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the bandaged mummy ... "- I grinned, watching the" twitching "in the hands of the boys in the raincoat, so tightly" wrapped "around the body of the wife of the boss that almost all of her female" charms "stood out. The guys left only the upper part of the "diaper" ajar, for "ventilation". From there, only the gag was “peeking”, with which the mouth was “stolen”. “Good! - I thought, glancing at the wriggling "bundle", - long legs, thighs ..., chest! It would be nice to “fuck” her again! ”

Finally, we got to the camp. The wriggling and "mooing" Lyudmila was laid in the tents of the older girls, leaving Nadezhda and Tatiana to be guarded, so that none of the "meluzgni" would accidentally find the "commander-in-chief of the Reds" in an uncomfortable position. We, myself and the guys, gathered in my tent for an “emergency” meeting. Victor suggested that at dawn, which was already close, to send our envoy with the announcement of the disgraceful, for the "enemy", the end of the "war." The whole company began to gag together, offering various "humiliating" conditions for the solemn surrender of the "enemy." I liked the idea of ​​Mihani, who said that he would very much like to see the whole company of “Reds” at our disposal in order to get his non-reserved commander out of our hands. Listening to various scenarios, I looked at my watch — it was half past five in the morning. “Yes ... they discovered their" shot "sentries for a long time ..., it’s good that we guessed to pull the girls out of the bushes and put them near the tents ... I would like to see their faces, - I thought, imagining how the change reveals two swaddled hands and feet of girls with gags in their mouths — that’s “Hochma” —that is! ”Then, stretching out tiredly, he left the tent for fresh air. Lit a cigarette, he noticed that it was cool. “Finally,” I thought, “and then the last few days have been very unbearable from the heat. Even at night there is a breath. “While smoking a cigarette, I began to stroll around the camp, listening to the deathly silence that prevailed during these morning hours. “Even the nightingales are not heard ... for some reason?” I thought and stopped near the tent with “abducted” Lyudmila. “Eh! If there were no girls in the tent ... then it would be possible for Lyudochka to “untie”! - flashed my arrogant thought. Sighing with annoyance, he turned around and already went back to his boyfriends, when he heard some fuss and muffled lowing of a muffled mouth from a tent of girls. "Something is wrong! - again a cold sweat broke through on me, - only for one night tonight, I could already “trumpet” twice with trust in the article ...! And then there's the third “surprise” !!! ”, carefully rounding the tent, peered through a small window in the back wall. In the dawn twilight, I could barely see the girls and our "bundle", which he recognized from the gag that was turning white. One of them fumbled hands over the cape in which Lyudmila was “swaddled”.

- Well, you ... leave ... her ... Teacher ... yet! Said one of them, by whose voice I recognized Tatiana.

- Come on... ! Well I just polapayu ... this swell! - the voice belonged, of course, Nadya. With these words, he finally snuck his hand in the folds of the cloak and reached the body of Lyudmila.

- MHMMHM !!! - she responded to the touch of the girl.

“Well ... do not kick ... I’ll just feel ... between your legs ..." Nadka wheezed excitedly and insistently began to push her hand between Lyudmila's bound thighs.

- HMHMMH !!! - the kidnapped jerked, trying to roll over on his stomach.

- Oh well! - Hope held her sacrifice with her free hand - she will not ... lose ... from you ...

- MHMNMHM !!! - did not give up Luda.

- Wow !!! What ... chubby ..., - said the "tillage", thus making it clear that she had reached the crotch of the teacher, - oh-her !!! And the sponges are sexual ... which ones ... we have ... well, right ... juice drips ... - Hope continued, trying to insert her finger into the vagina of a bound woman, then turning to Tatyana abruptly threw:

- Take out the "friend" from the bag!

- Well ... maybe ... don't? - Tanya whimpered.

- Need, Need! An adult chick ... I have never ... never had ..., said Nadka, panting from excitement and turning Lyudmila Anatolyevna over on her stomach. Tanya climbed into the bag. “Behind the strap-ons!” - flashed through my head and immediately, without realizing it, practically broke into the tent, having decided to prevent another rape, which could have had one hundred percent very serious consequences. Tatiana froze in surprise, holding a cooked "member." Without hesitation, I forcefully pushed Nadia away, who simply stuck into the canvas wall.

- Everything! Enough! It's time to release the prisoner! ”They played and“ won! ”- I said, unwinding Lyudmila. Finally, the bound woman was released from her“ tent ”captivity. During my last spurt, the cloak-tent, Lyudka involuntarily rolled onto her stomach, muttering deafly. from the opened picture! Lyudka was only in her underpants and a bra, which was clearly white in the twilight. Her legs were tightly tied in two places with ropes, her hands were tied at the elbows too! "Yes! How the professionals worked! Swaddled the woman! Well, after all, what is her figure! And the forms !!! ”- I had already started drooling, looking at her tight ass covered with white panties, as Ludmila's“ mooing ”brought me to life. I quickly began to untie the woman kidnapped by my guys. Quickly coped with the task, turned her on his back. In the first seconds she lay motionless, waiting for the blood to flow to her sore limbs. Nadka could not resist and whistled with admiration! And it was from what! Tight breast in a white bra distinctly raised two knolls in the twilight of the tent, slender legs smoothly turned into a compound that was dressed in the same color as the bra, panties, tightly fitting the crotch of their owner, highlighting the "tubercle" of her "juicy" sexual lips . “Wow! Blow her now! ”I thought excitedly.

- MHMNM !!! - rang out in a tent.

- Now! - I realized it, completely forgetting that the mouth of the “victim” was still shut up, and she herself did not have the strength to pull out the gag with her still-stiff hands. Quickly grabbing the sticking rag, pulled it out of his mouth. Luda coughed. Then he slowly sat down and, rubbing his sore hands, suddenly slapped a loud slap in the face ... Hope!

- Oh, you creature, so! How dare you !!! How dare you at all !!! - suddenly she screamed ...

- Lyudmila Anatolyevna ... - Tatiana started to make excuses, who foresaw such a denouement.

- Yes, what I LUDMILA ANATOLYEVNA to you !!! - interrupted the girl, resounded hysterical cry. I ... ONEMEL ... Then, in a voice that was dry with excitement, I could barely squeeze myself out:

- L-E-E-ON ?!

- Elena ... Vasilievna ...? - breathed Nadya, - but then ... we ... - she looked at me with wide open eyes of surprise. I was confused, but, quickly came to myself, I asked the girls to leave the tent. He himself, having finally seen his own wife in the twilight of the tent, prepared to find out ... the relationship ...

 — — --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- Yes, what is it? !! - the wife mumbled, being torn through a bush in the direction to the camp. I plodded back from behind, as a guide, never ceasing to admire her magnificent figure, wrapped in a cloak, in the manner of the Greco-Roman aristocrats. She really had this “dress” that she made herself, for lack of the best at hand. "Wow! - I never ceased to be surprised, - I got so used to the beauty of my wife that I just stopped ... to notice it! It was necessary to happen what happened ... so that I again ... "discovered" for myself ... my own spouse ... ... Read more →

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