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mouth, uttering a plaintive moan. Experienced barely managed to cover his mouth with his hand. Balbes had a silly smile on her face. He grunted with delight. Experienced with his free hand immediately covered his mouth. Balbes lowered his pants and engaged in self-satisfaction. Experienced, biting his lips, with great difficulty kept calm. A tubercle appeared on his pants in the groin area, which quickly grew in size with every second.

Meanwhile, Nina enthusiastically sucked a big dick, swallowing it whole. She slowly released the penis from his mouth, licked the testicles and slowly drove the tip of the tongue on the head of the penis. Shurik loudly approving moans responded to every girl action. Soon he finished Nina in the mouth, releasing several servings of sperm. The girl gladly swallowed his sperm and carefully licked the head of the penis. The guy enjoyed closing his eyes, opening his mouth and spreading his arms in different directions. His eyes darkened, there was a quiet ringing in his ears. He was in seventh heaven from unexpected happiness.

Judging by the gradually increasing spot on the pants in the groin area, Trus finished with Shurik. Squealing with a falsetto, he leaned against a large stone with a blissful smile and crawled down. A few seconds later, Balbes spewed several streams of sperm, for which he received a tasty slap in the face from Experienced.

How long the ecstasy lasted, Shurik did not know. When he opened his eyes, Nina was no longer around. The guy got up slowly. There was no girl on the rope. He thought. At this time, Nina appeared. She looked reproachfully and mockingly at Shurik. He was embarrassed and ran to his dried clothes, jumping on one leg and cursing through his teeth as he inadvertently stepped on the small, sharp stones lying on the ground.

A few minutes later, along the path winding among the trees, dressed-up Nina and Shurik came down. Behind them, masking themselves carefully, Coward, Experienced, and Balbes crept. The girl had a great mood. She whistled a lyrical melody that Shurik liked so much that he asked to perform a song. Smiling tenderly, Nina sang. Shurik smiled with her. He liked the mischievous song. He took her words about the bears, rubbing the earth's axis, into his account.

While Nina sang, Experienced gestures showed Balbes where to go, and then he kicked a stubborn Coward. Balbes overtaking a couple, hid in the crown of a spreading nut, standing at the fork of two paths.

Next to the path Nina noticed a large flat stone. With a mischievous smile, she jumped on him and began to dance the twist. Throwing playful glances at Shurik, the girl sexually rotated her hips, crouching and moving her hands. Then Nina jumped to the ground, and they went on.

Stopping under a tree, the girl finished singing. Shurik did not want to part with the girl, but could not think of a suitable excuse. Nina and Shurik said goodbye. He left. Nina was left alone. The criminal trio finally waited for the right moment. Experienced gesture showed accomplices - it's time to start. Balbes, opening the bag, aimed at the girl. The coward frantically unwound the rope. They were ready to pounce on the girl, when suddenly Shurik's voice was heard. After a moment, he reappeared under a tree. Nina was embarrassed, but was very happy about the sudden return of Shurik. Together they went to the mountaineering base along a scenic path at the bottom of the gorge.

Frustrated, Experienced and Infantile Coward appeared out of the ground. The object of the abduction eluded them. Experienced cursed. And suddenly, with a terrible bang, Balbez collapsed on top of them, covering his friends with a huge walnut tree branch.

Nina and Shurik without incident got to the base of climbers. There was a big bonfire burning around which avid climbers gathered.Heard cheerful music and carefree laughter. For Shurik and Nina, the evening crept unnoticed. They looked at each other with tenderness. It is time to say goodbye again. Shurik did not want to leave.

“Be sure to take a scarf,” Nina said thoughtfully, tying her orange scarf around Shurik's neck, which was dumbfounded with happiness. - catch a cold!

Shurik froze. A satisfied smile appeared on his face.

- Do not get lost?

Shurik nodded his head negatively, but did not budge. The gray donkey roared with displeasure.

“Go, it's too late,” Nina worried.

Waving his hand in farewell, the joyful Nina ran off to the fire, and Shurik, sighing with disappointment, went to the city.

Chapter 4. Abduction

Late in the evening, in the hall of the restaurant at the hotel where Shurik stayed, a small variety orchestra played. Couples in love danced fashionable twist dance. Shurik, who was sitting at a secluded table, dined with appetite. A smiling Jabrail approached him and greeted him politely.

“You are exceptionally lucky,” Jabrail began without prefaces.

- What? - surprised Shurik.

- Did you want to see an ancient, beautiful custom?

“Of course, I dream about it,” answered Shurik with delight.

“Tomorrow at dawn ...,” Jabrail said quietly in a conspiratorial manner.

- Yes, what are you saying ?!

“... and you can not only see, you can participate yourself,” Jabrail continued meaningfully.

- Thank you so much for this! - warmly thanked the delighted Shurik. - What is the name of this rite?

“The abduction of the bride,” Jabrail said casually.

- Abduction ?! - repeated Shurik with bewilderment.

“No, you do not think,” Djabrail laughed, “the bride herself dreams of being stolen.” Parents also agree. You can go to the registry office, but before that, according to custom, the bride should be stolen.

- Steal? - Shurik asked admiringly. - Beautiful custom! Well, what's my role?

- Catch the bride, ...

“Catch,” repeated Shurik diligently.

- ... put her in the bag ...

- In the bag? Is this also according to custom? - Shurik laughed along with Jabrail. - Brilliant! Oh well?

- ... and pass it on to whom?

- In love with a horseman? - hesitantly suggested Shurik.

“No,” Jabrail shook his head, “and hand over to the kunaks a jigit in love.” It requires custom. By the way, here they are. I'll introduce you now.

- With pleasure.

A strange trinity headed for the table: Balbez on the right, Experimental in the center and Trus on the left. They were dressed with fanciful exoticism. On Balbes’s head a skullcap casually slid to the side. A T-shirt and sweat pants were peeking out from beneath a long cloak. Legs were dressed in sneakers. Baldyz had a gazyr on his chest, and a long dagger hung on his belt. A striped vest, a wide inlaid dagger and a red turban on Byvaly’s head made him look like a pirate. Trus's hat was jammed over his eyes. He was dressed modestly, in an ordinary white suit. The hat, gas torches and daggers made a big impression on Shurik. A strange trio sat at the table.

“Unfortunately, they do not speak Russian at all,” Jabrail informed the trinity, “but they understand everything.”

Balbes nodded his head. Unexpectedly for Jabrail, Byvaliy emotionally blurted out some kind of abracadabra, having heard that Trus started.

- Bard Varly, Kurza!

- What he says? - asked Shurik.

Surprised Jabrail did not know what to say. After thinking for a second, he came up with a translation.

- He says: "Bon appetit." Eat, eat.

- Thank you very much, - Shurik laughed.

Jabrail indignantly looked at Experienced. At this point, Balbez joined the conversation. With a gesture of a conjurer, he pulled out two bullets from the gazyry, one of which turned out to be a cigarette and the other a cigarette lighter. He lit up a phrase in the style of his friend.

- Bambarbiya ... To Kergood ...

- What did he say? - again asked Shurik.

Jabrail, casting a dreary look at the trinity, quickly entered the role of a translator from the gibberish to Russian.

- He says: if you refuse, they will slaughter you, ... Read more →

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