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rubbing my glasses.

In the long corridor, a special medical center, accompanied by a female doctor and two orderlies, led Shurik, swaddled in a straitjacket. The woman doctor graciously opened the door. Shurik resolutely entered the office of the head physician.

- Who hid me here? - Immediately demanded an explanation Shurik.

- I didn’t hide it, but I sent it at the moment of a sharp crisis, - the head doctor calmly explained.

“Yes, you listen ...” shouted the wound-up Shurik.

“Calm down,” the head doctor interrupted gently. - We will cure you. Alcoholics are our profile.

Shurik realized that he could not explain anything, just as before he could not prove anything to a woman doctor.

“Untie me,” Shurik asked with unexpected composure.

- And will you behave yourself? - strictly asked the head doctor.

Shurik nodded his head.

“Untie,” the chief doctor ordered the orderlies.

The orderlies instantly freed Shurik from the straitjacket.

“I understand, you all don’t believe me ...” Shurik muttered with disappointment and took a more determined interest. - Can I see the prosecutor?

“You can,” the chief doctor agreed willingly and, turning, addressed the woman doctor. - Where is the prosecutor?

“In the sixth ward ... where Napoleon used to be,” the doctor replied without a shadow of a smile.

Shuriku became bad.

The dispensary for alcoholics was located behind a deaf high wall. A garden was built around the dispensary building, in which dispensary patients walked. Refusing to meet with the "prosecutor", the determined Shurik carefully investigated the garden in search of some escape loopholes. The wall was too high to climb over it. Trees grew near the wall, but only Shurik tried to climb one of them, as an alarm bell immediately rang. He went to the next tree. Touching him, he heard the same piercing signal. Examining the entire wall around the perimeter, Shurik came to a disappointing conclusion: no one could climb over the wall, there was an alarm system all around, and there were hefty med-brothers at the gate. He is despondent. His position was hopeless.

Depressed, Shurik in hospital pajamas walked aimlessly through the garden of a mental hospital. Suddenly an idea struck him. The escape plan was bold and very risky. But for his implementation required assistants, which he did not have. Shurik again lost courage.

Suddenly he noticed two melancholy-looking patients who were sitting on a bench under a tree. Each of them had a tulip in their hand. They sniffed flowers. The shape of the flower brought them sweet memories. With a sad smile they clinked tulips like glasses.

Shurik resolutely approached them, moving three fingers of his hand on his stomach.

- Let's figure it out for three? He suggested.

- It is a sin to laugh at sick people.

- Seriously, I'm escaping, eh? - Shurik convinced them.

“You won't run away from here,” one of the patients phlegmatically said.

“There is one way,” the cunning Shurik assured him.

In a whisper, Shurak outlined to them his risky plan. Partners inside the garden climbed onto a thick branch of a tree on which no alarm was installed, and prepared to jump. Shurik was standing downstairs at one end of the folding board, built from a bench. At his command, the partners jumped to the other end of the board. Shurik soared into the sky, like a rocket. Along the precisely calculated trajectory, he flew over the wall and fell ... into the back of a lorry loaded to the top with mattresses. Shurik incredibly lucky. If the accidentally passing truck were not in this place, then it would be in the hospital with serious injuries.

Shurik relaxed, finally, he is free! Suddenly the truck turned the corner and pulled up at the closed gate. Shurik looked around and saw a sign with the inscription ... "PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL number 1."The gates swung open, the truck pulled away. The guy barely managed to jump to the ground and, running across the road, almost got under the wheels of an old ambulance car. Seeing the red cross by car, Shurik jumped away and that there was urine ran along the road.

- Stop, crazy! - I heard a male voice behind him.

An old truck turned around and set off in pursuit. Shurik looked back. Seeing the car chasing him, he added to the run, but the car easily caught up with Shurik. A smiling Edward leaned out of the cab of the truck, with whom Shurik met at the beginning of his folklore expedition.

- What are you running like crazy? - the driver fell asleep Shurika questions. - Where is your donkey?

Shurik turned around. Recognizing Edik, he stopped. The car also slowed down.

- Ah, hello, - breathing heavily, Shurik smiled wryly, shaking Edic's outstretched hand.

- What happened? Where are you in a hurry?

- There! - Shurik, nervous and looking around, vaguely waved his hand, managing to cover half of Georgia.

- Sit down! I'll give you a lift.

- Thank! - breathed Shurik, quickly sat in the cabin.

- Where to take you? - asked Eddie.

Shurik hesitated, but the handsome mountaineer attracted himself and Shurik decided.

- That's what ... I'll tell you everything, and you yourself decide where to take me ... just let's hurry! - Shurik nervously looked around, waiting for a chase.

- The car is a beast! - proudly threw the driver and pressed the starter.

The truck began to fall asleep and wheezed, but it did not start. The driver frowned and furiously blurted out his crown tirade.

- Damn that day when I sat behind the wheel of this vacuum cleaner!

Edik hit the steering wheel with annoyance. As soon as he touched the helm, the beast that had come to his senses roared and darted off, rushing like a rocket.

Outside the gates of the Eagle's Nest there was a screech of tires, a creak of car brakes and a persistent beep. Concerned Balbes quickly opened the gate. Almost knocking him down, an old sanitary truck drove into the yard. Two men in white coats and medical hats came out of it. Their faces were covered with gauze masks. They purposefully headed to the house. Entering the building, they met the determined-minded Experienced and Pale Coward. Balbie suspiciously examined the faces of strangers in white coats.

- Who do you want? - Strictly asked experienced.

- In the area - an epidemic. Universal vaccinations. Foot and mouth disease! Sign here! - Edik informed him in a menacing voice, stretching the book. - Mandatory ruling ...

Trinity exchanged a look. In order to quickly evict uninvited guests, they decided not to object to them. At the command of the doctors, the “patients” lay down on the stomach next to each other, after having pulled the pants down to their knees. Standing off to the side, an unrecognized Shurik broke open the ampoules with sleeping pills and prepared syringes. Eddie started the "vaccination".

As soon as Edik and the syringe approached Trus, he nervously squealed. Edik, speaking Trusa's teeth, deftly pricked him in the ass, so that he almost did not feel the pain. Preparing a syringe, Edward went to Balbes. He cautiously sniffed, smelling the familiar aroma of alcohol. On Balbes' face, a blissful smile appeared, with which he courageously suffered vaccination. Edik, critically evaluating the dimensions of Experienced, replaced the usual syringe with a veterinary. However, Experienced did not react to this terrible injection. His face was absolutely still.

- Lie still. This is the newest vaccine of delayed digestibility, Edik thoughtfully pronounced. “Is there no one else in the house?”

- No no! No one! - hastily said the trinity.

- Assistant, water! - pointedly ordered Edik and, taking Shurik aside, quietly added. “Nina is here, I'm sure.” Find and warn her.

- When will they fall asleep? - Shurik asked in the same whisper.

- After half an hour. Go-go ...

Carefully climbing the stairs, Shurik removed the gauze mask. On the second floor, one door was blocked by a large wooden beam. Nina, hearing the steps, clung to the keyhole. Seeing her treacherous thief, her face was distorted by a contemptuous grimace.She was sure that Shurik was together with the criminal trinity, who had already received theirs. Now he was drawn to the sweet. Nina evil and cunning smiled ... Read more →

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