1. The story of one prom. Part 1
  2. The story of one prom. Part 2

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All the keys, as I expected, were from the rooms on the upper floors. One on the second and two on the third. Here we start with the second. - I decided, immediately thinking that it was a bad idea - today I was there twice already, both times intending to rise higher then, and both times I never reached the third floor. Nothing - I calmed myself - superstition - this is not about us. Now nothing can stop me.

The office from which the key was missing was in the farthest corner. And at first glance, the door looked closed, no different from its neighbors. I stood in front of her, listened - no, I could not hear anything. Or rustling something? To clear his conscience, he jerked the handle ... the door gave way, creaking loudly at the same time. I stepped inside.

Almost without surprise, I looked at the guy standing without my back to me near the teacher's desk, who turned in fear at the creaking. The lady, judging by the legs on his shoulders in high-heeled shoes, was on the very table. From a certain point I was already tired of stumbling on a couple fucking in the school, and I resolutely stepped towards him:

- Ta-a-ak, Alekhin ... is that what is happening here !?

He was scared silent. Having approached, I finally considered his partner and was confused. Alekhin fucked not someone, but our mathematician Svetlana Pavlovna. Well, yes, here it lies on the table in all its glory - the blouse is wide open, the breast is out, beautiful breasts, by the way, even in such a position as two neat, regular knolls with papillae protruding into the ceiling, a skirt on a belt, no panties, but under a neatly shaved triangle pubic, under the convex, protruding from under the hood of the clitoris in it is inserted drin Alekhine.

Svetlana Pavlovna, a woman in her late thirties, not only had a pleasant figure, but also emphasized her virtues in every possible way, preferring transparent blouses, short skirts, stockings or tight pants, not to mention bright make-up. It is not surprising that the entire male half of the school sighed through it, and she herself often told with laughter how she had entered the high school students into a stupor, glimpse of the elastic band. To the fact that she deliberately teases men are all accustomed. It was also believed that she, a married woman, would never go for more. And now lies in front of me, helplessly impaled on the member of yesterday's student and looks with frightened eyes.

- You should have closed. - I grumbled, losing my ardor. - Here children roam. Light, do you want them lined up here? Do you know how many hunters are there before your body?

“Anh ...” she murmured. - You won't tell anyone? True?

- May be.

- Well, Anya ... I ask you ...

- We'll see.

I looked at the frozen Alekhin and remembered the old joke.

- I will not say if he can continue.

- What?

- Go on, I say, if you can. It turns out - I will not tell anyone.

It came to Alekhin. Having seized Svetka's legs more comfortably, he, looking at me, began to wiggle with his pelvis. With a quiet squish, the member fell into Svetka, hiding to the very root. With each push, Svetkin's gaze fixed on me was clouding, her breath began to lag, becoming shallow and frequent. Hmm ... - I thought, again looking at the term flickering between the lips. - I wonder if she would announce in advance what would give to someone who graduated perfectly well, how much would her academic progress increase? I suspect that at least three times.

Alekhine puffed louder, leaned on Svetka, bent her legs almost to his ears and finished his nose between her breasts.

- Well done. - I praised. - Smog. I promise no one will know. Light, did you have time?

- BUT? No, it did not work ...

- Well, nothing, the second time will.

“But I ...” Alekhin, having heard about the second time, sadly demonstrated the hanging organ.

- Boy, you're already eighteen and you want to say that you do not know the word "blowjob"?

I pushed him to Svetkina's head. Alekhine, looking at me, carefully put the member into Svetka's mouth, which began to suck him, helping with her hand. I finally looked at how a white drop rolled down from the vagina between her crotch, between her disheveled small lips, disappearing between her buttocks and thought that the word "condom" to Alekhin, too, was apparently unknown.

As I was leaving, I looked around, making sure that no one was nearby, and went to the stairs. Now, nothing can stop me from going up to the third floor. On the last steps there was a smell of smoke. Well, this is arrogance. Well, if they smoked in the toilet, there is at least some ventilation. I wonder who that sassy is. Leaning on the floor, I made sure that there was almost no smell. So, on the stairs. Well, clearly not below, there are plenty of people. So higher? On the attic floor? Well, I'll arrange them!

It was dark above. I didn't see him right away. Pasha Kuzmenko, a good quiet boy, almost an excellent student, in nothing, as they say, reprehensible is seen. He settled in the farthest and darkest corner on some boxes with a cigarette in his hand and thoughtfully silent, looking at one point. Even on my appearance did not respond. It is strange.

- Pasha, what are you doing here?

“I’m sitting ...” he said indifferently, and then fell silent again.

- Why not down with everyone?

- No mood.

Something was definitely going on with the guy. I once again sniffed - no, the usual smoke, a regular cigarette.

- What happened? - I sat next, trying not to spoil the dress. - What happened? Was everything okay an hour ago?

- Nothing ...

- So. - I took his cigarette butt. - Tell me.

Pasha was silent for a long time, probably wondering whether he was sharing his problems with me.

- Anna Yurievna, have you seen Svetlana Pavlovna long ago?

- No, not really.

The question surprised me greatly, considering what Sveta was doing now.

- And where, below?

- Uh, no. What do you have to do with her?

- Not.

Pasha suddenly sobbed.

- Pasha, tell me what happened. Maybe I will help. And what have Svetlana Pavlovna?

He sobbed again, took out a new cigarette, lit it and gave out:

- Svetlana Pavlovna, she ... well ... so ... Well, I do not know how to say ... maybe even this love ...

Clear. It is not surprising, with all Svetkina erotic quirks.

- Hardly, Pasch, love. Do not worry, will pass. At your age it happens.

- No, I'm not about that. That is about it too ... I mean ... In general, I looked at it all evening tonight ... we even danced ... And then I went out to smoke. I come back, she looks down the corridor with Alekhine. I thought - well, where can they go? Unclear. And he went next. At a distance so as not to be noticed. They climbed to the second floor. I was sneaking up the stairs, I heard the door creaked.

He dragged on and fell silent.

- So what is next? - in my heart I hoped that after that he rose right here.

- And then I looked into this class. There is such a lock ... with a flat key, you can see a bit in the well.

- And what did you see?

- They stood near the table. Kissing. - Pashka sobbed again. - And then she lay back on the table, Alekhine let down his pants and threw her legs over his shoulders. He stood with his back to the door, so it is not clear what he was doing, but, Anna Yuryevna, everything is clear, right?

- Are you jealous? - I asked directly. - Would you like to be in Alekhin's place?

- Yes, I would give everything for it!

- And then what happened?

- Came here. Could not look at them.

- I see. So now you sit ...

- Well yes.

He paused.

- I remember them, everything inside turns upside down. And here's another ...

He raised his hand from his knees, showing me a member sticking out of his pants.

- For some reason, it excites me. I tried already ... Anna Yurievna, you will not laugh?

- No, that you!

- I tried to masturbate, I thought it would calm me down. - he had several times on the tension trunk, moving the skin. - Does not help. Although before ... I jerked at her so many times, imagining how she looks without ...

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