1. The story of one prom. Part 1
  2. The story of one prom. Part 2

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I doubted her answer because I saw all her attempts to change the way of intercourse. Yes, and she received an orgasm not from him, but from her own hand, which I also wrote down to the peasant in minus. The woman, spreading her legs, carefully wiped the crotch of a napkin extracted from her purse.

- Give the cowards.

- Or maybe you stay? Suddenly we, hehe, still want?

- No, enough. Come here.

He regretfully extended a piece of cloth. Panties slid up his legs, again taking its place. Having corrected the clothes and make-up, the couple left, allowing me to finally exhale and leave my refuge.

Damn, what is this going on !? - I thought, returning. - Not a school, but a den! Where not to go - fuck everywhere! What they, no other place? However, on reflection, I realized that in fact, there must be something to do in school. Extreme, so to speak, and violation of the foundations. These two, perhaps, in general, only today met each other and, perhaps, this is their first and last time. In addition, Gordeev’s mother, according to my observations, did not make an impression of being ready to fuck the first person I met. Surely today, and alcohol played an important role, and the general atmosphere, when everyone finally relaxed, all the exams passed and you can afford to relax fully, without worrying about the future of the offspring, also affected. Perhaps the man understood this and decided to fuck her here and now, not postponing until later, when she can change her mind.

Reasoning this way, I came back without meeting anyone along the way and went downstairs. Here the celebration went at full speed. People wandered through the corridors to varying degrees of drunkenness; former students and their parents danced smartly in the hall. The teachers were also tipsy. One guard, sober and sullen, sat at his post, guarding the school from outside penetration from whom it was not clear. I sat at the table, having drunk a couple of glasses of wine, calmed down and decided to continue the tour.

- Valer, why are you so angry? - I asked, passing by the guard.

- You'll be angry here ... when there is fun around, and you are in the service. And it would be really okay to sit on the case, otherwise it is ...

- Valer, you have an important mission - you protect us from terrorists! - I giggled. - Is not it so?

- Anh, here you are still scoffing! Going out to the street, nobody goes anywhere, what should I do here?

I thought a little - and in fact, just like that guy sits.

- Let's go! - I pulled him. - I'll feed you though.

Valery stooped for order, but then he still dragged himself to the table. The compassionate teachers immediately piled on him a full plate of food, and at the same time they gurgled a full glass of port wine. As a result, after half an hour, the brave guard was full, slightly drunk and happy with life.

- Everything. - He got up from the table. - I'm on the post.

- Let's go. - I got up too.

- Where are you going?

- Also ... for the post. Today, it is my duty to go and see that there is nothing anywhere.

- Ah, got it. - Valera was silent. - Anh, let me walk with you? And then I will soon have hemorrhoids from sitting in one place.

- Let's go.

The second floor was still deserted. I had already thought to climb immediately to the third, when I heard the receding steps.

- You heard? - I looked at standing next to Valera.

- It seems someone passed. Children probably wander.

I sighed:

- We got it already. Let's go out, nothing to do here.

“Why don't you close the floor at all?” - asked Valery, walking down the corridor after me. - Once there should be no one?

- It is impossible. Something about fire safety. Must access stay just in case.

There was no one in this wing or in the passage.I, remembering how I went here just an hour ago, thought that it might not be children, and now we will break the solitude of respectable people at the most piquant moment, however, it was also empty in the far wing. Valerka puzzled his head:

- I just heard it! Maybe you went somewhere?

- No, everything is closed ...

However - I thought - Each teacher has the key to his class. But then she remembered the staircase where she hid herself.

- Come on. - I pulled him. - over there check it out.

They were here. Down on the floor between the floors. We heard the male chug immediately. And thin girlish whining. Valerka, like any decent guard, had a flashlight, which he immediately used. In the beam of light, a girl appeared in front of us, leaning on the railing with her breast, holding the magnificent dress, lifted up onto her back with one hand, because of which only a high hairstyle with white beads interlaced was visible. By her hair and dress, I identified Elia Karimov in her, thank God that she is not from my class. However, what's the difference now. She stooped in the lower back, sticking out her large, dark, ball-shaped buttocks towards a peasant of about forty-five, with bald and gray hair at the temples, with trousers down to her ankles. A peasant frowned in our direction. Between the floors of the white shirt he had a predatory member of a frightening size sticking forward. That's real, it was huge, especially in thickness. Like my wrist. The member glistened with moisture, indicating that it had just been used for its intended purpose. About the same said stretched hole in the crotch of Karimova, between plump, hairless dark sponges. It seemed to me that if I stoop a little, I could look inside the girl's body, having seen the cervix without additional gynecological devices.

- Well, what do you want? - the man hissed with displeasure. - Elechka herself wanted. She is an adult, has the right to decide. Really, Elechka?

- Yes-ah-ah ... - came from behind the dress. - Well, what did you stop?

I was even somewhat confused.

- It is not allowed here ...

- And where? - the man hissed even more annoyed. - In the general hall to fuck?

- No, but...

While I was coming up with arguments, the man spat and turned away with the words:

- Go already from here. Or look, perverts, if you want so much.

He aimed with a hefty purple head at the hole in the girl's crotch and with a seemingly noticeable effort he pressed inside. The stretched vagina was still too narrow for his monster.

- Ltd! - howled Ale. - Deeper! Tear me up!

A man intently shoved a member into it before our eyes. Nearby, Valerka was sucked in through the teeth. The view of the stretched out vagina fascinated. Elya moaned, the man puffed, slowly inserting and taking out the member, causing the plump buttocks to gently sway. I realized that he simply could not move faster without risking damage to the girl's vagina. But after a while it accelerated a bit. It was scary to look at the cudgel entering the Elyu, I involuntarily looked at the trunk entwined with veins, look for traces of blood from a torn vagina, but did not find it. Whether he fucked her for a long time and regularly, having had time to stretch to his size, or not so much a member and great, just in this light it seems huge. In any case, Ale clearly enjoyed the club inside. Her orgasm brought me out of my stupor, I quietly stepped back and went up the stairs, leaving them to fuck. Behind her, Elka yelled again, ending again and filling me with envy.

Having seen enough, I, still in shock, felt how itchy crotch and wet pants. Although regular porn, for example, doesn’t turn me on like this, but live ... Valerka stomped backwards. I had time to think that he, too, must have had an effect. And now he is coming from behind, with a lantern highlighting my path and at the same time illuminating my ass in a narrow dress, swaying in front of my nose. Oh ... It was enough to think about it as a hand touched my leg.

- An ... - I heard his confused whisper. - Wait.

I stopped. Valery approached closely, so I felt a tapped thigh groin with a stone bulge.

- An, you saw how they ... I do ...

- I saw ...

- I ... Read more →

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