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By the way, you do not know who it is?

- Not.

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity,” comrade Saakhov was upset. - He's a scoundrel! Immoral type! Many thanks for the signal. In this negative example, we mobilize the public, raise the masses.

- Right! - approved Shurik. - I'll go to the police.

Comrade Saakhov stopped Shurik.

- Which police? Listen, they'll arrest you. They are formally obliged to plant you and ... plant.

From such an unexpected turn Shurik confused.

“You must immediately disappear,” comrade Saakhov continued. - I'll do everything myself. Nina will be saved. These rascals, we will judge an indicative court. And you will come to this process really as a witness.

- Not! - Shurik exclaimed hotly. - I have no right to abuse your nobility. You risk because of me, formally you are covering up the criminal. I stole Nina and I have to atone for my own fault! Thank you, thank you so much!

- Comrade Shurik! Why the police? Do not these victims! Let's go straight to the prosecutor. He will understand everything ...

Comrade Saakhov personally took Shurik to the house of the prosecutor. The door swung open wide and cordially. Behind her, noise, smoke and the sound of a feast. On the threshold of the newly arrived guests met the good-natured host and numerous members of his family. The hospitable family picked up Shurik by the arms and carried him into the house. Comrade Saakhov followed them. Unable to resist under the pressure of the hospitable owners, Shurik again got drunk in the insole. An ambulance arrived. Two orderlies in white coats carried a stretcher on which lay Shurik. His eyes were closed, he mumbled something inarticulate. A female doctor diagnosed Shurik with delirium tremens or in Russian delirium tremens and took him to a psychiatric hospital specializing in the treatment of alcoholics.

While the dead drunk Shurik was languishing in a mental hospital, Nina was unconscious lying in a lonely sacle named “Eagle's Nest”. Saklya was located high in the mountains, on the edge of a cliff, and looked like an old house, but in fact was modernized. The porch and porch overlooked an orchard separated from the outside world by a blank wall made of mountain stone. A beautiful captive woke up in a corner room, furnished with defiant oriental luxury. Around hung and lay carpets, precious gifts, elegant home utensils, made in oriental style. Jumping up from the couch, angry Nina frantically pounded at the door. To no avail. The door is locked.

Suddenly it came to the girl that she was wearing a plaid shirt and blue tights. Pulling off a yellow blanket from the closet, she quickly wrapped it around the waist, creating an improvised skirt. Continuing to study the room, Nina noticed two open windows. Delighted, she rushed to the first window overlooking the garden. The window has been barred. The girl from all forks pulled the grille. She did not stir. Looking out of another window, Nina saw the abyss behind him and the raging mountain river. She recoiled in fright. There was no exit.

From the next room through a secret eye behind Nina closely watched Jabrail. Everything went according to his plan.

Reassured, Nina meticulously examined the luxurious atmosphere of her lush dungeon. She sat on satin pillows, lying on the couch, and thought ...

Suddenly the door lock clicked. The girl was alert. Coward entered the room. He greeted Nina in an oriental way, clumsily bowing in a deep bow. The rug rolled up in a roll that he held bent over. The coward straightened it, gave a bow again and sank down on crossed legs next to the nightstand, where it froze like a statue. A tape recorder was hidden in the carved inlaid nightstand. The coward quietly pressed a key and the room was filled with the enchanting sounds of Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade.

Balbes appeared in the doorway with a large tray on his head, which he carried in an oriental way, not supporting him with his hands. Leaning in an elegant bow, he placed a tray with fruit and delicious food in front of Nina. Backing back, he settled down on a rug near Nina. Following Balbes in the doorway, a powerful figure of Experienced appeared. On his belt was a wide, inlaid dagger. With arms crossed on his chest, he froze on guard.

Nina decided to take advantage of her position. She acted like a princess, gladly accepting treats. The girl took a big tortilla and, glancing cheerfully at her servants, proceeded to the meal. The coward nodded approvingly.

Jabrail, who was secretly following Nina, was satisfied with her niece's behavior. He hoped to introduce Nina to her fiance today.

And the music in the room changed. Balbes delighted the ear of his lady of oriental song and dance. Trus and Experienced joined him. Nina decided to outwit a strange trinity. Making eyes for men, the girl joined in the general fun. Balbes gave her a shawl. Nina danced erotically wagging her hips, imperceptibly approaching the door. Having entangled Trusa in shawls, she deceived him and jumped out the door, closing it outside. The coward, not noticing the absence of the girl, continued to dance in ecstasy. His friends attacked him with fury, weighing several cuffs. Then, seizing him like a log, they began to break the door, using the Coward's head as a ram.

Satisfied Nina took the key out of the door and turned around. In front of her, she saw ... uncle. He stared at her, blocking the path to escape.

- Ah well?! - Nina exclaimed angrily. - Well, well ... I am on a hunger strike. Now no one except the prosecutor will enter here!

As soon as she opened the door to the room again, Trus flew out of it with a cry of “watch out”. He flew through the corridor and was stuck in the window, knocking out the glass. Balbes and Byvaliy jumped out of the room into which Nina immediately ran, slamming the door behind her. Balbess and Byvaliy raised their moaning comrade to their feet. Under the fearsome gaze of Jabrail, they involuntarily lined up in front of him, like a parade.

- Well, nothing ... in a day she will get hungry. In a week they will be miserable, and in a month they will become smart. Nothing, we will wait, - Jabrail muttered thoughtfully and said pathetically. - Remember, comrades, you must finally justify the high confidence placed in you. And for her answer head.

- We will try, dear comrade Jabrail! - the trio suddenly blurted out in unison.

Jabrail with a heavy heart went to talk with his fiance. His cheeky niece was not yet ready to meet him.

Chapter 6. Lustful Trinity

The bodyguards in the Eagle's Nest have just finished a hearty meal. Balbes and Trus compiled a report.

“Write from a new line,” Balbes dictated lazily, lying under a rug and glancing at the remnants of the feast. - “Lunch” underline ... So, so. "I refused soup." In brackets: "soup kharcho". Further ... "Three portions of kebab thrown into the abyss." Now the wine ... "Broke two bottles" ...

“Three,” corrected Trus, pointing to the rolled away empty bottle.

“Write three,” agreed Balbes phlegmatically.

- Well, we sat down, - experienced By sighed. - Sorry girls no!

- Yes-aa, - Balbes sighed with a Coward with him.

The Trinity simultaneously thought of the beautiful Soviet student Nina, who languished on the second floor. They reflected on what was hidden under her blue tights. Obsessive thoughts about a juicy girlish body climbed into their alcohol-inflamed consciousness. They looked at each other. The bosom friends, having understood each other from half a glance, rushed headlong to the second floor and decidedly opened the door.

Seeing the trinity again, Nina thought that they would entertain her again with songs and dances. The girl heard the sound of Uncle Jabrail’s car driving off and hoped to trick the three men again. She made eyes at them and erotically licked her lips. But when she saw their repulsive lustful looks, the girl was confused.Grinning, the trio slowly approached the Soviet student. Her keen sense of smell caught the smell of wine. A grimace of concern appeared on the girl's face .... Read more →

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