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about "danger", she stopped with her back to the bushes and stretched wearily, shaking off sleep. The moment was the same! One of the guys silently rising from the ground, rushed to Lida.

- Oh th-mmm !!! - scream girl was torn off by the hand of the guy, tightly clamped her mouth. Another one jumped to help him with lightning speed, and, clutching Lidka by the legs, they quickly dragged the "lowing" girl into the bushes. A minute later, the detachment of the "enemy", silently "removing" the sentry, dissolved in the location of our camp. But ... here, finally, luck was on our side! The fact is that, having suffered significant losses in the "living" power, we nevertheless did not begin to dismantle the tents of the "dead." The enemy, not knowing this, made a mistake. The senior “landing force” lined up in front of tents and smashed them into groups of two people, waving his hand to give the signal to attack! The teams simultaneously dived into ... empty padatki ...! "Anxiety !!!" - I screamed that there were forces, realizing that the most suitable moment. The older groups of the "enemy" sat down in surprise, trying to understand where the cry came from. my remaining in the “live” “milyuzgnya.” Quickly identifying the four guys as “enemies”, they rushed into a “battle.” But the forces were unequal! , sending them one by one, on the “other side of the forest.” Finally, unable to stand, from pa ATOC's head of my "senior" When he saw me, Vitek asked irritably.:

- What kind of nonsense, Petrovich !!! Sleep, you give us, finally, or not? Childhood in the ass began to play?

- Listen ..., Vit ..., help! If you want all this fuss to stop, help rip the ribbons off of them! - I showed up at the enemy "landing", which already received help from its "fighters" crawling out of empty tents.

- Fie you! Yo Mama... ! Asshole ...! Hey, men, - he turned to his “tale”, sticking his head out, - come on, let's finish it soon with this ... fucking gimp ...! It hurts to sleep ... I want to!

“Fellowship” with a “wild” whooping has rushed to the very epicenter of the fight! After three minutes, it was all over ... The fallen "enemy", along with our "losses", stretched dejectedly in the direction "on the other side of the forest." Lida, passing by me, smiled apologetically. It was forbidden to talk with the “killed” rules of the game ... Having thanked the guys for their help, I tiredly climbed into the tent, noticing out of the corner of my eye how Witek, looking at me, twisted his finger at his temple ...

In the morning a messenger from the “Reds” arrived at the location of our camp. Holding a white flag. He gave an ultimatum to his command of "surrender." “A psychological reception!” - I thought and asked him to tell my “commander in chief” that in two hours we would give our answer through our “parliamentarian”. The boy ran away. I needed to gain time, for which I hoped to persuade the “fraternity” to help the situation. The situation was not easy. Despite the fact that we were able to "knock out" all the guys of the older group of the enemy, he continued to significantly surpass us in the "living" power. “Youngsters” in alliance with the girls of the older group were quite serious. We were almost completely drained of blood. Of the girls were only Tatiana and Hope. Four girls involved in the two "detachments", "died" that night along with them, captured by the enemy's night paratroop by surprise. "Not too thick with small fry - some twenty people ..." I thought, at the same time thinking about a plan to attract "lads." It was necessary to use Hope. I decided to quickly assemble a “military council”, inviting Viktor to it. Five minutes later, two girls were in my tent. Vitka had to wait a bit. Ten minutes after the urgent “gathering”, Vitek impulsively rolled into the tent.

- Che, Petrovich ...? He asked, grinning, looking at the audience.

“We need the help of your Makhnovists,” I began trying to make a compliment, but he cut me off:

- ... yes, leave it alone, Petrovich ... - he waved his hand, but from the expression on his face I realized that I had hit the mark. At his age, youthful maximalism reached its epoch, so my recognition of his “autonomy” achieved the desired goal. Suddenly Hope intervened in the conversation:

- “Makhnovists”! - she laughed, - and who is this ...? Nestor Ivanovich himself ...? - already burst into laughter Nadia, casting "love" glances at Tanya, who, blushing a bit, lowered her eyes.

- Well, Nagy! - fearing that she would ruin everything he tried to rein in her. But she not only did not spoil anything, but also ... helped. Vitek squinted suddenly sarcastically:

- Yes, we would be with the "fraternity", if we wanted, we would have finished this thing in a matter of hours!

- Oh, I can not ...! - Nadia continued to burst into laughter, pointing at Vitya, - oh, Petrovich ..., look at our “Hannibal” ...!

Nevertheless, I became interested in the phrase abandoned by the leader of the guys.

- Yah! - I was surprised - right after all in a matter of hours? How is it?

- Yes, very simple! - blurted out Vitek, who was already irritated by the mocking laughter of the “plowns” of girls, “you read in the rules of the game that you can win and capture the“ commander-in-chief ”captive! Che war games something!

- Well... ? - pushing Viktor with his naive question to continue the thought.

“What ...“ so what? ”He wondered at my incompetence,“ on the first night I had to “steal” ... this “commander-in-chief”! That's it! Who is there with them?

- Lyudmila Anatolevna! - I prompted him.

- Well, here it was necessary to “fire” it! What few movies about the "warrior" watched Petrovich? - he was surprised - you do not know how this is done? I can teach! - he condescendingly finished his tirade.

- Well ... well ... teach ...! - I was delighted, watching as Vitek got caught in the nets I had placed!

“He will ... teach ...” Hope gasped with laughter.

- So it is! - I decided to take the initiative in my hands, - my plan of action has matured!

Chapter Four: Abduction.

Despite the night it was quite stuffy, I would say even hot. Our group of "capture" of four guys and two girls on the perimeter of the forest made our way to the "red" rate. At the head of the squad was Victor. I had to stay at our place, that was the condition of the leader of the guys. But, just in case, in secret from the guys, I followed them, keeping a safe distance from the group, in order not to detect my presence and not to spoil the course of the “operation”. Prior to this, we launched a “duck” to the enemy, passing through our envoy, that we agree to “surrender”, but only the next morning, since we “really wanted to enjoy nature longer!” The enemy did not object. In addition, our envoy was our intelligence officer, who quietly re-enacted the "enemy camp", so more or less, my "paratroopers" were ready. Waiting for the dark, the detachment emerged from the camp.

After about forty minutes, a group of "capture" was in place. I watched from behind the bushes as the boys and girls were talking about something. Then he noticed how two guys separated from the group and disappeared into the dark ...

- Petrovich! But we agreed! - I heard the voice of Vitka from the back.

- Yes ... I ... here ... - I began to cry embarrassedly.

- Ok, I understand! But only under one condition! You are with us, but we “don’t see” and “don’t hear”! In a word - do not interfere! Is going?

- It goes ... - I accepted the ultimatum.

- Well, then let's go to the group! Che one “toil”! - he quietly gnawed and we headed towards the group waiting for us.

The guys greeted me indulgently tapping on the shoulder, making it clear that this does not work with them. I was silent, as agreed.

- So ... Read more →

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