1. The story of one prom. Part 1
  2. The story of one prom. Part 2

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Smoke here, stealing keys!

The guys were silent.

- Cigarettes thrown away! - I ordered. - Yes, not here, still make a fire. Look out the window. And tell me quickly, why did you need the key? By the way, let's get him here!

- We are ... It is not us ... - muttered Petrenko.

- Yes? Something besides you I do not see anyone here! Okay, let's get the key!

“He is there ...” The udin shook his head toward the door.

Well there so there. I took the handle.

- Anna Yurievna, do not go there! - Suddenly begged the udin. - We ourselves will bring!

But the door had already opened and I stepped inside.

At first it seemed to me that inside a bunch of people. Then, orienting in the twilight and separating people from the shadows, I counted three boys, not counting Petrenko and Yudin standing behind me. And one woman. Olga Viktorovna, our biologist. Olga, it seems, was no. At our age, and he and I are about the same, it’s time to know my norm, I thought. I made the conclusion that Olga had obviously gone over the norm, because I was fucked. This is so simple and simple. She, naked, lay on two shifted tables, and between her divorced legs roasted boyish ass rocked. Her face turned to me and a contented smile wandered across him, indicating the pleasure she received. Two more guys were shifting alongside, without pants, waiting for the queue and stroking the sticks sticking in the groin. They turned on the creak of the door:

- Oh, one more has come! - exclaimed one.

Probably not recognized. - I thought - it's dark, and the guys are not quite sober. Or, maybe, they found out, but they thought that, like Olga, I came for my portion of male affection?

They rushed to me, dragging me along. Along the way, I felt someone's hands climbed under the dress, grabbing me between my legs, and then abruptly pulled off my underwear. I almost stumbled when they tangled my ankles, but by some miracle I kept my feet, shaking them off.

- What are you doing? - I hissed.

- What you came for!

I felt that I was knocked over onto my back, a ceiling flashed before my eyes, which immediately disappeared because of the hem of a dress that had fallen on my eyes. With someone's help, my legs flew up and away. I was confused, knowing what would happen now. Olga moaned nearby. And at me at this moment, someone's fat cock crept smoothly.

My indignation and fear for some time gave way to surprise - who is it so huge? He stretched me to the point of pain, just as much as I could hold myself. In addition to my will, I gasped, clutching my hands on the table.

- Narrow ... - came from the legs. - barely got.

I started to fuck. Here and there. Slipping, twisting the vagina, slapping the scrotum on the buttocks. I felt like a thick head with an effort enters inside, tightly compressed by the walls of the vagina, making me tremble, hold my breath, listen to the sensations, and exhale with a moan when the male pubis touched me and the head rested against the cervix of the uterus. After a minute, I desperately clenched my teeth, trying not to scream from pleasure, and was blowing the guy who was fucking me.

- Here, Anna Yuryevna, we knew that you would like it. - a voice came from the side of me. - Let's still take off the dress, but I really want to see your chest.

I did not have the strength to resist, and I didn’t want to. I got rid of the dress, and at the same time from the bra. And now I could see what was happening around.

The member rhythmically fucking me belonged to Vitka Semin. Nearby stood the udin and crushed my chest. Through the passage, someone frantically tugged Olga, her lips clutching at the nipple of her left breast. Then I didn’t care, the fog spread in my head, erasing my thoughts, my eyes were clouded, and I probably screamed all the same. Yes, she screamed for sure, as she later discovered that Petrenko was standing nearby and pinches my mouth. With Olga, sniffing, got down Igor Elin.Udin gathered in his place, but Olga squeezed out:

“Wait, boys, let me rest ...” she turned with difficulty and sat down, spreading her legs and touching herself between them, where, in a frame of thick, stuck together hairs, there was a gap in the opening with small lips and a dripping sperm. - Oh, rubbed ... Boys, you did not guess to grab lubricant?

- There is a grease. - got a tube Elin. - Anal.

- Anal? - Olga asked. - Are you going to me ... there?

- Of course, Olga Viktorovna. Do not worry, it will not hurt. Lie down for a while, rest, and I'll brush your ass.

Olga was about to argue, but I was distracted by Semin, who had finished with me violently. After him, I took up the rejected Olga Yudin, immediately planting my eggs. However, after Semin it was not difficult for him either, and it did not hurt me. Sensations, however, also did not give special. So, a gentle massage of the vagina. I looked at Olga again.

She was laid on her back and Elin diligently rubbed lubricant into the anus, sometimes pushing it inside. And already with two fingers. After making sure that the fingers go right up to the palm of his hand, he called Petrenko:

- Mihon, come here, you will be the first.

I squeezed a drop of grease on his head and pressed Olgin's legs to his chest with his knees.

- Sui, only slowly!

- Boys! - Olga asked plaintively. - You are more careful, ok?

Petrenko pressed his head on the sphincter. The head slipped off.

- Eh ... - Elin himself put a member of his friend to the anus and with his finger shoved the soft head inside.

Olga oyknula, but more from fright. Elin whispered something to Semin and ordered Petrenko:

- Come on! Only slowly.

Petrenko pushed his dick in the ass. Olga twitched, opened her mouth to shout, but Semin just pressed her hand to her lips in time. She only managed to moo, twitch and rotate with rounded eyes. A member, I saw, stretching the sphincter slowly, but inevitably hiding in her anus.

The udin fell off me, leaving, like his predecessor, his sperm inside. Between my legs I found myself, Andrei Zaitsev, who was shyly standing aside all this time.

- Anna Yurievna, are you not tired? - stammering, he asked. - Can I have you too ...?

And how did he get here? - I was amazed - An exemplary boy from a good family, not like these. Also asks permission. Well, how can I refuse? Let him have a holiday today.

- You can, Andrew, insert.

The member who entered me was like a host - the same polite and shy, carefully went all the way deep and just as carefully got out. Then again.

- Andrew, have you ever fucked before?

- No, Anna Yurievna, you are my first.


- Then listen to me. Since now you do it - you will fuck virgins when they have the first time. And I'm an adult woman, I just got fucked, everything is stretched and blurred. So let's tear me up sharply and rudely. Well!?

Zaitsev grabbed my hips and earned a pelvis. Wow ... - I thought, leaning back in satisfaction and putting his crotch to him. - It is quite another matter. However, once again suggested:

- Well, Andrew, just sharper as if you want to pierce me. And I love to slightly upwards, so that the head rests on the upper dome ...

Now it became quite good. And Andrew’s dimensions are almost as good as Semin’s, and he fucks me the way I want. My legs curled around him, setting the pace. A familiar fog filled my head, after which a long-awaited orgasm came.

When I woke up, I traditionally looked at Olga, who by this time Petrenko was pretty playful in the ass, then turned her eyes to Zaitsev, who was still fucking me. Unclear. If I have the first one, then he should have finished just inserting. Or am I not exciting him? No, there is how I fumbles through my body, from the boobs to the pubis.

- Andryush. - I called. - Why don't you finish? For the first time something you long, eh?

The guy, it seemed to me even in the dark, blushed:

- Yes, I'm here ... until Olga Viktorovna guys ... jerked off ... twice. And then.... Read more →

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