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he takes her for a walk, holds her home, and then comes to me to fuck. Experience again typed. You know, here it is felt that today he, if not the first, then the second time was.

- Why?

- Well ... felt. Here with Andryukha everything is different, a professional is immediately visible - everything is clear, precise, on time, where it is necessary and where it is necessary. Everything worked out repeatedly. On the one hand, it's great of course, maximum efficiency. But boring and predictable. And with your not, it is noticeable that by trial and error acts. It was necessary to prompt. But there is an element of surprise, and finally the feeling that I am the main one here. So it is still unknown who is better.

Of course, at home Igor, I did not boast of what had happened. And quite successfully pretended that nothing of the sort had happened. Although I could see that he was a little insane. I understood him - not every day I manage to fuck my mother’s friend. And he probably just does not succeed every day. This is not to mention the fact that I was tormented by suspicions that he even fucked for the first time. I could not articulate clearly why this was so, but it seemed to me ... in general, all such inconspicuous trifles that you learn only from experience and which are striking if they are done wrong. In this Irka, most likely, was right.

At home, I changed clothes in the kitchen when Igor came to me and said:

- Mom, it's time for a massage. I've already prepared everything.

Is it really not enough for him Irki? - I wondered to myself, but I could not think of a reason for refusal.

- Well, now I will come, I will jump into the shower only.

I lay down again on the couch in my underpants. Igor looked at them disapprovingly, but he was silent and went to work. Everything went like yesterday, only massaging his hips, he was frankly touching the panties between his legs. It is clear that the guy after today feels that now he can do anything. I, however, didn’t turn my tongue. The touches were not arrogant, soft and gliding, although clearly intentional. And, to my shame, enjoyable.

Turning me back, Igor, as usual, paying excessive attention to the chest, got to the pubis, where he said:

- Oh, mom, you shaved! Have you shaved everything or just around the edges?

I did not have time to open my mouth as he continued:

“Okay, we will be massaging there now, and we will find out at the same time.”

Confidently lowered her panties, he took up pubic, incidentally noting:

- No, not all shaved.

I felt his fingers in some millimeters from the beginning of the sponges. No doubt they were perfectly visible to him. My mouth suddenly went dry, my tongue refused to toss and turn, my heart thumped in my chest, I felt the thighs tremble, waiting every second for my son to touch where it was impossible. And waited. His hand slipped under the panties, confidently stroking the lips from the pubis to the anus.

“Igor ...” I squeezed out.

- Aunt Ira said that you should also massage here. That real masseur always did that. - he said confidently. - Mom, and let's take off the pants? Aunt Ira without them from the very beginning was.

Here Irka made it better! - I thought in panic, feeling the panties slid off my ankles.

- In-oh ... - Igor concluded with satisfaction. - Mom, and you're better here than Aunt Ira look.

At the same time, his finger parted his lips and rubbed me there. Catching the small ones, he pulled them away, rubbing between his fingers, then moved the clitoris.

“Igor, that's enough ...” I managed to say, with an effort to free myself from the tense excitement.

Maybe I said it too quietly, or maybe he ignored my words, but his hand continued to dominate between my thighs. He studied me there no less carefully than Irka - stretched his lips, massaged the clitoris and everything else, half a finger went into the vagina, probably noticing that it flowed. I tried in vain to think of what ... no, I tried in vain to force myself to think of what to do now, but the brain refused to think.Only one thought remained in my head - that there, between my legs, Igor would not stop, so that he would not forget about the hips and buttocks, so that he would pay more attention to the clitoris, so that finally there would be something like a penis in the vagina! It seems that I even lifted myself up several times to meet his movements, after which Igor, getting excited, probably not less than I, with one hand pulled the pants off with a sharp jerk.

Before my blurred eyes swaying member. It seemed huge, with a large head, noticeably larger than the rest of the trunk, resembling a long mushroom on a twisted leg. The idea that now my own son will fuck me for some reason did not seem wild. Probably, excitement supplanted morality, morality and other things imposed by civilization, leaving simple, animal desire to mate. The member disappeared from my sight, Igor spread my legs as far as possible and I felt how his hips touched the inside of mine. Nekstati was remembered by Irka, who unknowingly served as a catalyst for all of this.

- Igor! - I called quietly.

He leaned toward me, so I felt like a long, hard, impatiently quivering member pressed against my pubic hair:

- What mom?

- God forbid you finish before me! Got it !?

He nodded, rising again. The head rested on the lips, parted them, and then ... this magical, delightful moment when the vagina begins to open under the pressure of the male organ, pretending that it reluctantly lets him in. I groaned. Igor's member plunged slowly, as if studying me from the inside, sometimes returning, after which he made his way with new force. All my feelings were concentrated there, below, where the son finally reached the maximum depth of the maternal vagina. My body involuntarily arched towards him. The member came into motion, confidently ramming the waiting for this vagina. I threw my son's legs over his shoulders and finally gave herself over to the sensations that surged over me. The blows of the penis grew sharper and more often, raising me to the heights of pleasure, until I felt that the next push would be the final one for me. Igor once again, coming out of me almost completely, with a strong blow, strung me onto my penis, and here I was covered.

