with her tail is a great blessing for her. I was a little disappointed, did she really break down so quickly, not try to kill me and escape? Eh ... Whatever you may say, but to mock a person with a strong spirit is much more interesting and more pleasant than all slugs and cowards.

Remembering the drive, which only yesterday was safely dragged to the lowest tier of the dungeons, I contacted Ivan via a thin channel. The burly village headman was shaking on the goats of an awkward cart, at my order he looked around, and I saw several more of the same carriages, about fifteen people were sent to the fortress in total. All men, or rather, guys, young and strong, are sitting in carts and talking among themselves, words are not heard, only smiles are visible on the lips and loud laughter can be heard in the headman's ears. Nothing, not long for you to have fun, when you arrive, I will make you a personal guard, young and strong fighters behind you will never interfere in my work. You might think that I am going to kill them and raise them in the form of a zombie, not at all, a lot of energy will be required for such a tearing of the living dead, it seems only at first glance that a zombie requires little power. I will do it differently, build a barracks at the fortress, pay the guys a generous salary, train them properly and leave them at the fortress garrison, not for me to sit here.

No, all these preparations are only for my personal inner calm, I will build a fortress, strengthen it better, fill the drive to the eyeball, appoint the commandant Molai-Ha, since he is now completely and irrevocably loyal to me, and I will leave for the capital. Although I escaped from it, too hastily, in my opinion, however, I perfectly understand that all important matters should be carried out there. It was in the capital that people gathered who at least mean something in the Empire, if I can get close to them, choose an individual approach to everyone, then I can promote the reforms I need. I must admit, at first I wanted to do simply, come to one village, promise them all the best and persuade the souls to sell their souls to the demon, however, after more careful deliberation, I had to admit that this plan was stupid and absolutely failure. How many villages can I drive around in person? How quickly do magicians and their council learn about what is happening on the outskirts of the Empire? And what will they do in this case? The answers to all the questions are clear to me and do not console me; at best, I will quickly be figured out and destroyed something, and I am not going to overestimate myself and underestimate the enemy, too many ambitious and overly zealous figures laid down their heads.

Little by little, I penetrate the atmosphere and color of this world, I observe people, unconsciously copy their style and world view, this is how a person works, if he gets into a new and unfamiliar society, his consciousness will adapt itself to the environment, conformism is the way to survival. Behind his back, quiet but clearly audible footsteps were heard, someone slowly and carefully walked along the fresh gravel, and I knew who it was.

- Good morning, Molai-Ha. - Without turning around, I said calmly and very politely.There is no point in fussing and mocking the magician who is completely obedient to me, no matter what happened in the past, now we are on the same side and he is ready to die for me, though not by his own will, however, it doesn’t matter either.

- Hello, your grace. - He bowed courteously, briefly glancing at Veriri behind me.

- What do you need? - Although the question was sounded rude and tactless, I picked up the softest tone and I can even say patronizing. There is something funny about this, this magician is obviously much older than me, and I can look at it like that, look down on it and as if descend to its level from the great snow-capped peaks in communication.

- I dare to ask how I should deal with a woman that is now in the chamber? - Without making unnecessary mimic movements, he asked exactly, as if without noticing my veiled mockery.

- With Larvina? - I opened my eyebrows and winced. I donated this widow with a leap, just like that, without any goal, to prove to myself that I can do it. I also picked up a reason completely idiotic, gave money to her son, I would kill him for debt, if she did not spread her legs, ugh, it is a shame to remember. Especially, given the fact that in my position it’s not like attacking mages, I shouldn’t even come close to them.

- Do not do anything, let him sit in the cell, do not forget to feed and take for a walk, I still have no time to do it yet. - After thinking for a few seconds, I ordered.

- As you say, your grace. - He bowed again, I did not like it.

- Stop calling me that and constantly bowing, it annoys me. - I was informed by the nobleman in tone and waved his hand, they say, the serf strayed from my eyes. The magician did not argue and went to the fortress, probably went to feed the prisoner. I sighed and looked at the sky, the drizzle stopped, but the clouds were not going to go home, they hung in the sky and closed it to the very horizon, is there really a normal weather here? My economic gaze caught on a small, crooked arbor in the far corner of the courtyard. I walked towards her, Veriira obediently minced from behind, again she did not want to communicate closely with Nastya. The old cracked boards on the floor creaked softly and sagged under my weight, I stood for a while in the center of the spacious gazebo and found the cleanest and at least a little bit of the shop. When I put my butt on him, something quietly creaked beneath me, and I quickly put down several power threads, forming a kind of frame-support from them. Each time this magic is given to me easier and easier, I intentionally train to work with pure energy. Vladimir considered such nonsense and amateurishness, however, I saw one huge plus in such magic. It does not belong to necromancy, it is impossible to detect it as much as any of my dark school weaves. By and large, this generally can not be considered magic, just energy, no one has ever guessed to make it material, compact it to such a state that it becomes tangible and indestructible.

- Xa-Aran, we need to talk. - I said out loud, caught Verirera's puzzled look and smiled when she started and recoiled from the demon that appeared in front of her.

- Funny girl, did you make me a gift? - The demon broke into a friendly smile, winking at Verimera.

- Roll your lip to where it was. - I had a lot of time to realize, I need a demon more than I need him, so I can well afford to moderately impudent tone.

“It hurts, I have three thousand or three ... Or four ...” As if counting something in his mind, the demon rolled his eyes to the ceiling of the arbor, tactfully smoothing the situation and preferring to pretend that he had not noticed my rudeness.

“And what did you want to talk about?” Maybe it's time to start acting? - Asked Xa-Aran and immediately got to the point, I winced a little and nodded to him, they say, sit down. The demon sat impassively, a deep armchair appeared under it, upholstered in blood-red velvet.

- I know, I just needed a little respite, take a break from everything and gather my strength, I was not ready to go and destroy the whole world at once.

- What? There is no need to destroy anything, your task is to change it, gradually and imperceptibly, can your homeland be called a destroyed world? - Surprised asked a demon, I thought.

- Well ... For the most part ... - I stretched a little uncertainly.

- What do you mean? - Immediately animated demon.

- Poor, criminals, third world countries, famine, wars ... - I began to confuse myself, to which he only laughed.

- Poor ... Read more →

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