Page: 12 of 12

I did not expect you to come, ”comrade Saakhov said with a forced smile.

Then it dawned on him that he was standing in front of a girl in one T-shirt, which barely concealed his personal belongings. He bashfully pulled on his shirt and covered his groin with his hands.

- ... this is such a surprise for me ... sorry, I will change my clothes ...

- Do not worry! In the morgue will change you! Said a loud, gloomy voice with a strong accent behind him.

Comrade Saakhov jumped as if stung. In front of him he saw a wild mountain avenger with a big dagger in his hand. But his face was not visible. It was half closed hood. The wooded pointed hood made him look like a supporter of the Ku Klux Klan, which frightened Comrade Saakhov even more. He rushed to the phone, but the wild avenger in one fell swoop cut the telephone cord. Comrade Saakhov threw an unnecessary handset aside and rushed to the door, but another avenger stood in his path with a double-barreled arm and a hood on his head. Comrade Saakhov paled even harder.

“We have come to judge you according to the law of the mountains,” the avenger with the dagger proclaimed with pathos. - For the fact that you wanted to disgrace our race, you will die like a vile jackal.

- You ... You have no right. You will be responsible for this! - frightened protested Saahov.

“I will answer for your rotten skin only in front of my conscience with a horseman, the honor of my sister and the memory of my ancestors,” continued the avenger pathetically.

Comrade Saakhov rushed to Nina and rushed to her knees in front of her, folding his trembling hands in supplication.

- Nina! Nina, stop them! We are modern people. This is medieval savagery! I violated this code, but I’m ready to admit my mistakes ...

“We must not admit mistakes, we must flush them away,” said Nina coldly, and squinting, she added in an ominous whisper, looking into Comrade Saakhov’s eyes, with blood!

“You have no right ... it's mob law!” I demand that they judge me according to our Soviet laws ..., comrade Saakhov panicked.

- Did you buy it according to Soviet laws? Or maybe according to Soviet law you stole it? Stop this useless discussion. Sister, turn on the TV louder, let's start ...

The avenger began to sharpen his dagger expressively. Frightened Comrade Saakhov hid in a corner, and, plaintively whimpering and lamenting, knelt down.

- No need, no need ... I beg you, no need ... I will no longer ... let me go to the prosecutor's office ... let me surrender to the authorities.

Avengers with weapons at the ready inevitably approaching Comrade Saakhov. Suddenly a malevolent grin flashed on his face. He yanked the carpet with all his might. The Avengers fell to the floor. Comrade Saakhov, briskly leaping up, swiftly sped across the room and jumped on the window sill of an open window. Another moment and he will hide in the night. But suddenly the resounding fatal shot overtook him on the windowsill. Comrade Saakhov, clutching his buttock, with a mournful moan fell out of the window as thrown down.

- you what? Crazy? - Nina was horrified, running to the window along with the avengers.

“Do not worry, this is only salt,” Shurik reassured her by putting down the dagger.

- Salt, salt! - Edik confirmed laughing, taking off his hood and greeting the crow that had sat on his head. - Well done, Hamlet!

On a sunny morning, an unusual procession was going along the road leading from the city. The first pensive thought Nina. Behind her, like a tied one, followed a loaded donkey. Behind the donkey Shurik walked, his eyes buried in the asphalt. He was carrying Nina's suitcase. All three were sad. It was a separation. Nina was leaving home, but Shurik was supposed to stay, his business trip was not over yet. But the extraordinary adventures ended, as a result of which Shurik met, lost and again met Nina. The mysterious bridegroom, along with Nina’s cunning uncle and three rogues, tried to hinder him. But Shurik thanks to a new friend managed to overcome adversity. All villains appeared before the Soviet court and received a well-deserved punishment, and Shurik and Nina found true love.

A brand-new black and white minibus sparkled with lacquer left around the bend. Travelers stopped on the sidelines. Nina raised her hand. The van slowed down beside them. When he started, there was no one on the road. Neither a charming Caucasian captive, nor her captor and savior, not even a donkey.

  • February 24, 2018 12:10

    Thanks to the author for opening our eyes! Whenever I watched a movie, I caught myself thinking that this Nina was such a slut. Only Gaidai spared us and hid it. And in fact, "Komsomol and athlete" is nothing more than a whore and davalka. And Shurik is a real cuckold, as it is now fashionable to use the term that came from the West, kukold. And she built this hype in front of an honest party official, Comrade Saakhov! But we now know her price ...
    We now read the full version of the script, without cuts, which were thrown away by the mean Soviet censorship. Pazor her!)))


    • Rating: 1
  • February 24, 2018 19:11

    Apparently, the holiday on February 23 was a success for you.)))


    • Rating: 0
  • a guest (a guest)
    February 24, 2018 13:44

    good, but the title is more suitable for the sequel than for the remake.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 24, 2018 22:16

    Offer your name.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 24, 2018 21:40

    yes already noted! my girls have tried.

