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us a place ... and girls ... will help me ...

- Well, as you know! - I replied, not giving the form that the continuation of this "help" I already knew in advance. Turning, I went to the cinema. Turning the corner of one of the houses, he stopped and sneaked behind the houses to our location.

The girls, pulling out the laundry units, dragged them into the laundry, which was located in the same room as the showers, with only a separate entrance. Usually, we handed out the laundry to the warehouse, but sometimes we took it directly to the laundry, when the storekeeper had a lot of work, thereby somewhat alleviating his “fate”. So it was this time. Certainly from the greedy looks of Nadia, who she sneakily threw at my wife during the day, I understood that she was taking the moment to “stay” with her during the day, and not just at night. The girls opened the door of the laundry and disappeared behind it. From the lit light in the window that looked out to the forest, I realized that the "sorting" of linen would soon begin. Holding his breath, he crept up to the window and looked inside the room. His wife was leaning against the wall in front of a large pile of bed linen piled in a corner. Nadezhda was slowly approaching her, adjusting the belt with the “member” already put on herself.

- Take off your panties ..., bunny! - She said with a brazen grin, looking Lena straight in the eye, like a boa on a victim.

“Nooo! Nagy ..., well, I ask ... you ... - with a prayer in her voice stretched his wife, clutching her knees.

- Again! What are you all from a girl tseloch building? Why, I have eight times until the morning ... "I took"! Lidka, did you ... hear ?! - Surprised exclaimed "tillage" - In short, my birdie! Pull off your panties and become a cancer! "I will love you ... I will be you!"

- Lidka! Drop her pants ... or our girl suffers from ... hyperskromnost! - abruptly ordered the "bander" to his "six". She readily jumped to his wife and, not letting Lena come to her senses, launched both her hands under her skirt and abruptly pulled off her panties to her knees. His wife instinctively reached for them, but did not have time ... With a sharp jerk, Nadka turned her face to a pile of linen, and then with a quick push she toppled my spouse on him. Lena just managed to scream shortly, as she turned out to be a stomach on her underwear, putting her naked ass on public display and panties lowered to her knees.

“Wow !!!” - exclaimed from excitement Hope from the “picture” observed in front of me, - Now I’m going to put you so ... нат I’ll pull you ..., my fish ... that no other man is like you ... I didn’t fuck! ”With these words, she literally pounced on her, pinning her to a pile of linen, simultaneously putting her“ dick ”to her bottom with one hand.

- Nooooo !!! - Elena wriggled on her stomach, - to me, sick MMMM !!!

Nadya did not let her finish, with a sharp movement of her pelvis, with all her strength she planted a “stake” in my wife's anus, while simultaneously holding her mouth with her hand.

- OU-MMM-OMMM !!! - Lena moaned, trying to slide off Nadia's “member”, but she, not giving her time to come to her senses, began quickly, “like a man”, boldly “pecking” her “point”.

- OU-MMM !!! OH - MMM !!! - Elena moaned, clutching with both hands to Nadya's palm, tightly gagging her mouth, trying to tear her from her lips.

- Well ..., horse ..., do not twitch like this ..., bitch ...! - Hope wheezed, with wild pleasure “pulling” Lenkin's ass on his “boyfriend”.

- O-UM !!! O-MM !!! O-UU-MMM !!! - Elena pulled her head to the beat of Nadya's coitus.

- Wow ...! Concha-aaaa yuyuyu !!! - rolling her eyes a couple of minutes after the start of the act of rape, Nadezhda wheezed, the last time “sealing” Lenka to the pile of linen with her “member” and twitching with her whole body from the orgasm that “covered” her. After a few seconds, “calming down” a little, the “tillage” slowly pulled its “instrument” out of my spouse's anus and sat down beside her tiredly, stroking her thigh.

- Stretch ... panties ..., you have a husband ... I waited ...! - Nadezhda gently ordered, sobbing from the humiliation of the "victim". Lena slowly rose from the pile of linen and, finding pants, with trembling hands, pulled them on herself. Without looking at my tormentor, "hobbling" headed for the exit.

- Stop! - Suddenly, as if waking up from a dream, said “bander”. Elena froze. Rising to her feet and, dusting herself off from the dust, Nadezhda approached my spouse and, with one hand turning her face towards her, kissed her passionately, the second, climbing under her skirt, began to greedily paw her between her thighs.

- Uhm! - only Elena could publish, with a tongue in her mouth.

- So it is! - tearing away from her mouth, she said “tillage boy”, - today at two nights I am waiting for you at the arbor on the pond! You will come in the same mini-skirt and white panties ...! I will come a little earlier ... I want to “stop loving you” ... without witnesses ...! - with these words, she turned in the direction of Lidka, who was clearly nervous, realizing that she was switching to the “second” plan. Lena, lowered her head out of the laundry. I, waking up, rushed headlong to the cinema, trying to get ahead of her. I managed to do this, since Elena was not particularly in a hurry trying to “dry” her tears along the way. Finding me calmly watching the movie, she carefully sat down next to her, wincing a little from the pain in the “tilted” Nadya anus. Exchanging with me a pair of meaningless phrases, she “stupidly” stared at the screen, trying to “digest” the events of the last days. I did not interfere with her, understanding the "piquancy" of the situation ...

Chapter Six: Rape

The film ended in time for the "otboyu." Lena immediately jumped up and, without looking at me, threw in my direction that she urgently needed the girls in order to distribute clean bed linen. Nothing against this, I could not argue. “Pictures” with rape turned around in my head all the time.

"Beat off" his guys, long spun on the bed, all the while looking at his watch. I decided to “attend” the meeting of two girls, certainly incognito. So I was calmer, especially since, if necessary, I could directly intervene in the course of events. Turning around in bed for about two hours, I decided that it would be better if I took the “position” of observation in advance, and I also knew the place of the “meeting”. Ten minutes later was in place. Glancing at his watch, he grunted with annoyance: “You have to wait a good hour and a half!” He lit a cigarette with nothing to do, hiding a cigarette in his fist so as not to give out his presence in the bushes some ten meters from the gazebo. Various foolish thoughts wandered in my head, leading to anguish. In gloomy meditations, he did not notice how quickly the time flew by, and the hour of the "meeting" approached. Peering into the darkness, I noticed a figure approaching the gazebo. I involuntarily recoiled deep into the bushes so that in the light of the lantern that was swaying from the light breeze on the pole, I would not betray my presence with my own shadow. “Well, the place is chosen! - I swore to myself to Hope, glancing at a rather brightly-shone lantern, - probably, after all, he would “drag” into the bushes, - I thought about the upcoming “execution” of my wife. The figure approached, and in the light of the bulb I recognized Nadezhda. As she had warned, she came "earlier." She had an oblong bundle in her hand. “Strap-on!” I guessed. Nadya, meanwhile, is conveniently located on a bench inside the gazebo, after adjusting white panties under a mini-skirt. “Still a beautiful lass! - A thought flashed through my head as I watched the violence of the perpetrator's toilet, - a pretty figure in a bitch! And ... the shape of an adult woman! I wonder if she is sixteen, or still she will be older! Maybe in the "second" year remained in some class? And not once ...? Too developed ... "like a woman"! It looks almost like the same age with my Lenka ... - he was wasting time until my date "..." Read more →

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