1. Hell Natella. Part 1
  2. Hell Natella. Part 2
  3. Hell Natella. Part 4
  4. Hell Natella. Part 5
  5. Hell Natella. Part 6
  6. Hell Natella. Part 8
  7. Hell Natella. Part 9
  8. Hell Natella. Part 10

Page: 5 of 5

depth, almost breaking the wall of the vagina, cock, pierced several times into it, before it began to slide less or less. You can’t argue against nature - Nata got wet and began to feel perverse pleasure through the pain. Wide and flat, intertwined with veins, with a big head member rested against the depths of Natella, stretching her vagina like a bow string. The pain inside, pain outside the constricted arms, kicked legs, savory slaps with eggs on the ass, heavy onion-breathing of the rapist ... The second brother scabrously commented on what was happening, pawing her chest while waiting for his turn, and the younger one climbed up, and looked from there, wiping forehead sweat and fidgeting lying on hay. When the blacksmith snarled, ending in her, Nath thought that he had torn her vagina and she would bleed to death, he dug in so deeply that the victim just hung on his stake, along with all the poles coming off the edge of the car. Huge palms squeezed her breasts, plunging into the body as in plasticine. She mooed, drooling through the rag gag, crying, leaving light paths on her dusty face. Then the blacksmith fell off the hay.

- Come on, Tarek, now it's your turn! -

Without losing a second, Tarek burst into Nata and, with short, sharp jolts, slid along her hot hole, without going deep, waving his head along the very edge, where the rough inside entrance gave him the most pleasure. He lasted no more than a couple of minutes, he hickered, drove to the very end is the same is not small, like my brother, a member, pouring hot sperm on the inflamed girl's gut. The blacksmith just managed to catch his breath and replaced his brother, as soon as he jumped out of their victim. His cock even didn’t have time to fall, and maybe the slime that fell on him acted this way, and as a result, Nat didn’t even have time to figure out that the second one changed, as the first one began to hammer her again. Her very beginning to cover. The head was spinning, there was not enough air, the vagina began to contract, the abdominal muscles twitched.

- Look, Tar, cum! The blacksmith puffed, leaning back, practically hanging on her breasts, while continuing to peck her between her legs. The member slipped, he missed, inserting him back and plunged into her ass in one movement. Measured

- Oooh. As she has a narrow here! I think I fell into the wrong hole! Oooh. - The blacksmith made a few more movements and finished again. Having lost another portion of mucus, Nath released a member of the blacksmith from a reddened narrow ass. Following a few drops of blood fell, but the wonderful slurry restored the damage before Tarek entered her ass, too, wanting to try out an unfamiliar pleasure - even though he already had girls, none of the locals thought about giving “not there” . And the position in which the brothers worked on Natella was far from the classic missionary one, in which all the local girls gave.

Two blacksmiths worked on Nata succeeding each other for almost an hour. The sun was almost set, twilight set in the barn, which inflamed the brothers, forcing the soft body whitening in the darkness even more. She herself had time to finish twice, sobbing in pain and pleasure at the same time. When they finally left her and left, having closed the door behind her, all she had to do was helplessly hang a crucified frog on the ropes, shouting curses and letting out combustible tears ...

Rustling hay. Above slid the younger. One could see a wet spot on his pants if there was enough light. He approached tied. He held out his hand and touched his cheek that was wet with tears.

- I saw you first, you should be mine ... - he stroked Nate in the face, then his hands moved timidly on his chest, touched his little nipples. She felt his fingers tremble. He lowered his hand even lower, sliding his fingers over the hot fucking hole, bleeding juice and sperm.Convulsively jerked, tearing off his pants and sticking the penis between the legs of the prisoner. I could not get into it at all, finally broke into her and made a couple of movements, immediately finished, trying to embrace her, kissing her cheeks and stroking her disheveled hair.

- You are awesome. I ... I ... Uh ... I want you to kiss me! I'll take off the gag if you promise you won't yell! -

Natella nodded her head. With trembling hands, the guy disentangled the rope and took out a slaughtered rag. Nata licked her lips with difficulty.

- Drink ... -

- No, first kiss me! I can't leave you untied. -

- Good... -

He brought his lips to hers, clumsily touched. She replied, trying to calm her disgust from stale onion breath. I caressed the tongue of his upper lip, then his lower lip. Burst into his mouth, meeting his tongue. He timidly replied. A minute later, the guy held her hair, glaring a kiss on her lips, as if he wanted to drink it to the bottom. The young member got a stake and re-entered the busy Natella's hole. This time he managed to hold out a little longer, but after two minutes he poured out again into her bosom and jumped out.

- I could have done something else, just don’t tell the brothers ... I will teach you various interesting things. If you take me to town. -

- What else? - The guy amused with her nipples, passing them between the index and middle fingers, pressing down big and stretching until it slips out. It seems that paradise has already come to him.

