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completely naked. Hope with a sadistic smile put on her “friend”.

- Lidka! Rzdvin her feet and lick her! - she sharply ordered to the girl, - and you, Tanyuha, lay down near and polapay her breast! We must “tie” our horse for the future ...! - With these words, she pulled a digital camera out of her bag and prepared to take “unforgettable” pictures.

- Well, what are you digging like chickens! - she abruptly threw, fussing around the curled Lena, girls. Finally, they exactly fulfilled the orders of their “godmother”, “stretching” my wife on the floor to their full height. Hope with the pleasure of the "winner" pressed the camera button, "perpetuating" the act of violence against my wife. Although anyone who would have looked at these pictures would never say that Elena is a victim of rape! From the side it would have been thought that this is an “innocent” lesbian game. Even my wife’s face, wrinkled with pain, could be “interpreted” as an expression of the rising pleasure! “Yes ...! Situation, I thought, without realizing it, we became hostages of our technical progress!” Meanwhile, Lena gradually She came to herself. Hope immediately gave the order to lay her on her bed. The girls unquestioningly followed the instructions of the “boss.” Nadya, lifting Lenkiny pants and a bra from the floor, hung them on the back of the bed. Then, with the strap on, she sat on the edge of the bed and, spreading the thighs of my wife, fell mouth to her vagina ...

- Uhm ... - Elena moaned, finally, fully recovering herself and opening her eyes wide. Seeing Nadka’s head between her legs, she forcefully tried to shove her off with her foot.

- Well ... you ... slut ...! - she hissed, looking up from his wife's vagina, and pressing her hands to the mattress, - do not twitch ..., jelly ...! Lidka - "pictures"!

Lidka helpfully poked Hell’s still “hot” shots, kindly “flipping through” the camera’s buttons, the whole “glamorous” album.

- Any questions?! - grinned asked Nadka, stroking his wife between the thigh and slightly sticking a finger into her vagina. Lena was silent, staring at the ceiling, frantically trying to find a way out of this dead-end and very ... ticklish situation.

- What ... deaf or something? - repeated the question Nadya, - I hope you are a “girl” smart enough ...! Maybe ... something incomprehensible ...?! So I will ... explain ...!

- Do not ... need ... - Elena squeezed out hoarsely and turned her head to the wall.

- Well, that's good! We will not waste time! The rest of the week you will sleep with me! - powerfully declared "tillage", - "take" you will be as I want and where I want ...! And now ... spread your legs ..., my pupa ..., yes wider ...! - Glittering with excitement eyes, finished her tirade Hope. Lena cringed with all her body from humiliation, trying to somehow delay the moment of “surrender” shameful for her. Nadiku it infuriated!

- Probably, you, after all ..., did not understand something! - Evil said "tillage" turning to the face of my wife and looking into her eyes.

“Nooo ... just ... girls ... look ..." Lena squeezed out humbly. Nadya, turning to the girls standing with their mouths open, ordered abruptly:

- All in their beds! Alive! The concert is over!

Having heard the order of the “commander”, everyone rushed to their seats. Guys reluctantly left their observation post, quietly laughing and without embarrassment “savoring” the delights of my wife. I stayed at the window, trying to digest what I saw and heard in the last 24 hours. Thoughts randomly "worn" in my head, not at all going to streamline its sequence. I could only stare stupidly out the window and "watch" to the end ... this thriller!

- Relax ... my girl ...! - Hope whispered in Lena's ear, at the same time pulling her face to her and trying to kiss her passionately.

- Well ..., Nagy ..., - the wife bashfully resisted, dodging nadinyh lips and weakly pushing away the hands that pawed her body.

- Well ... that you are ... so ... disingenuous ..., my chicken ...! - the tillage girl did not back down from her victim, getting more and more excited, continuing to greedily kiss my wife's chest and neck, while at the same time not stopping the attack with her hand on her crotch.

- Well ... let go ... me ..., Nadya ...! - Lena humiliatedly begged her rapist, - I am ... married ...!

- Well, one another ... no interferences-MMM! - with these words, Nadya eagerly “sucked” Lenin's mouth, deeply sticking her tongue into it.

- Well ... Nagy-mmm ..., well, not at-mmm, past-mmm ... you-mmm !!! - as Elena could have dodged, but Nadya already “settled down” between her thighs and, continuing her greedy kisses, inserted the strap-on head into her vagina.

- Not-mmm ... not want-mmm ...! - shoved his wife trying to rape her girlfriend.

- No ..., my little girl ..., already ... late ... - choking from overexcitement, Hope said and with a sharp exhalation ... planted her strapon in the vagina.

- Oh - MMMM !!! - Lena cried out from the pain that pierced through her, but the hand of the rapist imperiously lay on her mouth:

“T s-sss ... doll, don't ... so ... loud ...,” Nadka whispered, simultaneously pushing the “member” between the Lenkin hips more deeply.

- HMMHM !!! - the wife whimpered, taking in herself completely the “boyfriend” of the raped and, forcedly, surrendering to the will of Providence.

- Well ... here ... relax ... my love ... you will be fine ...! - Hope said, removing the hand from the mouth of his "victim" and not letting her breathe, "plugged" him again with a long kiss ... "Pacha" "dragged" my wife until the morning, like a real peasant. I wondered how she had so much energy! The last hour of the “execution” Elena did not react at all to the powerful “male” coitus of her abuser, weakly turning her head to the wall, only the girls who had been thrown on her shoulders who had been raping her swayed in time to the strap-on that had entered and left her bosom. Just before the ascent, Nadya finally exhausted, and embracing my wife by the shoulders, pressing her body to her ass, peacefully fell asleep ...

 — — ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —

The next day, Lena, practically did not spread a word with me. On my attempts to talk to her, she, hiding her eyes, kept refusing, thinking up different reasons for avoiding our conversation. This behavior of my wife was quite understandable to me. But so that she would in no way suspect that I was “in the know” of her rape at night, I had to play my role plausibly and naturally. The day passed somehow sluggishly, and I was overjoyed when they announced that today is our cinema day and the camp administration invited everyone to watch some western at 9 pm at 21.00 at the summer cinema. “At least it will be possible to distract myself and Alenka ...” - I thought with relief.

Finally, the hour has come, and I finally exchanged a few words with Lena and said to her that I would be waiting for her at the cinema. The wife replied that as soon as the changed bedclothes were delivered to the laundry, she would immediately join. I, in turn, saw the linen units offered my help. Suddenly Nadya looked out of the house and, smiling, said:

- Do not worry, Andrei Petrovich! Lida and I will help her, and you better take Elena Vasilyevna's place ... And we ... this ... quickly ... we'll manage!

I looked closely at my wife. She, looking down for a moment, mechanically began to pull up her denim mini-skirt, obviously nervous. Then, embarrassed, she looked up and squeezed out of herself

- Yes ..., Andryush ..., you, perhaps, really ... go borrow ... Read more →

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