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Tanya. Nadezhda, having at last unfastened the buttons with a hand trembling with excitement, began to paw her breast.

- MNMM UM ...

- Well, what are you ..., my girl ..., calm down ... honey ... - Hope her victim sacrificed with a hoarse voice, caressing her breast, - do not ... twitch ... baby ... you ... like - MMM ... - "tillage" did not finish. Unable to stand, she dug her lips into the nipple of one of Tatiana’s breasts.

- Um-mm ... well ... what are we ... ... do-a-ah-eat ...! - crying whined girl. Nadya, without paying any attention to her, continued to eagerly “suck” her breast and, running one of her hands between her legs, began to knead her vagina through the pants. Tanya began to "whine". Then she suddenly twitched at the sound of the stretching trouser zipper.

- Well, oh ...! - tugged at her "tillage", and rising on his elbows abruptly pulled tannin pants to the knees. In the dark, under the light of the moon, the triangle of white panties, tightly fitting the tannin crotch, brightly turned white.

- Uh-x you !!! - Hope could not stand at the sight of the “juicy” picture and launched her hand into her panties.

“Nyhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..." Noohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... "Nooh ... not na-a-a-ado-ooo-oh ... 'Tanya said, puppy-like, trying to get away from the hand of a rapist. But Hope was already unstoppable. The brilliance of her eyes, even in the dark, spoke of the strong excitement that engulfed her being from head to toe. With a muffled growl, she pulled the tannins off the underpants to mid-thighs. Rolling her eyes from pleasure, she shamelessly grabbed the juicy flesh of the victim in her palm and, putting one of her fingers into her vagina, pushed them with frenzy.

- Oh - th! Oh th y-MHMMM !!! - Tanya screamed quite loudly, but her cry was squeezed in time by the hand of the "rapist". “That will be the case if someone comes to her cry to help! Yes ... well, more "senior"! They are ... in the "course" ..., and if someone from ... is "small fry" ?! ”, a disturbing thought flashed through with lightning. From nervous tension, I was sweating. “And so every day I think ... when this ... fucking practice ends ... So plunge! The new “state of emergency” ... WELL, ALL BY THE WAY !!! ”- frantically flashed through my head. “Yeah ..., the picture ... !!!” - I thought, watching the two girls from behind the bushes. Tanya with her hands tied behind her back, with trousers taken down to her knees and panties lowered to the middle of her thigh, was desperately trying to throw off her rapist. Nadia continued to “fuck” her victim, with a frenzy working with her finger into her vagina, while simultaneously holding her mouth with one hand, translating her screams into inarticulate moans.

- NEMM ... MM - - HMMM !!! - Tatyana wriggled, trying to "get away" from the finger of the rapist.

- T-and-and-and - shshs the same ...! Russell-a-a-bsya ..., baby ..., my little-aa-a-adenky ... - Hope was already wheezing with excitement, rolling her eyes.

- Oh th th - MMM! - the victim suddenly loudly screamed, feeling that the palm, which pinched her mouth, somewhat relaxed her “grip”. Nadya quickly recovered, holding the girl’s mouth tighter. Then, fumbling over the grass with her free hand, I found a pod of tannin lying nearby tannin and with one hand rolled a tight gag out of it.

- Not over - Omohm !!! - tight cloth gag tightly gagged Tanya.

- Well ... paw ...! - quietly croaked "tillage", more deeply pushing the gag with a finger into her throat. Then, kneeling, predatory, like a lioness, looked around, making sure that the noise of the struggle did not attract unwanted attention. Rising to her feet, she picked up Tatiana under her bound elbows.

- MHM-MMM-HMMM !!! - deaf, through the cap, which shut her mouth, she protested.

- T-ss ... shhh !!! Ko-o-o-zochka ... my ... - Nadya said and, looking around once more, dragged the kicking victim into the bushes ... A second later, in the dark, stretched to mid-thighs, the girl’s panties disappeared into dense thickets shrub. I wiped my forehead with perspiration. Fearing to be discovered, he decided not to tempt fate and to quietly "retire."Especially because of the deaf protests that were heard from behind the bushes, and the quiet cod of the twigs under the weight of two girls' bodies, the final was more than obvious to me. Trying not to step on some dry branch and not make any noise, he “retired” with cautious steps back to his tent. Without reaching the “wigwam”, suddenly he automatically turned into a thicket of forest. I wanted to be alone. In absolute darkness. After such a nervous shock, it was impossible to fall asleep. All sorts of bad thoughts were spinning in my head: “Good teacher! So goof off! As a scholar, some ... In my eyes, one of the girls raped another, and I could not intervene ... And all because of that fucking “compromising”! Moron! One dragged the other along with it - plus another “dumb” witness of “lowering” Tatiana. Yes ... I ... completely in their hands ...! As soon as possible ..., ёma-ё ... this nightmarish practice is over! ”From nervous tension, I smoked one cigarette after another, stupidly watching the smoke“ running away ”to the edges of the trees. I stood with my back against a tree, unsuccessfully struggling with gloomy thoughts when I suddenly heard ... someone's quiet steps. I tried to "merge" with the tree trunk. A chain of twenty men were making their way past me. "Red"! They are preparing a surprise attack! ”Flashed through my mind. I couldn’t raise the alarm, because by finding my location I could fall into “captivity”, which means “ingloriously” finish the game, which I still hoped to win! From the tall figures of the guys in front of the group, I realized that they were representatives of the "elders". “Only four ..., all the rest of the“ small-fry ”..., - in the military, my brain worked, conducting a forced“ reconnaissance ”of the enemy forces - it is understandable! We may have lost most of the "living" power ... but kept the main one - "shock"! "- I thought about my own, hoping somehow, nevertheless, to attract them to participate in the" combat "actions. Now I understood - it was the last of the Mohicans! The enemy realized his mistake rather late, when practically nothing remained of his “main” forces. “So they decided to take us by surprise! And in one fell swoop, “destroy” everyone in a dream! ”I reflected carefully, keeping my distance, making my way after the enemy“ landing force ”. Suddenly, the guy walking ahead raised his hand. The column stopped. “Probably stumbled upon Lidka!” I thought, cautiously avoiding the “column” from the flank and unnoticeably behind the bushes approaching a group of guys who had gathered for a military “council”. "Mieluzgnya" kept deathly silence, fully relying on their "leading".

- What do we do? One of them asked in a whisper, carefully peering out from behind a tree. I followed his gaze. On a tiny clearing, almost closely adjacent to our “headquarters”, the figure of Lida, clearly visible in the moonlight, loomed. The girl paced back and forth, struggling with sleep.

- It is necessary to remove the "sentry" ..., there is no other way ... - answered the other.

- And ... if you immediately attack ... with a geek! - someone from the dark has given the idea.

“No ... we will act according to the plan we have developed!” Small ”groups of two people will climb into each tent and tear them away from the sleeping ribbons ... We, as agreed, will intervene only if someone "So, he will have time to raise the alarm ..." the senior team finished them. Then, ordering everyone to stay in their places, he signaled his elder comrades. soldier ", crawled to the" sentry. "Even now I was" not profitable "to raise the alarm. I decided to Wait until the “enemy” enters the camp’s “line”, and for this they have to “sacrifice” Lida! without suspecting ... Read more →

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