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the brain, tired of dark thoughts, rejoicing at least such a small respite in order to distract itself from the nervous tension. Suddenly on the opposite side, I noticed some kind of stirring. Thickets of bushes bypassed a kind of “horseshoe” arbor, thus forming a semicircle, which broke only at the place of descent to the pond. I was located just opposite, where the distance to the wooden arbor was about ten to twelve meters. The other green “wall” approached it very close. There was no doubt that on the opposite side in the bushes someone was hiding! The night was absolutely windless, so that the movement of the branches of the shrub indicated something of a secret presence in the immediate vicinity of the meeting place. “Lidka ... probably! - I thought, knowing about Nadkina's girlfriend's jealousy, - her “resignation” does not give rest! ”Hope, meanwhile, tired of sitting, got up and began to stroll inside the arbor, certainly in anticipation of a good“ entertainment ”with an adult woman about which she had been so long dreamed. “He wants to“ work out ”the opportunity to“ play around ”with my wife to the fullest!” I thought evilly, looking at the girl walking in the light of the lantern. Hope was clearly thinking of something, surely drawing pictures of the upcoming "copulation" in her brain. In thought, she came out of the gazebo and began to walk around her, continuing to devote herself to her imagination. She plunged so deeply into the world of dreams that if even at that moment a cannon shot slammed, Nadia would hardly have paid attention to it ... But in vain ...! The attack happened so quickly and clearly that one could think that it was not only thoroughly thought out in advance, but also carefully worked out! When Hope in thought once again turned its back on the bushes, three of them swiftly darted towards the “victim”. Nadia did not have time to make the slightest sound. The hand of one of the attackers tightly squeezed her mouth, two others grabbing the girl by the legs and across the body, dragged her into the bushes. After a couple of minutes, the fuss in the bushes subsided. “What is this new scenario ?!”, I thought anxiously, realizing that literally in a few minutes my wife should appear on the “stage”! In order to prevent unforeseen complications, he decided at his own risk to “scout out” the situation on the other side of the green “wall” where Hope was dragged. Trying not to make too much noise, he quietly made his way around the perimeter of the shrubber to the place of the girl's “abduction”. Approaching at a sufficient distance, I stopped, hearing muffled voices coming from behind a large bush that blocked my view. Creeping closer, he carefully pushed aside one of the branches and ... was dumbfounded! On a small clearing, a man saw seven ... guys and one girl! Soon I saw the whole group of "kidnappers". The girl, without a doubt, was Lida! "Lesbian's revenge!" - I thought, realizing that she simply "substituted" Hope, thereby trying to avenge the "sold" love, and with it "punish" her new " lover "! The guys, of course, were from my squad, especially since I managed to find out Vitka in one of them." Well ... the situation! "- flashed through my mind. I simply did not know ... what to do ? !! Suddenly a muffled lowing was heard from somewhere below. Looking closely, she saw Nadya, bound hand and foot. She was rolling around on the grass, trying to to free myself from my fetters, but all her efforts were in vain. There was a tight gag sticking out of her mouth, tightly plugging her mouth. "Yes-ah-ah-ah !!! Well ... business !!!" - I began to frantically look for a way out from the present situation, as my thoughts were interrupted by the quiet conversation of the “kidnappers”:

- ... will come or not? - asked Victor Lida.

- Vit! But where will she go? We tied her well with a photo album ... Knows this ... our bitch! - with these words Lidka kicked her bound Hope in the side.

- MHMM !!! - Nadia snapped through the gag, again zazyvavavshis on the grass, trying to unleash.

- Ha! Twisted! Do not twitch ...! Comes to you ... turn! - evil looking at his former lover, Lida squeezed through her teeth.

- Will come, come! - Vitek mimicked the girl, - and suddenly ... is overstated ...! The teacher ..., after all ...!

- Well, you are a fool, Vitek! This bitch five times before the morning “pulled” her! - again, she kicked her foot, Nadya, who was dumbly moaning through the gag, - And today she telled at her in the "glasses" in ... the laundry! Yes, if her husband finds out about this, or ... someone higher ... do you know what a shame it will be ?! I'm not talking about the other consequences ...! Moreover, we have a photo album! “Lidka giggled wickedly,” so come-yo-yot! Nowhere not going anywhere! To be late, to be late! For decency! But what about - she is “still educated-a-a-bargain”! The girl's boy mocked, giggling softly. - You would be better defined, finally, with a group of "capture"! And then all I look at chance hoping! - Lyudka continued with knowledge of the case, as if - all her life she was only engaged in the abduction of women.

- And what is there to be determined? Vaughn Mihan with those two goons and ... with my help, of course, and they will break our birdie! What to think? - Vitek reiterated, dissatisfied with the fact that Lidka began to poke her nose in "male" affairs.

- What to think - what to think! - again the girl mocked him, - it’s not for you Nadya to “fill up”! If this “birdie” has time to make a fuss, then ... you know yourself ... what it smells like!

- Yes, okay, you fear something "screw"! Look, when she was “swaddled” by mistake instead of Lyudmila ... in a tent ..., the guys coped with “excellent” ... - “without noise and dust” ... she didn’t have time to peep ...! Handles - legs tied ..., a rag in a mouth ..., "worked" like professionals! In the best "traditions" of Hollywood! - Vitek laughed.

- Oh well... ! James Bond... ! We'll see... ! - Lidka snapped, then listening to the silence of the night, quietly whispered: - It seems ... coming!

Guys all, as if on cue, bent over the bushes. Witek, looking at Lidka, briefly threw:

- Well ... come on ... play ..., "actress"!

Lidka, grinning, went out into the light of the lantern. From afar one could think that this was indeed Hope, so accurately “copied” Lida to her former mistress. Lena was slowly approaching the gazebo, trying to somehow delay the time of the “shameful” meeting. “But, nevertheless, I have a beautiful wife!” - the thought flashed through my mind, completely out of place and time. Lena was really good! The short skirt especially emphasized the slimness of her legs, and the tight blouse - the femininity of the figure. "Here - those on! - I thought, - in such an unusual situation, again “falling in love” with my wife! Yes... ! The Irony of Fate... !"

- Your mother! - the quiet exclamation of Vitka, crouching behind the bushes, led me out of the "love" melancholy, - you have not yet reached! Well, so on time! Nothing to say!

I was a little surprised at the strange behavior of a guy, no one seemed “superfluous” on the “stage”. “Oh, of course, ...! - I guessed it, - the moon mother! ”Indeed, having looked out from behind small clouds, the satellite of our earth flooded everything with its bright light. The guys ducked lower. The unsuspecting wife was approaching her “date”. “Lure her into the bushes ...!” Vitek Lidka quietly ordered, realizing that in such a bright moonlight, there could be no question of my wife’s “taking” in the gazebo. Lidka, with an imperceptible movement of her hand, made it clear that she had taken the new “indication” into account. Waving from afar to Lena, she beckoned her with her hand into the bushes, pointing to the place of "dating." Lenka, hanging her head, went to the bushes ... Lidka, squeezing herself through the bush, asked Viktor a little nervously:

- I am sure ... that can handle ...?

- Enough “croak” to you ...! - cautiously looking out from behind the branches, he said. Then he silently let two assistants know by hand in order to occupy the “original” ones ... Read more →

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