- In the mouth. Do you want -

- What's in your mouth? -

- I'll take it in your mouth. Suck you. Stand up so that you can shove your tap into my face ... -

- Uh ... - it seems that the guy did not suspect that this is also possible. It is quite expected that in the village they adhered to patriarchal customs and did not know about such subtleties ... He settled down higher, his limp member lay on the lips of Natella. Sticking out her tongue, the captive began to earn her way to salvation.

- Ohhh, that's awesome ... I ...

- Untie one hand, it will be even nicer. Do not be afraid, I will not run away. - her kiss pulled the skin on the penis deep into the girl's mouth and the tongue slid around the head under the skin, as if around a cherry. The guy was trying to unravel the rope without removing the penis from the mouth of Natella.

- Do not rush, we have all night ahead. - Trying to give voice as a more languid expression, uttered Nath, imitating the intonations of Lamia.

The guy finally coped with the rope, and Nate took his trunk with her right hand, revealing the head and writing out eights around her tongue. Well, Nat thought that she had learned to suck, she didn’t have many virtues, but she did the blowjob skillfully.

The guy got tired of balancing and he lowered one end of the pole on the floor, then the other, lay down on the hay next to Natella's head and continued to enjoy the blowjob. His swollen member dived behind Nata's cheeks, under the tongue, plunged into the throat and, sliding out his lips, he drew out his lips, smearing the drooling with foam. For the third time, he had finished abundantly only ten minutes later, nearly strangling Nata, when, in an attack of orgasm, he began to hammer her into the throat, discovering a "deep throat." Tired and incredibly pleased, he fell off the hay, and Nat continued to massage his testicles with his freedom with his hand.

- So what do you say, how about to take me to the city? I understand that the path is long, if on foot. We could pass it slowly, but I need some clothes so as not to attract attention, and so that you have something to take off of me when you want me to hold your wonderful tap in my mouth. BUT? I will do whatever you want. I assure you that you have not yet seen such a docile girl. Imagine, you want in your mouth - these are my lips, you want from behind, this is my ass. You're tired - no need to move, I will lick your testicles, so they will shine. There are also various other options ... -

- Tell me what ... Although wait. - the guy got up, began to wind her hand.

“Hey, why, I won't run away.” -

- I go for water. Gag do not put, do not try to yell. -

- How do you order, dear ... - Nat was meekness itself. Zar quickly returned, carrying a wooden bucket and a dipper. He drank himself, gave Nate a drink, rinsed her face.

He freed his hand again, he added up in a businesslike manner around her face, freeing a member of his pants.

- Come on, tell me. And show me. -

“It would be better if we could run away before your father returns.” If he sees that you have found me - I do not know what will happen ... -

- He'll blow you ... Nettle. And maybe he could be as lucky as lucky ... - Zar philosophically remarked, kneading Nate's chest. His flaccid penis was moving again, reviving under the tender fingers of the prisoner.

“I beg you,” Nata’s tongue ran around the still swollen head. “Let's leave before your father returns.” - She put a guy's cock in her mouth and made some swallowing movements. Hardened trunk buried her in the sky.

- If you try to escape ... -

- I swear, I need to go to the city! I will gratify you all the way, in any way you like. Anything you want! Please, Zar! I beg you! -

Her lips clasped her head and sucked in a lot of air. Fingers ottyanuli, massaging, testicles.

- Well ... Ok ... - Zar, forgetting the constraint, grabbed her hair and began to pound her throat, enjoying the chomping sounds, - But first I want you to drink me again! -

- Mgu! Mgu! Mgu! - it turned out to make a sound at Nata and she earned her head more actively. Got off for a second: - Untie me, I can even better with both hands!


They fled the village deep at night. Zar brought out an old sundress, a bag of food, and without opening the gate, Natella helped him out of the barn over the top and climb into the street.

Burnt at work and fucking with Nata, the older brothers snored all over the yard.

Along the dark fences, they climbed onto the outskirts, never meeting anyone. One dog nagged deafly, and that's all.

For several hours they were walking along the road, and Zar was always trying to hold on to Nata - pawing her ass, hugging, striving to grab her nipples - all his constraint passed in the dark when he got an affordable live doll for sexual pleasures. In the end, he could not stand it, tilted her, lifted her hem and, standing in the roadside dust, entered her hot, slippery hole and holding her hips just a dozen and three frictions finished.

- Everything, I'm tired. Need to sleep. - Zar turned off the road in the light of the stars, walked behind the bushes and spread out his raincoat on the grass and fell, putting his bag under his head. Literally in five minutes I already fell asleep. Nata, sitting down beside her, fidgeting on the hard bed, wept silently for some time, looking through her tears at the incalculable scattering of stars. And, too, unknowingly fell asleep, probably for the first time after being in this strange, monstrous adventure ...

(To be continued)

  • Eugene (a guest)
    August 19, 2016 23:10

    Fool heroine ... but seemed more or less clever at first :)


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  • Renat (a guest)
    August 22, 2016 0:30

    Well, on the most interesting place! give continuation!


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  • Jamal (a guest)
    August 30, 2016 17:33

    hurry up to continue !;)


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