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figure, nor the beauty of the face. She was truly beautiful as a woman who drove more than one man crazy. Sometimes her beauty made me sad, especially when I presented my Lenka in the arms of another man. And here ... teenagers! "We must somehow make them understand that this is my wife ..., - I thought, - and something else good ..." - my thoughts were interrupted by the laughter of the boys. I listened attentively to them talk.

- That would be ... its "pull" ... on the "Kukan" ...! - dreamily came from a group of guys.

“Ny-ё-ё-ё ...!" We will stretch "... if ... it will be necessary ..." said Vitek gloomily, who apparently was the very "leader", - a month. .. ahead ... think of something ...!

The crowd cheered gaily. According to their self-assured grunt, I understood that Vitek was an indisputable authority for them, the word of which they used to believe. A cold sweat began to break through. Indeed, it was necessary to take some urgent countermeasures. If you do not stop the “sick fantasies” at the very root, then you could expect the most unexpected consequences ... I, a little ahead of the group, threw them, as if by chance:

- Hurry up, guys, and then ... Elena Vasilievna with the girls ... first to have dinner ... and I, as a husband, are ashamed to lose to my wife ...!

- Tyu-Yuu-Yu ..., so you ... - spouses ...? - casually handed Vitek and looking back at his comrades, he continued, - "family contract" ... so to speak! The crowd cheerfully "snealed."

- Well ... something like that! - I smiled and, having quickened my step, tried to set the pace for the “column”, then turning to Vitka said:

- Yes ... - my wife! Therefore, "I ask her to love and respect!" - I tried to translate everything into a joke, but the last phrase I threw was, as it turned out, uttered out of place ... The crowd cheered cheerfully.

- “Love” and “favor” !!! - someone mocked me from the group.

- Well, about the "love" ... We have already "loved" everything ..., Petrovich ..., - another voice rang out.

- ... eyes! - someone finished for him.

- ... for now ... "with eyes" ... - one more joined the "chorus" of voices.

- Well ... okay, that's enough! - I threw with a smile into the dispersed crowd - Joked and that's enough! Everything has its limits ...

- ... and we are "infinite" ..., Petrovich! - they did not let me finish the phrase I had begun, and the crowd again gnawed at the joke of their comrade. Suddenly, Vityok helped me, turning his head to his outgoing comrades, shouted:

- Okay! Everything! "Zaglohli" !!!

Goggle stopped. “Exactly - the leader!” - I was glad that I was able to quickly find the desired “goal” - now we need to cleverly “tame” him and there will be no problems! At that time I did not know what to “tame,” in fact, me ..., and then ... and ... Elena Vasilyevna!

 — — ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The first three days passed without any special incidents. Although the guys, it seemed to me, were reluctant to take part in the organizational activities of the camp. They were bored. And this was not at all related to their age. In our camp there was another senior squad, formed not from children of the orphanage, but from simple schools. So, they were all interested, my - no! There was a feeling that the boarding school was an order of magnitude "more mature" of their peers. Many things they perceived with great skepticism. Somehow they managed to persuade them to take part in the “Merry Starts”. “Building and Songs” was abandoned at all, citing it as an unnecessary “show-off”. What they did with pleasure was to cool the whole day at the beach, “quiet” smoking in the forest and ... peeping at the girls in the bath ... That was really the problem! My boys memorized the schedule of visiting the bath by the female sex of another senior squad ... and they were always ready! Several times I had to “frighten” them from the windows of the bath that went to the forest.Despite the fact that they were located quite high off the ground, the guys quickly came up with the idea to build home-made ladders from improvised material, which was in plenty in the forest. Constantly had to find and destroy their "siege" guns, hidden by them in the bushes. Sometimes, I myself terribly wanted to "remember youth." A couple of times, having driven off the “barbarians”, with an effort of will, he forced himself to break the improvised “stairs” and not to look inside the bathhouse ... somewhere in the disco, and even in the make-up, it never occurred to me that these were teenagers aged 16-17 years. However, the situation somehow managed to control and there were no special problems with the guys in the first days. It was necessary, of course, to make some concessions. Understanding that it is practically impossible to fight smoking, I suggested signing an agreement on smoking in a strictly designated place, closer to the forest behind the bushes. Much more problematic was the situation with my wife. She could not find a common language with her "accelerats", as I myself nicknamed them. Like the girls of the first senior squad, ours were not inferior to them in their physical development, but, on the contrary, even surpassed them in some way. At first, I couldn’t understand: what was the reason for their elusive, at first glance, superiority. Then I understood. In a look. Indeed, the gaze of our girls expressed some kind of confidence and ... readiness to repel anyone who encroached on their freedom. They reminded me of young amazons rather than high school students. The wife did not take into account this difference, imposed on the girls by life in the boarding school, where the right of the strong won. She, unlike me, made the unforgivable mistake that a student of the fifth year at the pedagogical institute had no right to admit. Without identifying a “leader” in a group of girls, she entered into a confrontation with one of them, which then made itself felt very bitterly. The hope with which my wife “went bad” from day one turned out to be the very “leader” whom my wife “missed”. The forces were unequal. Following the "leader", all the girls were hostile to their teacher. More and more often, after the "retirement", one had to hear from their house a raised tone of my wife, who sometimes turned into a cry. It was unacceptable. With her shouts, she showed them her complete helplessness as a group leader. Like my wife, I caught myself thinking that I needed to hold out until the end of the shift without any special “incidents”. All anything, but the situation was complicated by the fact that my wife and I had, in fact, no opportunity to have sex. If for Lenka, occupied by the psychological climate within his group, it did not deliver, as I understood, absolutely no “inconvenience”, then I started to take up this question and ... quite seriously. On my hints, somewhere "to be alone", my wife just nervously waved away. The situation had to be saved. I began to "look around" on the "sides". Even on the very first day I “laid eyes” on the teacher of another senior squad, Lyudmila Anatolyevna. It was a woman of thirty, in the very, that neither is, juice! Looking at her form, I simply drooled. There was no particular remorse about the plan that had ripened in my head. On all sorts of "practices," I often applied a "turn to the left," that is, I changed a little bit to my wife ... on occasion. And this was exactly the same ... case! Moreover, when meeting at various in-camera events, I repeatedly caught it with myself, as it seemed to me, with a promising look. Decided to act immediately. The plan matured by itself. Today, after hanging up for a "quiet hour", I had to change the bed linen of my squad. The exchange point was located right next to the houses of the Ludmila squad, so it would be possible ... to try "happiness" No sooner said than done! Gathering quickly with the help of the guys underwear, and leaving Lenka to “guard” the peace, I am straight ... Read more →

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