1. The story of one prom. Part 1
  2. The story of one prom. Part 2

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.. when you ... one more time.

Now everything became clear to me. But it is worth something all the same to him ... It feels so good, especially when near the entrance itself. Interestingly, he will go somewhere to go? Or stay here? And then I would have met him ... a couple more times. However, it is necessary to finish, and then rub it, as Olka. I raised my legs up and crossed to vagina more tightly squeezed member. That helped. Less than a minute later, Zaytsev was finally discharged into me, with his nose buried in his ankles sticking up.

Before I could catch my breath, I felt that the anus was smeared with something slippery and cool. In general, I had previously guessed that it was waiting for me, so she did not resist, on the contrary, stretched the buttocks with her hands, making it easier to access.

- Thank you, Anna Yuryevna. - thanked Elin, finger pushing grease in my ass.

- Igor, just let me be the first one there? - I asked.

- Good.

Yet he, as it seemed to me the most experienced in this matter, means he knows how to properly handle a female ass.

Penetration occurred almost painlessly. Either Igor prepared the anus well, or he correctly inserted it, but I felt only the unusual, never in my life, experienced lengthy entrance to the ass. The sphincter opened up under the pressure of an elastic rod, a sharp pain slightly pricked, and then I felt a thick stake creeping into the anus, filling the rectum.

- Breathe, Anna Yurievna! - prompted Elin. - Breathe deeper, so easier.

I was breathing. So that the chest rose and fell, then closing Igor almost to the neck, then giving to consider to pubis. His cock filled me so that it seemed now I would see how the head would stretch the stomach from the inside.

- How are you Anna Yurievna? Do not hurt?

- No, Igor. The sensations are really strange, unusual, but it is even interesting.

- Then we continue.

Igor slowly fucked my ass, obviously enjoying it. He even seemed to whimper softly when the head slipped through the sphincter and went deep into my anus. Little by little, he accelerated, but the priest, too, was used to a foreign object inside. The sensations were amazing. No, I definitely won't get an orgasm from this, but the feeling that you are being fucked in the ass with a thick dick, the feeling of the rectum filled with it, these flowing movements inside ... mmm ... nice.

- Anna Yurievna, do you like it? - Igor was distracted to add lubricants and at the same time asked a question.

- Yes, Igor, I feel good. I will not finish, of course, but I will get some pleasure.

- Why not finish? - He was slightly offended.

No, the guy doesn't have enough experience. And knowledge of women.

- Because it is still not that. I am only capable of a vaginal orgasm.

- Uh-uh ... - Elin thought. - So will you and vaginal. If you do not mind.

- Do not mind. - I confirmed, wondering what he was up to?

Elin climbed onto the table and lay down next to me:

- Anna Yurievna, sit on top of me. No, no, booty! Back to me!

I obeyed, crouched over him and feeling how the head rested against the anus, forced myself to fall on it, feeling how the rectum was stretched and filled.

- Now lie down on me.

Here I am lying on him face up, his hands hold my chest, pinching my nipples, but I feel a member inserted in the ass. Then what?

- Andryukha! - called Elin trampling near Zaitsev. - Get in here. Here ... Lie down on top of her. Yes, not so, do not lean hard! Here it is. Sui her, we will fuck together. Yes, Anna Yurievna? Have you ever tried with two?

- I have not tried one in the ass. - I muttered, helping Zaitsev to send a member to the right place. Because of the rod in the anus, the vagina became narrow, Andryushka pushed his organ into me with effort. And then together they started fucking me.

It was something. Two members tearing both my holes, vigorously moving inside ... I spun, moaned, screamed, pressed Andryushka to me, kissed him, biting my lips ...Everything in me pulsed in the same rhythm with the vagina and anus. Andrei's organ delivered just unprecedented pleasure, and even Igor's rod in the anus seemed to find the very place, the slide on which made me groan. Igor grunted beneath me and together with the first splash of his seed in my ass I also covered.

Andrew this time discharged without any help. Probably contributed to this and a member of Igor in the anus, and the overall situation. Lucky guy - I thought, looking like he slips off of me. - For the first time - and immediately this. And with an experienced woman fucked, and took part in group sex. That's curious - was Igor too lucky? Or is it something common for him? I didn’t rush off him. I'm not heavy tolerate. In addition, it was interesting to feel how his body in my ass was gradually deflated, becoming soft. Boobs ached - he squeezed me decently. As if the bruises do not remain, it is now necessary to fuck with my husband for a while in complete darkness at home. And the best cancer for sure.

Olga moaned nearby, lying on her stomach and spreading her legs. Between the buttocks gaped hole, from which the bubbling sperm flowed. Semin - I thought. - Surely this is after him she has such an ass. Good thing he didn't get to me.

- Ol! - I called, slipping at last with Igor. - Are you alive?

- Alive ... But not everywhere ... Anh, look there behind me - is everything intact?

- It seems yes. Only looks obscene.

- Oh! - she turned on her stomach and sat down. - It's all him! - poked in the direction of dressing Semin. - I twisted my ass.

- What am I ?! - He raised his head. - I'm like everyone else. You, Olga Viktorovna, by the way, didn’t even shout. Nearly.

- Okay, let's get dressed. - I looked for my things - Guys, where are you going to wear my dress? And a bra?

- Here. - Yudin held out a big wad of cloth.

- And the cowards?

“Somewhere here ...” Petrenko said. - Here, I found. Is it yours or Olga Viktorovna?

I put on a bra and a dress right away, but I didn’t have panties on.

- Andrew! - I called Zaitsev. “Help me get to the bathroom, I have to wash myself.”

From the very first steps I realized that it would not be easy to go. From the bottom of both holes dripped, the grated holes themselves ached a bit, especially the one behind. On my legs apart, I stumbled to the door somehow. I looked at Olga with the same gait and suddenly laughed. It seems that we will both remember this prom for a long time.

  • January 24, 2018 11:31

    The first part was interested, but there was some kind of “dry” something. The second is a completely different matter. Although naive and hard to believe, but I am very good. liked. It was read easily, without any problems and dirt. Thanks to the author!


    • Rating: 1
  • Viktor (a guest)
    January 24, 2018 13:11

    Great story


    • Rating: 1
  • January 24, 2018 19:43

    Good story. It is interesting and easy to read. Maybe just a little too much.


    • Rating: 0
  • January 25, 2018 19:27

    Ilona, ​​And now, is there a boyfriend, or a husband?


    • Rating: 0
  • January 25, 2018 19:35

    No husband. Well guys beat.


    • Rating: 0
  • January 25, 2018 19:46

    Ilonochka, you're a good guy. Hello from close Belarus !!!


    • Rating: 0
  • January 25, 2018 19:53

    YES, I can tell by experience, Many men want group sex with girls, And many wives dream that two of them would take them. I speak not by hearsay. And by the way, When two guys and one girl, it's great !!! Ilona, ​​thanks again. The story is a bit unrealistic, But I also wrote a lot of things !!!


    • Rating: 0
  • Anna (a guest)
    January 26, 2018 19:38



    • Rating: 1
  • January 28, 201 15:48

    Loved the story. Even soaked.


    • Rating: 1
  • February 10, 2018 18:16

    The story is very cool. Added to favorites.


    • Rating: 0

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