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now he gets what he deserves. Shurik carefully removed the wooden beams and bolts from the door and, blindly squinting, entered the room. Nina lurked beside him. As soon as he took a few steps, as Nina struggled against him a big tray. Shurik with difficulty stood on his feet. The girl rushed headlong from the hated room into the corridor.

She could not go down the stairs. Downstairs were its jailers. Looking out of the window, she noticed an open gate and an ambulance truck standing in the courtyard. Nina's eyes glittered with excitement, no wonder she was engaged in mountaineering. Using the clothesline tied to the window, the girl flew across the courtyard and a second later found herself at the car. Eddick read a lecture to three men in a businesslike way, when suddenly they heard the noise of a running engine.

An ambulance car backed briskly out of the gate, turned and sped off along a deserted highway. Edik pulled her into the yard. He ran a few steps and stopped, realizing the futility of the persecution. At that moment, behind the back of Edik, there was the noise of another car. Nearly knocking him off his feet, a red convertible swept by with a trio rushing in pursuit of a fugitive. Behind him, with a terrible crash, a strange clunker flew up to the gate, which looked like a four-wheeled cart with a barrel for grapes. On the cart was Shurik. Immediately assessing the situation, Edward caught up with a clunker and jumped on it.

Ahead Nina rushed in the sanitary truck. Behind her was a trinity in a red car. Behind the clunker, speeding up because of the slope of the road, he was approaching a red convertible. The coward noticed a clunker chasing them. To stop him, Balbies threw a bottle of oil onto the road. The cart slid on spilled oil, spun in a deadly spiral and flew into the abyss, falling apart. At the last moment, Shurik and Edik managed to grasp the thick bough of a tree growing above a precipice.

Suddenly, for Nina, the ambulance truck went berserk, coughing and sneezing, it slowed down. The car rolled on the highway in uneven jerks until, finally, it did not stop at all. A jubilant trio approached a truck standing in a cloud of smoke and rushed to the cabin to grab the fugitive. But sly Nina hid in the roadside bushes. As soon as the men left the car, she instantly took the place of Experienced at the wheel of a red convertible. Nina disappeared before the car owners could figure out what had happened.

Chapter 8. Salvation

Exhausted from heat and despair, the trio continued the pursuit of Nina on her own two feet. The girl increasingly increased the gap from the jailers. To their happiness, there was a huge refrigerator a little ahead from the side road. Trinity of the last forces caught up with the car and on the go, opening the back door, climbed into the body. The driver did not notice anything. On the free highway, he added speed and easily overtook the red convertible with Nina at the wheel.

Shurik and Edik also joined in the chase. They managed to catch a lonely horse in the pasture. And now the two of them were riding it along the highway. Seeing his native truck, frozen at the curb, Edward rushed to him, trying to reanimate the motor, and Shurik galloped on.

At this time, the driver of the refrigerator heard a loud demanding knock and screams coming from the body. He stopped the car and ran to the back door of the refrigerator. Intrigued, he opened the door. The first of the refrigerator was the half-alive Experienced, followed by the frosty Trus and Balbes. Their clothes froze. Hair, eyebrows and eyelashes are covered with hoarfrost. They were shaking and chattering their teeth, their blue lips did not obey. The startled driver noticed in the hands of Balbes a frozen carcass of a young sheep, which he tried to steal on the sly.Recovering, the driver took away the lamb, threw it into the refrigerator and angrily slammed the door. The car left.

Frozen swindlers thawed slowly. They were shivering from the cold and whine bitterly. And then they noticed a red convertible racing with them and Nina at the wheel. Trinity, hand in hand, blocked her way.

The car inexorably approached men. Nina was alarmed. It was not possible to drive around the trinity. Standing in the center of the Trus could not withstand the mental attack and began frantically to escape, but his cold-blooded partners kept Trus with an iron grip. The distance quickly reduced. Nina desperately signaled. The car was driving straight at the Trusa, who was limp and doomed to kneel, his head bowed low. A few steps from the men standing the car braked sharply. The girl jumped out of the car and disappeared into the thickets. Trinity rushed after her in pursuit. The improvised skirt fell off, but there was no time to pick it up. Behind the girl on his heels Balbez, Coward and Experienced ran They caught up, grabbed and tied Nina. So she again became a Caucasian captive.

On the red hood of a car rushing along a deserted highway, a nickel-plated running deer figure dazzlingly flashed. In the back seat is located bound up with the head Nina. Her mouth was tied with a yellow handkerchief. On the sides were Trus and Balbes. Her bodyguards yawned, they were clearly drowsy. Apparently, the active action of sleeping pills began. Balbes indulgently patted the girl on the right cheek. The coward gently stroked her on the left cheek. His hand slipped and fell on the girl's chest. He fell asleep with his head on her shoulder. The head of Balbes fell on the other shoulder. He also sniffed. The car made an unexpected turn. Nina looked anxiously at Byvaly. His head leaned suspiciously on the steering wheel. There was snoring. He fell asleep just like his buddies. Nina closed her eyes in horror. The uncontrollable car raced along the very edge of the highway, knocking down the roadside posts like pins. The girl opened her eyes, frantically pondering his unenviable position.

Leaving the highway, the red convertible turned into a thick pine grove. A car with a sleeping driver swiftly flew straight into one of the mighty tree trunks. Nina's eyes widened in horror, her heart began to pound, sweat broke out on her forehead. At the last second Experienced in a dream turned the steering wheel. The car drove between the two trunks of the pines. Experienced continued to sleep soundly. The girl closed her eyes. She was really scared. She was tightly bound and could not move. Having done the zigzag slalom path between the pines, the red car unharmed popped back onto the highway. Opening her eyes, Nina let out a sigh of relief. But she was happy for long. A red cabriolet raced along a narrow mountain road, inexorably approaching the edge of the abyss. A few more seconds and the car will collapse into a deep abyss, which meant the sure death of all passengers. Unable to withstand the nervous tension, Nina lost consciousness.

At this point, Shurik on a white horse caught a red convertible. At a gallop, he flew over to the open body of an unmanaged car with a bold cowboy jump. In the last moment, Shurik managed to tame the car. The red cabrio stopped, but its front wheels hung menacingly over the precipice, continuing to spin.

In the car were four unfeeling bodies: three were sleeping, and the fourth, despite all her courage, lost consciousness. Shurik gently picked up a tied Nina and laid it gently on the stony ground next to the red convertible.

- Nina, what's wrong with you ?! - scared exclaimed Shurik.

The girl was silent. Concerned Shurik tried to revive her, lightly slapping her cheeks.

- Nina, are you alive ?!

The girl woke up and immediately violently bit his arm.

- For what?! - Shurik was amazed, exclaiming from pain and resentment.

- Traitor, sneaky mercenary! - with indignation screamed an angry girl.

- Wait, Nina, listen ...

- Judas, a scoundrel! How much did you get paid? - sharply interrupted his girlfriend.

- Wait you!

- Untie me !!! - demanded Nina.

Shurik, silently, untied the ropes, and Nina shouted curses in a voice shaking with insult. She was very unhappy that the person whom she sympathized with was involved in the abduction.

- Nothingness! Selling skin! ... Read more →

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