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So! Listen to my team! Chain sneak closer to the camp of the enemy. Do not make noise, do not laugh! - took into his hands the course of operation Victor. The boys obeyed, crouching, followed their leader along with two girls. I closed the circuit. After a while we already distinguished the noise coming from the camp. The time was not later - about ten. At the time of the game they decided to postpone the transfer to eleven. Victor raised his hand, and the chain froze in anticipation of further orders. Then, on the orders of his hands, we opened the chain and “front”, trying not to make noise, lay down behind the trees. The place where we decided to wait turned out to be very successful, representing a slight elevation. The view of the camp was magnificent. "Yes... ! That's how "settled down" ...! - I almost whistled, seeing in front of me a camp of the "enemy" spread out on a fairly spacious meadow. In the middle stood the unusual cone-shaped tent of the “military observer” - our superior! The same form, but slightly smaller, is the tent of their “commander in chief”. “I see ..., I grinned, - my wife!” In the meantime, the fun in the camp was in full swing. Celebrated early victory, expecting us tomorrow with a white flag. “The second blunder of the enemy,” I thought, “can never be so self-confident!” The general merriment unfolded around a large fire lit in the center of their large clearing. Every now and then a cheerful laugh was heard. In the light of the fire, I tried to find my wife or the “object” of our attack — the wife of the commander. But it was not so easy. They were simply “lost” among the tall girls of the senior squad. “And the peasants, it seemed, were all“ poofed ”, he grunted with satisfaction to himself, without noticing a single guy of the older group in the“ Reds ”camp. The "sentries" of the "younger ones" strolled around the perimeter of the camp. I noticed that an additional post was set up at Lyudmila Anatolyevna’s tent. Time passed slowly. I already started to be bored when I heard the quiet whisper of Victor, who ordered everyone to crawl to him.

- So! - He whispered to us, - The time of attack - about two o'clock in the morning. The tent with their commander is in a good place for us, very close to the bush. It is profitable for us! But ...! There is one "but"! We'll have to "remove" sentries! One from this place ... he pointed us to one of the posts, and the other directly at the "commander-in-chief" tent. Any questions? - He asked from his "paratroopers", they shook their heads in the negative.

- Well ... and good! - he continued, - you and you will go with me to the "removal" of the guards ... - he pointed his finger at two strong builds of the guys, - When we finish, at our signal the whole group quietly enters the commander's tent of the "Reds". Clear?

“Yes ...” replied one of the guys.

- Just ask you to take the matter seriously! The operation must go through "without noise and dust"! - he smiled at his joke, looking indulgently in my direction ...

 — — --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It took several hours of anxious waiting. The camp has already been rebounded. All dispersed in their tents. Hourly changed every hour. Finally, the camp subsided, plunged into sleep. In the moonlight loomed only the guards, who were eagerly awaiting their change. I took a nap. I was awakened by a shout of "divorcing". “Change ...” I thought sleepily, and looked at the clock. It was two in the morning. The guys started to stir too, listening to the conversation.

- Well, Lyuska! Wow! Yes, you will eat mosquitoes! - the watch commander of the sentry who had interceded the post quietly frowned. It was a tall girl whose figure attracted the eye. Even with the moonlight, her magnificent “data” was clearly distinguishable!

- Well, I did not take the spare pants! Now what ... Who thought that with these "attacks on the enemy," you can fall out like a pig! - justified that, pulling with hands the miniskirt.

- Well, I would have asked ... - reproachfully pronounced "divorcing".

- Yes ..., well, what is already there ..., I will suffer for an hour ... - Lyusya replied with a shrug.

- H-a-a-a-sik! - mimicked her head guard, this is for them here for an hour! - She pointed out with her hand to the changing of the sentry of the "younger" - and for us - two! Anyway! A group of girls headed by a distributor retired in the direction of the next post. “So tactics, like us! Elders are on duty at night. And the guys were definitely “freaked out”, I thought with pride, “the sentries are all girls!” Ten minutes later, the shift was completed. The camp again plunged into absolute silence, which only the chirping of grasshoppers violated. “A picturesque picture!” - I thought, watching the camp in front of me, flooded with soft moonlight.

The girl at the post obviously started to get bored, not knowing how to pass away these “endless” for her two hours. Having thought up an occupation, she tried to catch grasshoppers, bending low to the grass, absolutely not worrying that from under her "mini" every now and then "peeking" white panties. Vitka, giving a hand sign to two guys, crawled towards the sentry. Having passed as “snakes” through a small elevation, the guys in a few seconds lay down behind a thick bush that was approaching the enemy’s location. The case was "spoiled" by the full moon, and even five meters of open space between the tents and thick bushes. It was dangerous to “remove” a girl from her post when she was on the perimeter of the camp. The perimeter was “shot through” by another sentry who was on the other side of the “square”. Understood it and the guys, waiting for the right moment. Finally he came. Chasing one particularly “stubborn” insect, the “sentinel” did not notice how it turned out to be in front of the bushes behind which my “paratroopers” lurked. Catching a grasshopper, she turned her back on the “ambush” and, stopping, threw the insect up, releasing it again.

- UH-HMM !!! - She did not have time to cry out, as Vitkina's hand tightly clamped her mouth. Two more shadows flickered toward the struggles. One of the guys deftly "hooked" the guard, clasping her legs. Together with Victor, they quickly threw the kicking girl on the grass. Hope suddenly emerged from the darkness, quickly taking the place of the "shot" guard. “Everybody thought it over!” I smirked to myself, continuing to observe the operation. Meanwhile, the girl had already "pack." The three guys famously coped with the first "task." After a couple of minutes in front of them, there was a "sentinel" bound hand and foot. From the weak mooing that came from behind the bushes, I realized that they had something muffled in her mouth! “Like in a real movie!” - flashed through my head when I noticed through the whitening in the dark panties that I was dragged into bushes. I waited for the operation to continue. Five minutes later, I began to worry. The guys apparently were not in a hurry to continue. Suddenly, a lingering "lowing" of a mouth plugged with something came from the bushes. in the direction of the sounds. After a minute I was there. watchfully the bushes that blocked my view, I was numb. The girl was lying on her stomach. Her mouth was shut tight with her rolled up in a “gag” with a cap, from which some animal was bellowing. Looking closer, he noticed Vitka, who was already "working" with his pelvis. "Here is a bastard! It will let me go, I’m still in prison ...! Brute!" rape, and I will have to answer, unlike them, "like an adult"! Decided to act without delay, to stop this whole nightmare! Quietly crawled closer to the "rear" and pulled Vitka by the leg. He turned to me with a "animal" grin on his face. "Go away... ! Asshole ...! ”He croaked, gasping, then shook his head at the guys. Without hesitation, they crawled up to me and poked their mobiles in my nose, reminding me of the “case” in the warehouse. But to me at this moment ... Read more →

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