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march in places! - I could not resist and “looked up” on the boys.

- Waking shout something! - snapped one of them - not cows! - with these words the guys came out. There were no more incidents until the evening hours. Rejoicing, a truce on the "front", I did not suspect that it was just ... a "calm before the storm."

It is time for the night off. Both boys and girls without any wrangling went to their beds. Their unusual behavior seemed rather strange to me. “Have you really already conceived something ...?” I thought, but soon I dismissed the thought from myself, writing off everything to the “awakened conscience”. But ... how wrong I was ...!

About an hour after the release, a hand shoved me in the shoulder. Opening his eyes he saw a spouse.

- Something happened?! - I asked anxiously.

- Yes, no, I think nothing special ..., replied the wife, - only you could not yet look after the girls while I ... walk around the territory ... of the camp! - Elena breathed out.

- Well ... business-ah - !!! - I wondered in surprise, but I was immediately hurriedly interrupted:

- Yes, what did you think, you fool ?! - my wife gently hugged me, - just one girl, in my opinion, a psychological breakdown after today's events. And in general, it seems to me that this Nadya terrorizes them greatly! Therefore, I “walk” with her until I calm down, maybe something will become clearer ...! She, in my opinion, you just need to "speak out"!

- Well, well, come on! - I kissed her on the cheek.

- Yes, you do not worry! The girls are already all asleep ... - with these words, Lena left the house. A minute later I heard a quiet conversation and receding steps. Looking out of the window, in the light of the moon, he saw his wife, who had hugged the girl by one arm for her shoulders and was saying something quietly to her. The figures of the two girls were slowly removed into the camp. I, tiredly yawning, went to sleep, when I heard suspicious fussing in the girls' room ... Going into my house, I quickly pulled on my pants and was about to go out, as a voice stopped me:

- Cool down ..., Petrovich ..., Tanka herself is to blame ...

Recognizing Victor’s voice, I otparilirov, in a quiet whisper:

- I do not understand-I-yal!

- And ... what is there incomprehensible ... Itself has asked for ... "Plowmen" must be respected. Fact! - answered voice.

- So you have ... "Zon" laws ...? - I was taken aback.

- We have ... no ... - the guys! But the chicks that ... we will be harder ...! - Vitek explained to me.

- What do you mean? - I hissed softly, - the girl gathered ...

- ... yes, no drift, Andrei ..., no one is going to "wet" it ..., just ... "let it down"! - interrupt me.

- Well ... goats ...! I will now give you another place ... I will “leave it out”, and it was already out on the veranda, as I was stopped in a commanding voice:

- Well, stay!

I turned to filthy, like a cell phone was put under my nose.

- Look ... on your loved one! Who are you with ...? Aaaa! With Lyudmila Anatolyevna ...! Good woman, nothing to say! Yes, and her husband, after all, the director of the school, and here ... - NACH-A-A-A-LNIK! - Victor said meaningfully and gave me a phone in his hands, - before interfering with our internal "showdowns", here ... "look through" at your leisure! I took a cell and began to look at the "pictures". “NDA-ah !!! - I thought - we had time to snap! Scum! As soon as ... tracked down ?! “For some reason, I began to shiver, - well ... so B-L-I-P-A-L-C-ME !!!” - a flash of lightning flashed through my head.

- So my advice to you, Petrovich! Better to "chill out" and do not interfere with the normal course of events ... otherwise, no matter how worse it was! Shagging ?! - he asked a little threateningly, and then added, - and we managed to make a lot of copies, so you can throw off these ... for memory! - he gazed his own, as it seemed to him, to a good joke, then, turning into the darkness of the room, he muffled shouted:

- Well, Tale ?! Let's go watch the concert ... or how ?! Do not drift! Petrovich ... and myself ... do not mind! - he smiled wickedly, winked at me and left the house. The boys, as if on cue, jumped out of bed.“So they were ready for a long time!” - I thought, seeing that everyone was dressed. Smiling slyly, the guys walked out of the house in single file. “Petrovich! - I heard a quiet shout of Vitka, - join ..., “The Concert” has not started yet. ” I was standing in the middle of the room and could not move my “cast-iron” legs. In my head it was empty ... Only clearly flashed pictures from the courtroom. Yes ... GOT !!!

All the same Vitka brought me out of oblivion. Grabbing my arm, pulled me out onto the veranda. Pushing me in the back, “let me down” from the threshold. Without thinking, I obeyed like a robot. The voice of Vitka, something muttering, came as if from far away. My brain snatched some fragments of phrases: “... I understand what is uncomfortable ..., and you are right here through the window ..., ... to make it while your wife hangs" noodles ... ". I only emerged from the zombie state when my nose was pressed against the window glass. “Having come to my senses,” I stuck to the window, hoping to intervene if it came to injuries, or even ... murder! As it turned out, "stuck" on time. Guys, not making a single sound, crowded at the entrance. One of them kept looking out of the door all the time, turning his head in different directions. “At ...“ atasa ”..., or whatever it is with“ them ”...? - I thought. Meanwhile, a female figure separated from the wall. It was Hope. Giving someone a hand sign, began to quietly approach the bed opposite. Four more figures separated from the wall. "The sixes ..." - flashed through my cold brain. Moonlight, penetrating the window from the opposite wall, allowed to clearly see every movement of teenagers in the room. Meanwhile, Nadya was already very close to the bed. Behind her, like shadows, the "helpers" followed. She stopped, then abruptly fell on her "victim." The others followed her example. Heard a fuss. The girl who was attacked, when she woke up, could not immediately understand anything. This was enough for the attackers to turn Tanya over on her stomach, and to put her hands behind her back.

- Yes ... you ... th-oh-oh ...! She cried shrilly, gradually moving away from sleep.

- Come on rope! Alive! - Hope ordered ordered one of the assistants. A short girl, immediately handed her a hank of clothesline.

- Yes, not me ... stupid! - continuing to hold the “victim”, Nadka hissed with her arms folded behind her back, on her stomach, then shouted - if anybody would tie her hands at last! From the foursomes, the tall girl suddenly “emerged” and, grasping the rope from the “confused” hand, deftly began to twist Tankin’s hands.

- Ot-uu-y-sti-and-i-those ...! G-a-a-ady! - finally waking up, Tanka twitched in bed, feeling that the rope was tightly stuck in her wrists.

- Hold her! - continued to lead the operations of the "tillage", and the girls, as if on cue, piled on Tatiana in bed.

- Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo! To me b-o-olmmmmm !!! - the girl did not have time to finish the sentence, as the “bandersha” palm tightly clamped her mouth.

- Gag! Quick to her! - led the "parade" Hope. She was immediately handed over to a rag prepared in advance, rolled into a tight bundle.

- MMM-ops-us-HOMMMM !!! - “the leader”, for a second letting go of the girl’s mouth, and, sharply jerking her hair, threw back her head, literally shoving a tight gag in the “victim's” mouth.

- Here ... so it is better ... it will be! - a little out of breath said Nadka, with pleasure considering the "creation" of their hands. Tanya was lying on her stomach, the knotted blanket completely opened access to the views of the witnesses of the "execution". In the moonlight, her panties were tight-fitting tight ass in a bright spot. From the gagged mouth, only an inarticulate moo was heard .... Read more →

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