1. Necromancer. Chapter 6
  2. Necromancer. Chapter 7
  3. Necromancer. Chapter 8
  4. Necromancer. Chapter 9
  5. Necromancer. Chapter 10
  6. Necromancer. Chapter 11
  7. Necromancer. Chapter 12
  8. Necromancer. Chapter 13
  9. Necromancer. Chapter 14: Introduction
  10. Necromancer. Chapter 15
  11. Necromancer. Chapter 16
  12. Necromancer. Chapter 17
  13. Necromancer. Chapter 19
  14. Necromancer. Chapter 20
  15. Necromancer. Chapter 21
  16. Necromancer. Chapter 22
  17. Necromancer. Chapter 23
  18. Necromancer. Chapter 24
  19. Necromancer. Chapter 25
  20. Necromancer. Chapter 26

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stupid boy, no need to blame the demons and higher powers for human stupidity, you can believe me, you yourself are coping well with it. - Laughing, he generously told me.

- Yes, I am so, by the way. - I hesitated and hesitated.

- And if the case? What did you want? - Suddenly becoming serious, looked intently into my eyes Xa-Aran.

- A lot of money. - I answered shortly, this time already the demon frowned.

- You know, there is such a situation ... I can not give you the coveted precious metal. - A little thought, he said.

- And why is that? - I was genuinely surprised.

- I can't, for now. - Reluctantly told Xa-Aran, I frowned in confusion.

“I mean, you're a demon, snap your fingers, want it, or what did you do there when you made money for me on earth?”

- That's just the point, on earth. We have already established a business there, we have a lot of souls, a lot of strength and almost unlimited possibilities, however, in this world everything is somewhat different. - With even more reluctance answered demon.

- How so? You changed the body of Nastya. - I reminded him.

- Do not confuse, we have power over people, their souls and bodies in any world, this is our nature, but to create something from nothing is the prerogative of local gods and their antagonists, however, since there are none, I am going to take place first. That's when you bring me at least a thousand souls, I will become more powerful and, perhaps, just maybe, I will get a similar opportunity. - He spoke verbose and thoroughly, however, I isolated the most important thing from his monologue.

“So you can't help me with the money.” And to force the people I need? Although you can?

- Well, uh ... There is such a nuance ... So that I could influence people, they must be completely in your power, not just connected in the basement, but clearly and clearly aware that their life is in your hands, then , through you, I can do something.

- It's clear, and then a bummer. It turns out that I have to do everything myself, to tear my ass so that you can get on the throne. - With every second I understood more and more and my mood was spoiled in the same progression.

- No, no, you will have the throne. - Xa-Aran answered quickly.

- Yeah, well, two thrones, and I will put the third in the closet. - I grinned at it, already looking at the demon with obvious hostility.

- Why? Do you strive for absolute power? So I will disappoint you, you were born a man, and this precludes such a development. - The demon squinted and blew cold from his words, I suddenly realized who was sitting in front of me and shivered, yes, something I braved in earnest.

- No, I do not pretend. - Swallowing a lump in my throat, I answered quietly.

“This is good, I would not like to look at your meaningless death in a fruitless attempt to get the impossible.” “The demon answered just as coldly, obviously making it clear to me what would happen if I started to show off a lot. I sat in silence for a few seconds, pondering over the new information and resolving one very important question for myself. Xa-Aran was also silent, waited for my decision and did not hurry anywhere, thanks to him for it, at last I decided everything and looked at him again.

- I want you to ensure a good life for my mother, soon in this world will become restless, and I do not see any practical reason to drag her here, is it possible? - I looked at him searchingly, expecting anything.

- I can do everything for you. - Again, the demon broke into a welcoming smile and spread his hands.

- Well, you talked about a medallion, is it true? - Deciding not to postpone the case indefinitely, I asked.

- Yes, of course, here he is. - The gesture of a real magician drew a small object from the air in front of his face a demon, handed it to me. I touched the black, translucent oval-shaped stone with some apprehension, then pulled myself down and already more confidently shook the weighty pebble in my palm.

- It’s easy to use, hang around the neck of the right person and make him say the oath, while he should look you in the eye, this is important. “The demon shook his head.”

- Any oath? Or is there some special ritual? - I clarified in a businesslike way, trying to demonstrate at least some awareness.

- Any that you think of yourself will be. The artifact is complex, it is associated forever with the soul of man and makes sure that he does not break his promises, otherwise, however, it does not matter, you should know that no one will dare to violate the word given to you. “Somehow the demon smiled slyly, I noted to be more careful with this bling.

“Ah ...” I started, but the demon interrupted me.

- You'll pick up the chain, not small. - He grinned and deliberately slowly languished in the air.

I sat there in complete silence until Veriira sneezed behind me. This sound broke the silence thickened in the arbor and brought me out of my stupor. I turned to her, stumbled on a guilty and plaintive look, sighed softly and rose to my feet. I was too lazy to make a chain, and I didn’t have such an opportunity at the moment, so I just put the magic thing in the frame of materialized energy and hung it on my neck, I closed the loop onto myself, now this thing will not be lost. It seemed to me that a herd of wild horses, hurrying to drink water, rushed around, and then rode back again, trampling into the dirt the last shoots of understanding the situation and awareness of subjective reality. The first thing I did was find a sheet of paper and a pen, it was not easy to write with this wild device, the letters came out clumsy and ugly, now and then there were fat blots spreading in different directions, however, I did not stop and eventually sculpted some kind of avant-garde text.

- On, knock it out, you have ten minutes. “Without betting on the high mental abilities of the girl, he handed the paper to Verimera, she slowly took the sheet and peered at the incomprehensible letters. Ten minutes later, from memory she declared my opus with trembling lips, while our views were crossed, and tears were in her eyes.

“I recognize Lucas Harper as my master and master.” I swear always and everywhere to take care of his interests above his own. I swear to obey his every word anxiously and without question. I swear never and under no circumstances harm my master and his people, neither explicit nor hidden. - Having finished reading the last line, she sank to her knees and sobbed, only that she finally and irrevocably lost her freedom and turned into a toy in my hands, I even felt a little sorry for her, and not for the first time. Despite all my words and convictions, I am a quick-witted person, even after she betrayed me, I regretted and took Nastya from my hands, and now, for some reason, I do not laugh maliciously, do not rub my palms, but look at her flinching shoulders with pity and ... sadness ...

It took a little less than a week, I finally collected my thoughts and got rid of all illusions. I became indifferent to the fortress, I no longer experienced that ecstasy watching the construction site, I almost stopped taking Nastya to bed. But Verimera was there every night, no, not what you thought, she slept at my feet, good, the width of the bed allowed. Needless to say, as Nastia was infuriated, she gritted her teeth, but she did not show her anger, she even tried to somehow reconcile with Verimera, who unexpectedly approached me. And she really became closer, now I could trust her completely.Nastya didn't go through the ritual of taking the oath, decided to leave her in the fortress, she will have many problems, the girl is too lively in nature and it is not clear what is going on in her charming head. Three carpenters and two blacksmiths worked day and night on a new project, I personally talked with each one and explained what was required of them and how to do it. Local carriages leave much to be desired, even on a village cart to go and that is much nicer than on these "luxury carriages." Tailor painstakingly and diligently ... Read more →

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