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Victor. “And between them ... rivalry! - I thought, - it will be necessary to use it somehow! ”Meanwhile, Nadezhda gave an order and five girls at the head of the“ medium ”squad quickly disappeared into the forest with a“ messenger ”showing the way. Twenty minutes later, the "help" came back very thin. Of the five girls in the "living" was left alone. Greatly got and "average". Of the twenty people returned seven. A little girl came to her senses that they arrived just in time, since our two “detachments” were completely destroyed, and the enemy “finished off” two educators, who “unfortunately” could not “save”. On the other hand, ten people of the enemy were “killed” by the “help in time”. They all turned out to be the guys of the “older” group.

- You see now! - I turned to Victor, - which means the older group! We are ten, and they, together with the “detachments”, “laid” - our twenty-seven! Plus - two senior "commander"! And this is the first day!

- Petrovich! We ... came here to rest, not try on children's shorts ...! - He spat and left, laughing with the guys, to smoke for the tents.

- Listen, Nastya, - I turned to the girl, - and you “finished off all”?

- Not! Two or three managed to leave! She answered.

- So wait ... in the evening ... - I summed up.

Collecting two more, but ten people each, instead of the “destroyed” detachments, for greater reliability, he asked Nadia to appoint older girls to replace the two “lost” educators. She gladly fulfilled my request, contemptuously glancing at the guys smoking near the tents. Five minutes later, the new teams went to their positions. I looked around our tent city: “Yes ..., the first day ... and ... five tents are already" empty "! The fact is that all those "killed" did not return to the camp. They had to go out of the forest, where they were met by a soldier’s patrol and escorted to a special camp until the end of the game. “Yes ..., for the" victory "I, like air, need the help of my guys. How could they be forced to take part in the "fighting ...?" - I began to think about a further plan of action, as I heard a cry that they were "attacking" again and this time from the left flank. I quickly got out of the tent and listened to the "report" from the out-of-breath little boy. He reported that the "attack" happened unexpectedly. Two teachers “died” instantly! “They know what they are doing! They beat out all my“ command personnel! ”Therefore, the guys from the“ senior ”group are involved in the“ landing ”.“ I cursed and looked at Nadia. , she grinned patronizingly and, having called Lida, gave her a short order.A minute later the group of "support" headed by the "older" girls was ready and ran off to the place of the enemy "breaking through." Well ... well ... let's wait for the results ... "- I thought, looking after the hidden “Yes ..., if girls are being“ scattered ”now, then I, in principle, will not have anyone left with whom one could begin active“ combat ”actions ...“ - while passing the time in thinking, waiting for news from the “front.” Indeed, apart from Nadia, Lida and ... Tani, all the other girls were in “combat positions.” I did not make any bet on the guys, realizing that this was a hopeless case. It was not enough. The enemy "clicked" them like seeds. Half an hour later the “support” team returned. Disheveled, but satisfied, reported that the "attack" was repelled, the "enemy" was put to flight. "Pyrrhic victory! - I thought, without counting fifteen people, - and what kind of ...! Not a single “senior” has returned ...! ”Nevertheless, we were left alone until the evening. After dinner, again with a dry ration, I gave the order to hang up, having called the survivors Nadia, Lida and Tanya to my tent beforehand.We decided that in the first hours the “middle” ones would take over the posts, and after one o'clock in the morning and until the morning - they. Two detachments from the right flank decided to leave for the night in the old "position", changing only the "fighters" of middle age, the girls leave the same until the morning. Moreover, they were not replaced by anyone. "Destroyed" the left flank I did not "close", hoping to "maybe" ...

I woke up from stuffiness in my tent. He looked at his watch. “Paul is third ... soon morning ..., I should check the“ posts ”... - I thought sleepily and reluctantly left the tent. The sentries decided to check the perimeter, hiding behind the trees and not giving out their presence. At the first post immediately noticed the looming figure of one of the girls. “This is Lidka!” - I thought, and went to the second, where Hope was supposed to be. Going to the appointed place did not notice any "sentry". “He sleeps in a tent ... using his“ privileged ”position for“ mercenary ”purposes ...“ I smirked to myself and went to “check” Tatyana. Approaching the post of Tanya, I suddenly heard some fuss ...! "Attack!" - flashed through my mind, but, before raising the alarm, I decided to test my hunch. Carefully approaching the minimum distance to the post, I looked out for the bushes. In this place the crowns of the trees were not so sprawling and enough moonlight pierced through them so that I could see everything in full view. I froze! Two girls were fighting in a small clearing! In one of them I recognized Tatyana. Her back and pressed her hands to the body, tried to knock down my "watch go "on the ground." Exactly ...! Attack !!! We raise the alarm! - I quickly orientated, but then suddenly stopped myself, - And why does the "sentry" herself not shouting and calling for help ?! "It seemed strange to me and I decided to wait a bit with “anxiety.” A second later I found out in the “attacker” ... - Nadya!

“Nagy ..., well ... not ... na-aaa-oo-oh ..., well, poa-aaaa-luista ..." Tanya said muffled.

- T-and-and-she ..., my girl ..., and-and-she ...! - Hope hoarse, trying to knock down the girl on the grass. She resisted with all her might, but the tillage boy knew her business well. “Swinging” the victim, suddenly took off her body from the ground and literally kicked the girl with a light kick, lurching with her on the ground. Tanya did not give up. For some time they grappled and rolled on the grass until a physically stronger Hope appeared on top of Tatyana, pressing her hands to the ground and sat down on her stomach.

“Well ... ot-oo-oo-ing-and-and ...” the “victim” of the attack moaned plaintively, trying to break free of Nadya’s iron grip.

- Tc-s-s-s ..., baby, ts-sss! All ... camp ... you wake up ... - whispered breathlessly "tillage".

I quietly watched the struggle from the bushes, deciding to intervene when Hope begins to beat Tatyana. But...

- Well ... past-yy-y ... you-I-MHMM-mouth of Tatiana was suddenly “sealed” by Nagykin with a kiss. I was dumbfounded! "Similarly, a lesbian! But still active!" - flashed through my brain. "Strange ...," I thought, "usually active-type lesbians are all manly looking ..., and Nadia, like Tatiana, a very attractive girl, with well-developed female forms and a fully formed figure ... Probably there are such ... "- he finished his reflections and, deciding not to interfere with the dismantling of the" tiller "with the" subordinate ", began to observe the further course of events.

- Thu-MMM ... to you ... Lidka little-MMM ... - Tatiana tried to say something distinct, turning her head and moving away from the nadya's kisses, which each time more and more completely kissed her passionately. Finally, Nadia, tired of fighting with tannins with her hands, took a small piece of rope from the back pocket of her pants and with a sharp jerk turned the victim onto her stomach. Ignoring the tannins of the plea, professionally twisted her hands behind her back and turned her back onto her back, greedily dug her lips into her mouth, deeply sticking her tongue. Tanka moaned, trying to dodge, but Hope only stronger pressed her to the ground and with one hand began to stretch the buttons of tannin shirt.

- MNMM ... nMM ... not nadMMM ... - how could she resist ... Read more →

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