1. The story of one prom. Part 1
  2. The story of one prom. Part 2

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now I can't go normally ... I'm disturbing ... An, listen ... I also want ...

His hands squeezed my hips over the dress. The bulge in the groin convulsively pressed into the buttock. Valerka flinched with his whole body and I had a thought that he had just finished in his pants.

- Anh, come on, eh? Oh please? I quickly. And then surely someone raped!

Quickly realizing that the nearest object of rape is me, although here he certainly exaggerates, I suddenly thought - why not? I also have a pain in the lower abdomen, I am flowing, and the fact that he is ten years younger - well, well, he wanted to. I pulled him along, to the landing between the second and third floors:

- Do not force it, I will give it, but not here!

Stopping, she turned to face him, frantically lifting up her dress with both hands. Valery, breathing noisily, immediately clapped my hips, felt my buttocks and climbed between my legs.

- Wait, do not rush ... - I was confused with the clasps of his pants, but in the end I managed, clasping the member with both hands. It was just rock hard, hilly, dry and hot. Even the head seemed hard to me. The thin peel easily moved under my fingers, and Valery involuntarily shook his pelvis, burying his cock in my stomach.

- No, do not. - I stopped trying to pull off my pants, just sliding them to the side. - Better this way. Insert.

Valery sat down, grabbed my legs under my knees and lifted him against the wall. Bottom in the crotch rested member, a little no wrong there. The head slipped to the anus. From an excited sniff, I realized that the next second he would push him into me, without knowing what hole it had hit and fidgeted uneasily:

- Wait ... Stop ... I will direct. Valerochka, my dear, you do not hurry only, okay?

- Yeah ...

I reached for the rod that had been buried between the buttocks, setting the vagina opposite. Valery, feeling that the head rested against the source of moisture, lowered me, trying not to hurry. I shook my whole body when the vagina began to stretch, letting in a hot cock and hung on it, clearly feeling that this is the only fulcrum that supports me in weight. Valery released my legs, feverishly trying to get to the chest. In the end, the dress was off the shoulders, the bra shifted, and both boobs - in his hands. Clutching at them, he pulled his pelvis, throwing me up, after which I fell with all my weight, putting on his stake. I had to clasp his legs to somehow give a smooth penetration. Realizing what I want, he again caught me under the buttocks, pressed to the wall and fixed in stillness to continue to fuck with sharp, irregular movements. I relaxed, enjoying these blows, the core penetrating me to the very depths, so nicely sliding along the walls of the vagina that covered it and pressing pubis pressing on the clitoris. From the place where this harsh body filled me, the heat spread through my body in waves, driving out all extraneous thoughts and making me start. Already nothing realizing, just at that moment when, as it seemed to me, a member pierced through me, I felt the last, most powerful wave that brought with me an orgasm.

Returning from paradise back, I found the last twitching of a member erupting inside me.

- UV-ff. - breathed out Valery, slowly, however, remove me from his rod. - An, you are super.

- I'm glad you liked it. - I sarcastic. - Take me off now with this stick.

With a disappointed sigh, Valery pulled a limp sausage out of me and lowered it to the floor. I immediately sat down, feeling like a drop of semen. That bastard, and could wear a condom! And I did not guess to say! When all I could was spilled out, I wiped myself there, wringing out two headscarves — mine and Valerkin, and straightened my underpants, realizing that there would still be traces on them.Let's hope that my husband does not come to mind to explore my underwear.

- Well, An, I'm on the post?

- Wait for me, I'm with you too.

That's always the case with the peasants - got mine and went on business. I checked the dress again, straightened my chest in my bra and hobbled down. Probably, such exercise is no longer for me. Okay, I'll sit at the table for half an hour, put my thoughts in order. I won't say that I have never cheated on my husband before, it was like that, it was. But so spontaneously, within the walls of the school ... And with whom !? With a guy ten years younger, about whom I never thought in that sense! Oh, not something is happening to me today, not this ... Although, I will not lie to myself, it turned out well.

At our, the teaching desk people visibly diminished. It is for the better - I was not yet capable of talking. I chewed lazily, glancing around and that’s why the first one saw Valerka making her way between the tables.

- Anh! - he flew. - Trouble! I have a problem!

- What?

Hitherto confused thoughts could not tell me what kind of problems might happen. Valery explained:

- While we were walking, the keys were taken from the board!

And there it is. At the guard post on the wall hung a board on which were kept the keys to all the premises. Which he guarded and betrayed to anyone. It seems that during his absence, someone took advantage of this.

- Lot?

- Yes, no, not very. Listen, I am now from the post a single step, can you go, take away? They are probably already there, here is a list of cabinets.

- I'll go. - I took the paper and got up

  • Carpenter (a guest)
    January 21, 2018 9:25

    Cool. Not believable, but cool.


    • Rating: 1
  • January 21, 2018 16:51

    I thought that as usual, but I was mistaken. Very nice and good story turned out! Yes, and with a possibly piquant continuation.

    Quite often, reading erotic stories, I came to the conclusion that in addition to summer and winter clothing, the lower and upper, as well as other types, there is also a separate type - “traitorous clothing”. And most importantly, only cowards are treacherous, and women’s ones.

    I, as a man, responsibly declare that my cowards never betrayed me. Although ... you can remember your childhood. I remember once one half of my family of cowards huddled in my interjugular space. It turned out half the family, and half a thong. It was, as I remember, immediately after the physical education class. I jumped into basketball and got so embarrassed. There was no time to recover, because the next lesson. Moreover, in the heat of struggle, you usually do not pay attention to such trifles. But then, in the next lesson ... The feelings were not pleasant, especially considering that I was called to the blackboard.

    Fortunately, my pants were always wide and my classmates did not notice the trick.

    Of course, then I refueled and corrected the situation. But at home I took these pants off and never wore them anymore.

    P. S. It was not sarcasm and not an attempt to pry the author somewhere. I repeat, everything is written very competently and exciting. Read with pleasure. Just really, this jaded stamp is not always relevant. The author, it seemed to me that if they just got wet, it would be better.

    Or if there was such a situation that the students grab the teacher and tell her:
    - We will let you go, but on condition that you are not a bit excited.

    The teacher agrees and lifts her skirt, showing insolent, as proof of her panties. Pupils look carefully. And the teacher suddenly begins to feel that the panties have suddenly begun to be prettier to get wet. The disciples noticed and happily clapped their hands.
    - We told you, Anna Viktorovna, that your mechanism was dripping and we are now going to eliminate this flow. On the spot.

    Something like this. That is what I want to say, betrayal is the cause, which leads to not unpleasant or pleasant, but consequences. This is a pathetic little thing, but for some reason she caught the eye.Why now and in this story - I do not know. Maybe because the whole story is good, and small blots (for me personally, for some reason it seems to be a blot) stand out.

    Maybe because I myself write and always get involved in stamped things like that, and this problem worries me. And I want to share and deal with these anxieties and how to distribute them among my colleagues ... Maybe so. I really don't know.

    Something was delayed comments, more like a letter. Or something in this cousin.

    In general, good luck!))


    • Rating: 0

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