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Waiting until the door slammed in his room, I jumped up and sat in front of the mirror, spreading my knees and looking at myself between my legs. Hmm, vegetation under the pants looks very noticeable. It is, of course, that the cowards themselves are such that they cover only the absolutely necessary minimum, but still ... That's interesting, but does this excite men or vice versa? On the one hand, it looks sloppy, but on the other, it seems to allow one to see what they should not see. But, of course, it is necessary to pick it up. By the way, now I’ll do it - still go to the bathroom.

Having washed myself, having shaved, and at the same time having once again caressed myself with a stream of water, I decided to call Irka. Maybe with Andrew something cleared up, but what about me now - again, just masturbate? Irka said that he had no changes, that is, in the near future it is not worth waiting for him. At the same time, she cried that she hadn’t finished the course either, although it was literally two times left.

- I didn’t finish it either, but I found a replacement! - I boasted.

- Where!? Who did you find there?

In the voice of a friend was a sincere surprise. A little more than an hour has passed since our last conversation.

- Igor. Of course, he is not such an ace, but it turns out not bad either.

I, of course, glossed over the skill of my son, but I’m a mother to be proud of and show off.

- Oh! How long has he been engaged in your massage?

- Not, no so much. I say, he is far from ideal. Well, nothing, here's typed experience ...

Irka snuffled for a while.

- Listen, and you can not lend it to me, eh? Just two times to complete?

Now it was my turn to sniff and think.

- Well ... I do not know. Still, he has little experience ...

- So let's see. Ask him yourself.

To my direct question - if he wants to expand the practice - Igor shook his eyes with surprise and asked where did anyone know that he had a massage for the first time in his life. I had to briefly retell the conversation with Irka, mentioning that I was praising him so much that now he couldn’t just hit his face in the dirt, exposing his mother to a yap.

- And if you fail?

- It must be nothing complicated there. In my opinion, it is quite tolerant, adjusted for inexperience.

- Well, if so, I would try ... Just, Mom, you immediately warned her that I am a beginner so as not to find fault.

In general, we agreed with Irka that tomorrow evening Igor would visit her, since she lives in the next house.

After work, Irka galloped home, and I went after Igor, and together we went to a friend. It seemed to me that Irka was a little surprised that I also appeared, but did not say anything.

- Here, I cooked everything. - she demonstrated what resembled a massage table.

I couldn’t accurately determine what she used in this capacity - everything was covered with a hanging sheet. Maybe a really big table, who knows. Slim Irka with her fifty kilograms can safely lie on anything, not like me and my sixty-something tail.

- And you go while the TV in the kitchen look. - she sent me - What are you missing here?

Closing the door behind me, I looked back, having managed to see how she was taking off her robe. To my surprise, under him she was completely naked. Here's a bitch, at least dressed up underwear! Even from the doorway I could see a gap between the skinny thighs and swollen lips at the top, from which small ones slightly protruded. Irka said something no less than to my surprised Igor and, swinging with small triangular tits, climbed onto the table. I automatically closed the door behind me, only after thinking that it would be worth leaving the gap and see what happens. That was uncomfortable for the mother's heart - it is not without reason that Irka behaves this way.

Having calmed down a little, I decided not to lose hope and once again examined the door. The easiest way would be to openly enter and attend there, but what if I was worrying for nothing? Why offend your friend with distrust? Moreover, the double door was installed somehow.There was a decent gap between the doors, through which I could see Igor carefully massaging Irka’s back.

Irka, an infection, not a bit tried to observe decency. All the time while the son was engaged in her legs, those very legs were wide apart, revealing everything to him. Maybe because of this, when massaging the buttocks, his hand slipped between his thighs several times, touching the most forbidden Irkine sites. Then she turned over and Igor had to breastfeed. However, it did not seem to me that he was distressed by this. Massaging Irkin pubis, unlike me, clean-shaven, he, at her insistence, expressed in the open pushing of the hand of his son, was forced to do what was between his legs. Who bent at the knees and shamelessly spread out. I will not say that the son strongly resisted this, but he looked at the door a couple of times with apprehension. I was probably afraid that I would come in.

It seemed to Irka not only that Igor's fingers discharged difficult figures between her lips, rub the clitoris and shallowly dive into the vagina. How did he know what to do? Irka herself suggests otherwise. So, this was not enough for her. She managed to unbutton Igor's pants and also massaged his penis to the best of his ability. The son looked at the door every minute, but Irka probably managed to convince him that I sat down in the kitchen and would definitely not come. I made such a conclusion because when she lay on her side and pulled her knees to her chest, she moved her ass to the very edge, Igor without hesitation stuck his dick to where her hips had converged.

I thought Irka would scream, so sharply the male organ slipped inside, but she was silent, and instead I gasped. It was ... unexpected. It's one thing to touch your hands, and here before me unfolded full sexual intercourse. I am sure that not every mother has ever seen her son fuck someone. Especially when he fucks her best friend. Especially when it is assumed that the mother is sitting behind the wall, in the kitchen. However, right now, before my eyes, Igor was swinging vigorously, ramming Irkino's vagina. And she, rolling her eyes, enjoyed. Also raised her leg, so that the member reached deep. Igor's shocks became more frequent, Irka realized that he did not have long and hurried, fingering her clit. Sonny, however, he still finished earlier and stopped, trying to catch his breath. Irka, taking advantage of the fact that the member still remained in it, quickly brought herself to completion by hand, after which she slipped off the worn organ. From the vagina a few drops rolled down the thigh. I realized that with the second part of the massage, according to Andrew’s classification, it was finished, and I quickly went into the kitchen, pretending that I was sitting here all the time.

Igor left immediately, but I stayed, like chatting with my girlfriend.

- Er, well, and how to understand this !?

- What?

- And then you do not know?

- How do you know that?

- Saw.

Irka raised her head and looked into my eyes:

- So what? Yes, I fucked with your Igor! So what? He is an adult already, and besides, you are not a husband! Why don't I have sex with him?

- He is my son!

- So what? So until death you will not let him to the women?

- Well ... You're his how much older then?

- Who cares! - she waved her hand. - If he got up on me, then everything is fine.

She took out a bottle of wine:

- Let's drink something. We're now like that ... kindred.

- No, Er, you are not right. You never know got up. At his age, everything is worth it.

- That's it. It is necessary to use it. By the way, he, probably, gets up on you, even though you are a mother. Admit it, when he massaged you, did you also have a “second part”?

- Ugh on you, Er, what are you talking about! I, by the way, generally lay in shorts.

- Well, yes-ah, then of course. - She laughed - If in shorts, then all, there is nothing more to look at.

- But still, Ir, he is not you, he needs a normal girl. To walk there, get married, children grandchildren and all that.

- What am I? Let there be a girl, at least two. Well she she, if decent, just will not give? Will not give. So that ...

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