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she behaved “quieter than water, lower than grass”, and therefore the notification of the leadership of the camp about the incident of “violence” was not in her plans. But my peace was short ...

This morning, in the morning formation, the camp commander announced that, starting tomorrow, middle-aged and older units would go on a campaign for three days to the nearest forest. The guys cheered in anticipation of their expected adventure. But when the boss, raising his hand, asking for attention, finished his announcement, it seemed to me that a real storm had risen in the camp! The fact is that it was not an easy trip. The camp leadership decided to organize a war game, something like the former “Zarnitsa”. Rejoicing guys, especially boys, there was no limit. After the snack, the chief asked the senior tutors of the detachments to gather with him for instructions and necessary equipment.

After the afternoon snack, I took with me three guys to help carry the “ammunition”, was at the head. The tutors immediately sent the guys to the warehouse to get things on the list given to them by their boss. He gave us for familiarization instructions and rules of the "game". Waiting for the guys with some chuvaly, went to the location of his squad. Having settled down on a verandah began to get "equipment". First of all, there were several four-seater tents, sleeping bags, three bowlers, a tripod for them and any other small things. Secondly: for each person on the foil blue color and the same color of the ribbon. With the caps everything was clear, each “troops” had their own color. "And the ribbons?" - I thought. I had to refer to the rules of the game. It turns out the ribbons should have been attached to the arm above the elbow, the absence of these on the arm meant “killed”! According to the rules of the game, the location of the two "troops" for both sides will be unknown and must be reconnoitered. The winner was the one who first discovered the hidden flag of the enemy. It can be hidden only in the location of the "troops". In the case of non-detection of this, it was also possible to "win" - "destroying" the entire manpower of the enemy, or if the "commander-in-chief" of one of the parties was captured. In this case, even in the presence of a sufficient amount of the “living” power of the enemy, complete “capitulation” was signed. The whole evening we spent in preparation for the game.

The next morning, having built up for morning verification, we were told that the two senior detachments would represent the “core” of the two warring armies. To help them will be provided to four teams of "middle" age. We were given an hour for fees, after which we were to be parted according to our "rates." An hour later, we were already shaking in the bus on a barely noticeable country road. The road took no more than thirty minutes. Turning to the right, the bus stopped. One of the organizers of the game, announced to us that we need to break our "rate" going deeper into three hundred meters into the forest from the road. To my dumb question, he answered soothingly that there is no reason for concern that anyone would get lost. It turns out it was a small area of ​​the forest. Representing a square with sides per kilometer. Even lost, lost after some thirty minutes, you may end up on a busy highway that goes round this area of ​​the forest. In addition, along the entire perimeter on the road, soldier’s posts will be set up every two hundred meters, a service courtesy of the neighboring military unit. Reassured, he gave the order to set up the tents. Having established my own, with regret I thought it would be good, and ... Lenk here! But no luck here. The head of the camp on the construction of "separated" us, sending his wife in the "enemy" camp, explaining that the one man for the senior squad abound, plus the help of four female leaders of the "medium". I was appointed “commander in chief”, handing a small blue flag.Lyudmila Anatolyevna received the red flag from the “opponent”. My wife was appointed her first mate. “I see ..., I thought about the boss, - my wife makes life easier!” But there was nothing to be done and I accepted it.

In the meantime, the guys have already pitched their tents with the help of educators. Looking at the bivouac, I gasped in surprise. Seeing more than twenty canvas houses. "Well yes! We are almost a hundred people! ”I figured in my mind. "Meleuzgnya" began to rush through the forest around the tents, squealing with pleasure. I had to shout at them and urgently gather "military" advice. Five minutes later, four pretty girls of about twenty-five — middle-class teachers — gathered in my tent. I ordered not to make a fire, even at night, but to be content with dry rations. Instead of tea, simple water. They looked at each other in surprise. They had to explain that in this way we could give our position to the enemy ahead of time and thereby give him the initiative. At a distance of about 150–200 meters from the “headquarters”, he proposed to deploy several reconnaissance units of five to six people from the “medium”, led by one of the “elders”, and to deploy sentries along the perimeter of the camp. On the night shift, my "elders" should have interceded. Having received instructions, the girls left. Half an hour later I watched as the first detachments of five people each dissolved in the forest. From my older girls went. Guys chuckled. Suddenly a thought occurred to me! "Vit," I addressed the leader of the guys, "well, choose a tree higher and send someone up! Let them look - is there any smoke in the distance?" I squinted slyly. Tom, I wanted to win in order to achieve anything! My male pride was hurt! The chief, declaring me the "commander-in-chief" of the blue, put a woman against me! Yes, and his wife! And to her and mine to boot! So, in case of loss, “defeat” would be twice as hard for my vanity.

Victor reluctantly, as if he was doing me a great favor, ordered one of his "subordinates." He quickly climbed up on one of the trees. Unfortunately, as he said, taller trees in the distance obscured the horizon. “So it is! It is necessary to make "reconnaissance in force"! - I thought and called to my Vitka.

- Listen, collect five people from the "elders" and carefully peel the forest along the perimeter! Sooner or later we will come across them.

- Why, Petrovich! You what I decided to return to childhood ?! In the "war games" to play? - he cried, turning to his boys. Those supported him with a friendly laugh.

- Yes, let them out, the small-fledged shies through these bushes! - added one of them.

- We and so "cool", Petrovich! Look, nature is around! Lazy on the grass, but legs kick up! Perhaps out of the ass "childhood" and pop up! - continued the lanky boy. Again there was mocking laughter. I hopelessly waved my hand and went to check the “posts”. "Meleuzgnya" played with pleasure. I understood this immediately, noticing with what zeal they executed orders! All the "sentries" were in their places and, despite the fact that it was still light and it was impossible not to recognize me, they demanded a "password"! "When they give me!" I smiled to myself and praising the "fighters" for "zeal" , I went towards my tent. Suddenly, a boy from the middle group burst into the position of our detachment and told in one spirit that an unexpected attack of the “Reds” on the right flank had just been made; to help, but the forces are still not equal, especially since the attackers were in line up, mostly boys of the older group. He rested a bit when he added that if we didn’t send reinforcements, in a few minutes the “Reds” would find the location of our “stakes!” I orientated fairly quickly.

- Vit! Need to bail out! - I turned to the "leader" of my guys, - they must be yours!

- Petrovich, put it off, eh! If you need yourself and ... - with a mischievous smirk, he did not finish the phrase, the ending of which it was impossible not to guess.

- Okay! - I waved my hand, - Nagy what can you help ?!

- Well ..., five girls I can “single out” ... - she answered haughtily looking at ... Read more →

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