1. The story of one prom. Part 1
  2. The story of one prom. Part 2

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about the average sexual organ of an average man. I shuddered, imagining myself in its place, as this curved, excited trunk penetrated the vagina, pushing the elastic walls apart. Lenka also noisily sucked in the air as far as the gagged member allowed and spread her legs wider. Nikiforov pushed the penis to the end, moving to uniform shocks. Gusev opened his eyes, looked at why his head suddenly put on his organ began to sway and in no way surprised, in my opinion, closed it again.

I looked at it with open mouth in amazement. Okay, with one, but with two at once!? And so easily! I would not have been able ... Having thought about it, I felt that while I was watching how Lenka was being pulled from both sides, my panties were treacherously soaked. Or maybe I'm wrong? - flashed the thought. - Maybe I could too? Would you even enjoy it? Lenka already quietly moans in time with the movements of the penis in the vagina. And Gusev, snorting, quickly tugging at her head, pulling at his stake - probably now he will finish. However, the first was still Lenka. She froze for a second, taking a deep breath several times, after which she continued to work on male pride with her lips, quickly getting a mouthful of sperm. Nikiforov accelerated sharply, literally seconds later, he tensed tightly against Lenkin’s buttocks and froze. I, trying to appease my frantic heartbeat, again seemed to feel how a trembling trunk erupted in me.

Pulling on clothes, all three relaxedly lit a cigarette.

- Well, and you did not want ...

- But she agreed ... - Lenka, looking as if nothing special had happened, threw out her cigarette butt. - Okay, let's drink and go back. And then we, probably, are already looking for.

I waited until they left, praying to myself so that they would not find me. After what they did here, it would be ... well, I do not know ... I would immediately die in their place of shame. However, it is not clear why I also felt uncomfortable, as if she herself had just done something reprehensible. Maybe because the excitement did not let me go and I knew what I was about to do. When the footsteps subsided in the corridor, I, looking at the door and burning with shame, walked over to the window and assumed the same posture as Lenka, feeling like a depraved old aunt. She imagined that the male organ was getting ready to penetrate into me from behind the buttocks ... she put her hand into her panties, clutching her thirsting caress for her clitoris ... and almost feeling like an imaginary member pierced me confidently and frantically masturbating.

When I finished, I stood up, bringing my breathing back to normal, looked in the mirror, and finally left the toilet, after looking out first and making sure that there was no one. After all, I, being in a state of mild shock, wanted to sit down and think over everything once more by pouring in a glass of vodka. Or even wine. I did not expect this from my students, I did not expect it at all. Wow - three of us! And, apparently, not the first time! And in appearance, you can’t tell ... And it worked on me! Yes, I could not dream in a bad dream that I would satisfy myself in a school toilet! Well, yes, what now ... Now for the order it is necessary to finish the detour, looking into the far wing. And then go to the third floor, after.

In the transition between the corps there was a dead silence. Even the music from below barely reached. I involuntarily tried to go as quietly as possible, carefully stepping on the chipped floor boards, thinking that it was unlikely that anyone could wander here. In the far wing, as I expected, I did not find anyone. Emptiness, silence, light smell of paint and nothing else. Well, a few more tables and chairs in the corner, taken out of a class for the period of repair, cast freakish shadows at each other from a street lamp peering through the window.Having reached the end, that is, before reaching the second staircase, I decided to go down here, but the exit to the first floor was locked. Cursing my lacklusterness - it was clear that, based on the principle “as if something did not work out” everything that was possible would be closed, I, risking to stumble, climbed the dark stairs back, realizing that I would have to go back the same way I came. However, voices were now heard in the empty corridor. For good I should have come out to them and explain that I should not be here, but for some reason I did not do this, on the contrary, trying to become inconspicuous in the shadow of the landing.

- Here, here we will not interfere. - said a male voice.

It was obviously someone adult, probably from parents — I would have known colleagues.

- I'm still afraid.

And this is a woman, and the voice is vaguely familiar. No way, the mother of some of my guys. I carefully peeked around the corner, glad that a thick shadow hid me - they were only two steps away. However, they were not up to me - they kissed. The woman was the mother of Sasha Gordeev. As far as I knew, she had no husband. But the man, kissing her and creasing her outstanding buttocks under a narrow skirt, was not familiar. Also, probably, someone's father. Something told me that they had wandered here for a reason and I decided not to advertise my presence yet. Yes, and drive adults, too, somehow ... impolite. Especially at that moment.

- I am afraid ... - for a moment looking up from him, the woman repeated.

- Do not worry, there is nobody here, everything will be fine.

The man pulled her skirt up, showing me a simple panties in a horizontal dark strip on a round ass. Then he changed his mind, unzipped his pants, pulled out a member and put it in the lady’s hand. And all this without stopping to kiss her. I watched, fascinated, as her hand slowly massaged a powerful dark trunk surrounded by thick curly thickets and missed the moment when he pulled out her full, brightly whitening breasts in the dim light, dropping in turn to both nipples with his lips.

- Oh, Sash, what are you doing ... - she sighed.

Sasha, meanwhile, pulled his skirt up again and pulled off her pants, running his hand between his thighs. The woman sighed again, whispering:

- Take them off completely ...

Panties disappeared in a pocket of a men's jacket. The woman gently pushed her partner into the nearest chair, picked up her skirt, and spread her legs wide over her. And then she sank down, moaning on the stake sticking up. She turned her back on me, so I didn’t see their faces, but I could make out from my hiding place as a member entered between fluffy sponges and sank inwards so that only a scrotum could be seen under the white buttocks. On the buttocks immediately lay male hands and the woman began to move, evenly rising and falling, managing to rotate with the pelvis. The man quite groaned, bursting to raise the pelvis towards the vagina sliding along the trunk. The woman, unsuccessfully trying to muffle sighs, increased the pace, breaking the silence with dull slaps of the buttocks on his thighs.

- Wait. - he stopped her. - Let's better cancer.

- Do not you like it?

- I like it, but I want to fuck you myself. And so it turns out that you are me.

The woman got off the shining rod of water, leaning low in front of the adjacent chair and leaning on his seat. For a short time, I had time to look at the crotch that was covered with long blond hairs with a shiny, opening slit. The man took a position behind her, sharply drove a member. And he quickly twitched, teasing the vagina with short jolts in the depths. The woman, it seems, on the contrary, wanted her to be dragged abruptly and sweepingly, trying to move towards him like this, but the man clung to her hips and continued on his own way. At the very end, the woman nearly fell under the pressure of the male aspiring to ejaculate. Puffing, he struggled against the buttocks that were trembling under his thrusts. Finally, he finished, at the last moment changing the routine, pulled the member out completely and with a powerful blow drove it all the way, forcing the woman to gasp.

- Do not take out ... - gasping, she asked.

Her hand slipped between her legs, she often began to breathe and too soon brought herself to the finish line, groaning softly.

A contented man buttoned up his pants, complacently inquiring:

- Did you like it?

- Yes...

In truthfulness ... Read more →

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