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It absolutely does not care, this blackmail. I wanted to save the girl and my future to boot. I didn’t smile behind the bars, especially in such a “slippery” article. Pushing them away, I again tried to grab Vitka by the leg. But, the guys holding me, once again poked their phones in my face.

- You ..., soaring ..., do not hurry ... Look better, take a closer look!

I looked at the screen of one of the Stows. My hair "stood on end"! "Well, scum! That's it ..." tied up "... you ... Andrei Petrovich ...!" - the thought burned me. In the photo I was ... in my own person .. imprinted at the window of the girls' house! At the bottom of the icons clearly highlighted ... date ... and time! I clutched at the head: "The day when" lowered "... Tatiana ...!"

- That, soaring ..., before "weaving" ... a suspension all pro and contra! You ... adult tea! - they quietly laughed, - And our boss has a “holiday” today! It is not every day that the little girl can be assailed at the “point”!

- Yes, you ... - I began, but I was cut off:

- Nah! And suddenly, the "girl" would be ... You understand that ... we do not crave for "blood" - therefore in the ass ... or rather! - they muffled neigh. I felt sick! I realized that I had only one thing left - to pray for the imminent completion of ... freaking practice! Meanwhile, Vitka, snarling softly, “rolled down” from his victim. The guys, leaning over her, quickly “clicked” with their mobile phones. “Well, bitches! Congenital blackmailers! ”- I thought, knowing what it was done for. It is good that due to the thick bushes and quite bright moonlight, the night “flashes” of their cellular ones were not so noticeable. Then they pulled the panties on the "ragged" ass of the girl and lowered the skirt in place. A little breath, Vitek leaned over the girl's ear and whispered something. That, sobbing, affirmatively "moaned." “Another victim of blackmail!” - I grinned and meekly, submitting to fate, began to expect further “course of events”. Witek made a sign with his hand and his "paratroopers" were ticked off "snakes" towards another sentry, whose looming shadow was clearly visible from behind the tent, the entrance of which she "guarded". Here the task was significantly complicated. There could be no talk of trying to "remove" from the post of the girl directly in front of the entrance. The guys, taking positions, whispered about something. Waving his hand somewhere in the dark, giving a sign, Vitek picked up a small lump of earth and, without raising his hand, threw it at the feet of the sentry. The girl shuddered in surprise. Then, looking around the corner of the high tent of his “commander-in-chief”, she giggled softly:

- Ok, you, Lyusk! - She turned into the darkness, calling the name of the girl from a nearby post, unaware that she was already bound hand and foot, and with a gag in her mouth, not very far in the bushes. Witek threw another ball.

- Well, I beg you ...! You know what a coward I am! - the girl pretended to “whimper”, carefully bending around the tent, trying to find Lucy “mocking” over it. The guys were waiting for the moment when the sentry would wrap around the corner and be at the back of the tent.

- Ok, Lyuska ... vyhodMMHMHM! - the girl did not have time to finish, as the three shadows that had thrown from the bushes suddenly piled on and, holding her mouth, threw her to the ground.

- HMNMUMMM !!! - as the girl could resist, trying to escape from the tenacious hands of my “paratroopers”, but they had already managed to pull her hands behind her back with a rope and now they tied her legs, pressing them to the ground so that the victim would not kick much. When the sentry was tied up, Vitka withdrew the pouch from her head with a quick movement.

- NEMMNMM !!! - squeezed the cries of the girl, stopped tightly gagged cap.

- Tanya-on post! - Vitek shouted in muffled darkness, and suddenly Tatiana's figure grew in front of him, quickly taking the place of what he had just “removed” from the post of sentry. The guys, lifting the bound girl from the ground, disappeared into the dark with her.Witek stayed behind the tent. All this time I was in the bushes, watching the progress of the operation. Suddenly I flinched. In the bushes, where the guys disappeared, there was a long drawn out "moo". “And this ... will be“ blackmailed ”!” - I thought, weakly putting my head on my hands, imagining the “picture” in my mind that was unfolding behind the bushes. I just had to dutifully wait for the end of the "execution" ...

Finally, from the darkness, rustled over the grass of the guys' bodies.

- Well? - asked Vitek

- Normally ..., boss! Thank... ! - catching his breath answered one of them.

- Give a sign Mihan! Let creeps ... - gave the order Victor.

- Ready? Vitek asked, nodding his head towards the tent, when he saw Mihan, who was out of breath, joined their group.

- Well, and ... what ...? - the guys grinned, - do not “break” something ...?

- That “to break” - that “we break” ..., but only “chick” - then this ... more mature ...! If we blunder something, then we can ... “break” can ... or even break ... - Victor philosophized, turning to the guys, while looking around the neighborhood near the tent.

- Oh, come on, boss! - offended one of them, - think ...

- So it is! Ropes, gag - ready? - he cut him off.

- Yes...

- Then ... crawl into the tent! Without fanfare, of course! Do not make any extra movements inside! The eyes should get used to the darkness in the tent, and then the moon here "spoiled" with its light! As soon as we define the "body", we make an attack! Turn it over on your stomach until you wake up. So that there is no confusion - Pashka is piling on his feet, but watch manage to capture them and hold them together while Mihan ties them up, otherwise you can earn money in the penny! How to drink to give! You, Valery, wring your hands and hold, when Mihan, after the feet of Lyudmila Anatolyevna, will tie hands. All this time I pinch her mouth, when the first is over, help me gag it. We wrap up Anatolyevna in a cloak-tent and crawl out the "body". You can get up only when we are behind the tents in the bushes! Everyone is clear ?! - having finished detailed instructing, Vitek looked at his fraternity.

- Yes ... but only ... in the cloak ... why ?! - puzzled asked Pasha.

- And ... suddenly she ... in "negligee" ...? - Victor answered and, looking at me, laughed - to see the wife of the camp commander in shorts ... a little indecent ..., only adult "uncles" do this, also, Petrovich ?! Yes! And yet! "Girl" she is visible ... so no nonsense!

- Well ... you are us ... you know, boss! - quietly "whimper" they.

“That’s why I’m warning you ...” said Victor and gave the order to start the operation. Guys like eels crawled to the entrance to the tent, past the unsatisfied Tatyana. For a minute there was no sound from the tent. Then a quiet scuffle was heard and a scream shouted by the attacker's palm. After a few seconds, from the noise that was heard, I realized that the struggle had turned around in earnest. A couple of times the central stand of the tent even swung, risking to overwhelm all this “structure” with its fall. Finally, in a few minutes, which seemed to me like an eternity, the fussing in the tent subsided. Lyudmila Anatolyevna’s cries, “strangled” by Victor’s hand, were interrupted by a gag that shut her mouth ...

 — — -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The operation of “abduction” of the commander-in-chief of the “Reds” was completed successfully. The camp of the "enemy" was left behind. For about twenty minutes we were making our way through the forest to our location. Four guys carried kicking "bundle", clasping it in four places. The silence was broken only by the deaf “lowing” that came from the raincoat in which Lyudmila Anatolyevna “wrapped” tightly wrapped. "How ... Read more →

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