After enjoying all the feelings, I was surprised to see that Igor, instead of also ending, having heard my screams, continues to concentrate his cock in me. Well, if so, then this is for the better - I decided, tuning in for another orgasm. However, this was not destined to come true. Soon Igor began to puff, his movements became chaotic and I felt like a member in me jerking, erupting in the very depths.

Igor got off me, seemingly tired and out of breath.

- Give a towel! - I demanded.

Wiping all that leaked out of me, I got up, staggering. My head still rang, but I could somehow think and understood that now my son and I had done something ... not just forbidden, but impossible in general. Igor seemed to feel the same, sadly standing in front of me with a wilted, reduced member and handing a bathrobe. We silently cleaned, bringing the room, this nest of debauchery, in a decent view, and only after that I went into the bath.

Probably the latest events moved something in my head, taking all my thoughts. I stood under the shower, calmed down, and even decided to finish the job my son had done, namely, to finish again. Igor interrupted at that very moment when I was left with nothing at all and now everything in my crotch ached, demanding proper completion. Sit down, I unscrewed my soul and sent a stream to the clitoris. And at that moment Igor fell into the bathroom. Because I completely lost my mind that the door should be closed.

At first, he stared at me, directing the jet between the lips stretched by the fingers of the other hand. Then, when I jumped up, it dawned on him what it was:

- Mom ... did I do something wrong?

He took everything personally, thinking that the mother only represented an orgasm for him, and now he is satisfied with herself.

- Everything you did, Igor, everything is fine.- I reassured him, thinking to myself: In addition, that it was not necessary in principle to do it. - It just happened to me a little once.

- So what did you not say? I can still!

His cock twitched and slightly raised, increasing in length. After such a proposal, I could not retreat, and, frankly, did not want to. Seven woes - one answer, as our wise ancestors said.

Igor climbed into my bath, stretched out to her full height. I squatted over him on the heels, the benefit of the width of the bath allowed, and lifting the member vertically dropped to the stake. Igor, in this position, examined the process in great detail, excitedly puffed.

- Do not move! - I warned. - Now it's my turn to fuck you! You can hold me for the boobs, but do not press too much.

The final decision was made by me at that moment when his member entered to the end and rested in the depths, giving me a delightful feeling of a full-time vagina. I realized that I will not stop fucking with my son, that this time is far from the last.

I slowly rose and fell so that Igor not only felt, but also saw his mother enter his mother's vagina and come out, twisting her lips a little. Without looking up, he looked into this place, snuffled, squeezing my boobs and suddenly spun, twitched under me ... and finished.

- Sorry, mom, could not resist.

He looked frankly guilty.

- Nothing, not scary.

- Mom, give me a shower ... Should I send here? - He touched the clitoris.

- Yes ... and close too ...

I lay back, leaning on my hands and feeling like a quivering hot jet makes the clitoris vibrate. Bliss spread through the body. A member of Igor was still trembling in me, recalling himself, thus responding to the contraction of the muscles of the vagina. Igor did a pretty good job with the stream, confidently leading me to an orgasm. Almost more than the fact that the traditionally female way of masturbation satisfies me a man, and even a son, affected me. Could I think about it yesterday? And now ... enjoy ... here ... more ... yes ... Yes-ah-ah-ah!

He managed. I myself, of course, did better, but it did not go well with him. We got out of the bath, got dressed and went to dinner, as if nothing had happened. At least in appearance. Although a storm was raging in my soul. Life, no doubt, from this moment has changed dramatically. I got a husband and son in one person, and it seems that now I will not have a lack of sex. Or maybe it is for the better? Yes, no, well, can not the same public morality to lie? Or maybe? Or how? And you will not consult to anybody. Crucify the same, even if they themselves dream of such a thing. Just because it should be.

With these thoughts I went to bed. However, an hour later, she was still turning and digging into her thoughts, finding more questions than answers. Igor, as it turned out, also did not sleep, as he quietly slipped through the door and leaned against me. His problems, however, were simpler - a hard member rested against my thigh.

- Mom, I can not sleep ... - he whispered in my neck, while trying to lift up her nightie. Sighing, I pulled her over my head, turned my back to him and tucked her knees, sticking out her ass. Between the thighs, a firm body squeezed in, as if it had not been fucked today. Igor snuffled, pushing him forward. I raised my leg, hand pointing it to the right place. The member fell into the still not cooled off from the last time vagina, the son pressed his stomach to the buttocks, hugged, catching his chest by the nipples and began to fuck me. I, who were going to just give him the excitement, felt like a pleasant warmth spreading through the crotch and suddenly I thought that I was not old enough to give up the opportunity to finish again today.

  • December 16, 2017 19:08

    Subjectively, too rapid development of events, but still it is not a pity to put 10.


    • Rating: 1
  • December 16, 2017 21:12

    Well, and I was going to express my displeasure with a too slow development of events ... :).Very good - and readable, and jerky.


    • Rating: -2
  • December 17, 2017 18:18

    6 pages - too slowly? You either read slowly or shoot fast. At this pace, the site will roll to "Well, this one was a lass and I fucked her, fuck it."


    • Rating: 2

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