    And for you to add some fun pictures. using them it was possible to make this story illustrated Tzratsk. jpg Tarusov (11). jpg


    • Rating: 2
  • February 24, 2018 22:24

    Thanks for the links.


    • Rating: 1
  • a (a guest)
    February 25, 2018 10:24



    • Rating: 0
  • February 25, 2018 15:20

    Brevity is the soul of wit?)))


    • Rating: 0
  • February 25, 2018 15:57

    Frankly, a strange feeling from what I read ...
    The meticulous presentation of the comedy film masterpiece, which accounts for about 10 \ 12 of the entire text ... And only four authors on the subject) I don’t even know how to evaluate ... the best I can do is not to evaluate at all!
    So I think what else the film will dissect the author! Poor screenwriters = directors did not know what fate was in store for their films !.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 25, 2018 20:38

    It is a pity that they could not appreciate the "four author's plots on the topic")))

    And you do not think! Suggest :)))


    • Rating: 0
  • February 25, 2018 20:44

    well ... then it was necessary to write my own plots ... and not to bore with the retelling of the film ...
    I think ... I will not offer ...


    • Rating: 0
  • February 25, 2018 21:25

    ... angry ... you ... Max ... R ...

    P. S. You can not answer.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 1, 201 15:08

    Or maybe you can tell me exactly where these “four author's plots on the topic”, somehow I don’t want to go through all 12 pages, reading what you already know.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 1, 2018 21:01

    chapter 2, chapter 3 (second half), chapter 6, chapter 8 (second half)


    • Rating: 0
  • February 25, 2018 21:34

    )) No, why, I will answer.
    1) I'm not evil. If only because he wrote his opinion openly. And you didn’t spoil the assessment, by the way ... After all, there are “silence” who just take - and lower your points ... Or do you have such “good people” there?
    2) I have the right to express my opinion as a reader ... And this opinion should not necessarily be complimentary.
    3) I really do not understand and it is not very interesting to read the presentation of legendary films ... It was a little more interesting to read your author's part ...
    Something like that ... and again - I'm not angry))


    • Rating: 0
  • February 26, 2018 19:22

    You bred directly not childishly)))
    1) “Silence” and “good people” (?) I do not like. It's funny that the first one usually puts 10, and the second - 1. You can decide whether or not to rate.
    2) Did I forbid you to express your opinion? There was no such!
    3) You do not like remakes? Unfortunately, I still do not understand what you would like to read. What are the claims to the author?

    P. S.You have an interesting logic! Once I wrote my opinion openly, it means not evil :) And if they were evil, then the monitor would spit quietly)))


    • Rating: 0
  • February 26, 2018 19:34

    In general, let's leave this topic.
    good luck in your work


    • Rating: 0
  • February 26, 2018 19:50

    Thank! Have a nice one you too.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 26, 2018 2:12

    But here the fox ran,
    Or maybe she didn't run
    Or maybe it's Max R angry,
    Or maybe not evil.


    • Rating: 0
  • February 26, 2018 18:59

    You have such feathers,
    You have horns such
    The hooves are very slender,
    And a good soul)))


    • Rating: 0
  • March 2, 2018 16:17

    Great fan fiction!
    Your opinion about the previous version of this story so beloved by domestic sex-dreamers is interesting:

    To her, I did collage-illustrations:

    Shl. By the way, Andrei Aeshin (comic-artist whose pictures were laid out above) I know personally ...


    • Rating: 1
  • March 2, 2018 21:15

    Liked it. It was inspired by the previous version.
    Cool illustrations.


    • Rating: 0
  • March 2, 2018 21:40

    I decided to illustrate your fan fiction.
    But since I already used the characters of Gaidai for the text of Delilah, for yours I decided to use the characters of the remake:


    • Rating: 0
  • March 3, 2018 12:01

    another one:


    • Rating: 0
  • March 3, 2018 12:44

    and title page:


    • Rating: 0
  • March 3, 2018 13:45



    • Rating: 0
  • March 3, 2018 17:23

    ххххххххх_zador5_ххх_хххlo. jpg not lost?)))


    • Rating: 0
  • March 3, 2018 17:19

    Thank you for the beautiful illustrations. Well done!


    • Rating: 0
  • March 3, 2018 20:18

    No, zador5 - no, it's just a typo ...
    Glad you liked it, now I can add your name and post it on the forums?


    • Rating: 0
  • March 3, 2018 22:35

    You can


    • Rating: 0
  • June 2, 2018 11:59

    A curious interpretation of the film))).


    • Rating: 0
  • June 3, 2018 9:19

    Thank)). What did you like most? And what did not like?


    • Rating: 0
  • June 3, 2018 11:03

    Could be more sex scenes))


    • Rating: 1
  • June 3, 2018 12:50

    And you too!)))


    • Rating: 0
  • June 3, 2018 17:58

    Well, seriously, I liked the organic inclusion of sex scenes in the narrative. Probably, in real situations it would all happen that way.


    • Rating: 0
  • June 3, 2018 19:52

    But thanks for that!


    • Rating: 0

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