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Chapter One: Camp

This summer, we were sent by our wife, fourth-year students of the pedagogical institute, to the so-called “work experience”. To go, as always, terribly did not want to. Somehow I was soothed by the thought that this was our last final “compulsion” during my studies and only for one month. Everything would be fine, but one circumstance spoiled the mood - we had to be leaders in one of the special detachments for difficult-to-be teenagers of one of the orphanages of our city. Lenka, my wife, upon learning of this, fell into a "professional" depression. I had to reassure her in every way so that I would not fail what a good summer session. In preparation for the exams, the weeks that separated us from our last practice flew unnoticed. Finally, everything was behind - exams passed, tests were obtained. A week later we were waited in the administration of the camp for schoolchildren "Dawn". Lenka did not go herself.

- Well, what are you so worried? - I asked her, - you will think only one month, and then - freedom! Let us go for a week or two with you on the Black Sea coast ..., "draw back" in full ..., take a rest ... and then finish the last course with fresh forces ...

- No, Andrei, well, maybe you can come up with something? Swap with someone ...? Maybe there are some masochists who like to work with difficult to educate ...? - could not accept the thought of the upcoming practice, my wife.

- Well, what are you ... really? - I reassured her.

- In my opinion, Andrei, you do not fully understand ... the whole complexity of the situation! Others for some reason will work with normal children ..., and practice and rest at the same time ..., and not only did we get "difficult" children ..., and besides, all individuals are male ..., yes such an age that just ... horror !!!

- First, you are exaggerating everything, as always, my Alyonushka! - I was hugging my wife, I was sentencing, - Not all will be “male individuals”. They explained to us that the detachment will be consolidated - out of twenty-five people - ten will be girls! You will be responsible mainly for girls ... why are you afraid of something ?! Well ... age, of course, difficult ..., at 15-16 years old youthful maximalism overlaps over the edge, but ... it's only thirty days ... no more ... is it worth it to dramatize the situation too much ?

- I do not know, Andrei! But I have some kind of bad premonition ... - my "half" continued to insist on her.

- Come on, you engage in self-bombing! - I laughed it off, still not knowing that my wife was ... RIGHT !!!

 — — ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

On the appointed day we arrived at the camp for children, where we had to work a whole month. The children arrived the next day, so the administration decided to devote the first day of arrival to the tutors to familiarize themselves with the camp. The houses were wooden, designed for twenty people. The camp had splendid athletic fields, besides it was located in a green ravine, smoothly descending to the shore of a small lake, where a beach for children was equipped. The houses of our detachment were located at the very end of all the buildings, almost resting against a thick cool forest, which picturesquely fit into the full ensemble of the camp. “Well, not everything is so bad,” I thought, unpacking things from the suitcase and settling down in my new “home,” but they shared it with my wife! Well, oh well, let's think of something ... “Lena was settled in a nearby house for girls. Despite all her persuasion, the camp head flatly refused to settle us together, citing his refusal by the impossibility of violating the “instructions”. Lenka, having slightly complained, calmed down at the thought that our houses were only five meters away from each other, which means she could count on my support if necessary. I reassured her as best I could, trying to dispel her "fears."We spent the first night together in my “bungalow”, dedicating it to the god of love Eros.

In the morning, getting up early, quickly put themselves in order, and after breakfast, leisurely went to the central entrance, wait for buses with children. In the gazebo, at the checkpoint, we got to know each other more closely with other senior detachments. All were mostly young - up to 30 years. As I found out, only my wife and I were students. The rest were already taught at school and had, although still small, but, nevertheless, some kind of practice of communicating with children. Talking about - o-sem, did not notice how the first buses approached. Lenka, having thrown the first look at the motley mass of children pouring out of the buses, calmed down a bit. In appearance - they were children, like children. The camp commander, shouting the names on the list, distributed them into groups. The arbor with the teachers was a little empty as the buses arrived and the teams were formed. Formed groups dispersed with their elders in their houses for arrangement. Soon, only my wife and I remained in the gazebo. To our dumb question, the chief just shrugged his shoulders and said with a grin that the boarding school, as always, is late in his repertoire! Then, after some thought, he said that all the detachments had already been formed and only ours remained, so his presence at the entrance gate is not necessary, because only our “thugs” will be in the expected bus. With these words, having wished us good luck and, having given up the list with last names, I retired to the camp territory. Lenka and I exchanged glances.

- Pretty start! - finally said his wife, - from the first day already some problems ...

- Well, not deadly ... think late, with whom it does not happen! - I replied, starting to noticeably nervous. “We don’t have time to settle down and we can be late for dinner,” I thought to myself, “she’s right ... problems already.”

After an hour and a half of anxious waiting, finally, the rumble of a motor was heard and a bus appeared from around the bend. Famously braking at the entrance, the driver opened the door and released our ... "fraternity" ...! Teenagers 15–16 years old got off the bus, and some looked like they could have given all 20 years. After waiting for everyone to dismantle their bags, my wife and I approached the “our” squad.

- Hello guys! - I said a greeting and continued, - I am your senior educator. My name is Andrei Petrovich! And this is my assistant and senior in the group of girls - Elena Vasilyevna!

- Hello! - barely audibly said his wife, and then a little cheering up and taking herself in hand, said:

- Girls, let's quickly go to our house, leave things and go straight to dinner ... or we can be late ...

The girls, looking attentively at their “elder”, silently took their bags and involuntarily lined up in front of her. Lena, encouraged by her first “success,” led them to the camp site. The guys without hesitation, went after them, not paying any attention to me. I silently followed them, since our houses were near. A minute later, the guys began to cheer up, talking quietly about something. Unnoticed, coming closer to the group, I tried to identify their "leader" by external signs. It was one of the important moments, having missed that, it was possible to “bungle” the entire camp shift. Following the guys, I involuntarily began to hear snatches of their conversation.

- And no-what-ё-ё ... chick, then! And, Vitek? - turned not very tall teenager to the pokhrastomy, a head taller than him, a wiry guy.

- Yeah! - spitting himself under his feet, he said, - and with an "ace" ... you see ... as "walking" ... slut!

I felt a little uneasy. It was about my wife, who, unaware of anything, was walking in front of the “column” in her favorite denim mini-skirt. The fact that I had it was really beautiful, there was no doubt! My friends and acquaintances have told me about this many times. Nature has not cheated her - no ...

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