1. Hell Natella. Part 1
  2. Hell Natella. Part 2
  3. Hell Natella. Part 4
  4. Hell Natella. Part 5
  5. Hell Natella. Part 6
  6. Hell Natella. Part 8
  7. Hell Natella. Part 9
  8. Hell Natella. Part 10

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The next day for her began with a blowjob. Zar, waking up when the Sun was already quite high, first of all attached to her face, not even waiting for when she really wakes up, and without a word, put his dick to her cheek.

While she was sucking him off, he had breakfast, looking at the work of Natella, washed down with water from dried pumpkin. Then he pulled up on her sundress and clumsily perched on top. He squeezed her breasts, for a long time tried to get into her, until she helped him with his hand. Fifteen minutes pressed her body into the hard grass, stripping the girl's delicate buttocks on small pebbles, violently pierced her, until the penis jumped out of the reddened, vaginal dripping juice and fell into the narrow ass. Why did Nat utter a scream, and he finally finished and let her stand up.

- We have to go before noon, then we have to hide in the grass and wait, they will go to the city on the way, they may notice us. Then go ahead. -

- Well ... - Nata, wincing from pain in the ass, got up, wiped her hand, wiped her hand on the grass and lowered the sundress. “Is there water nearby?” Washing would not have prevented ... And clean to do it is much nicer. -

- I'm fine as it is. - Zar tied a rope that replaced his belt. - But so be it. On the way there will be a stream ... -

They set off. There is no wanted. Drink almost too. As she suspected, the sediment in her stomach fed her body, although somewhat worse than when she drank it. After all the rapes, the stomach was almost blown away and was only slightly roundish, like an ordinary girl-pyshechki.

- Zar, can I ask? -

- Well? -

- Why does it seem to me that you speak not in my language? Your lips do not move as they should. -

- Of course. You don't speak mine either. The little animals living in our heads explain the lord's language to all the inhabitants. And vice versa. There are all sorts of mistakes, you say, as a city, although it was never there. This is because the stranger.

- You want to say that I hear the translation from the nanomachines?

- I do not know what is there for the nursemaid, and whom she leads. All our children know that people from the estate settled our ancestors in this place. And in order to understand each other, and also not to suffer from bad illnesses, all children of five years old are given a living potion, which is permanently settled in us.

- Bad diseases? Do you never get sick? -

- We are ill, not all diseases are bad ... -

Nat did not understand this. Loss of translation? The devil knows ... Everything is stranger and stranger, as Alice used to say ... The hilly forest-steppe, bathed in sunlight, stretched before them. Zar led her either by an animal trail, or by an overgrown path, moving further west. He confidently limped forward, preferring to stick behind Nata, looking at her bare legs and juicy rolling buttocks. Dress she had to bully to the waist and tie a string. Zar now and again patted her on the ass or poked her hand from behind between her legs, right on the go. Than a lot slowed down the movement. At least once an hour, he threw Natella into the grass and violently pounced, hammering her where he could get. Nata suspected that his potency was also influenced by nosing from her ass, so just after the morning anal sex, the guy happily smiling ended up at her time after time, like a clockwork. Sperm abundantly synthesized in his testicles slapped his legs, sundress, Natella's hair. Dusty stains on her face with the drips from the sperm that Zar poured into her mouth, froze like cement. It’s good that you could spit out, so much so that he should be swallowed he didn’t know ...

The midday heat, they fucked in the shade under a bush. Nata thought that for half a day she probably pumped half a glass of sperm ... Zar was tireless. True to teach him to caress a girl failed.Instead of petting the clitoris, he preferred to run his fingers inside and fumble through the ribbed entrance or crawl deeper into the soft heat of the vagina and squish with juice until his penis returned to normal and replaced dirty fingers. Or holding a dick in her mouth, he ran his thumb into her vagina, and his index and middle in the ass and squeezed his hand, touching his fingers through the vaginal wall and getting pleasure from the process.

About germs, dirt and illness Nata did not think. Moreover, it looks like she guessed what kind of "bad" diseases were meant by the owners of the estate. Apparently the residents were all vaccinated from sexually transmitted diseases ... The thought flashed that she might fly, but the girl immediately dropped it. This is all not important. The main thing to get out. Although hope for the city melted away every minute. If this is a pocket village of owners of a manor-portal-complex, then after all, a city can be their ...

Having spat the next portion of sperm, Nat wiped swollen, rubbed lips, rose from her knees and they moved on. Zar zaebat her. This word could not be better described the state in which it arrived. This lame village sex-machine already almost got calluses that rubbed Natella's lips, ass and vagina and demanded more all the time. She did not know how far they had come when the evening coolness came and the sun finally hid. The starry sky of unprecedented beauty shone in the sky. The strip of the Milky Way crossed the sky. Nat never saw such a spectacle in Odessa. Farther from the city one could still see a bright white band - the plane of the galaxy, as her husband explained to her. But here everything was ten times brighter. Well, that was summer. Evening twilight brought coolness, but not enough to freeze. Lying on her raincoat, on warm earth, turning away from Zara, who was puffing on her, Nata was spreading her legs wide-eyed, looking at the stars. Look, like the dipper bucket, it's still the Earth. She was not strong in astronomy, but something her first husband showed her, and she was even able to determine where the north was. Although it was completely useless knowledge. She still didn’t own navigation in the stars and could not tie herself to the terrain ...


The morning was foggy. White shreds crawled from the hills, hiding the surrounding nature from the half-asleep travelers. The sun shone dimly through the whitish Khmar in the sky. However, despite the humidity, it was warm and even hot. Starting, as usual, with a blowjob, Nata choked on sperm, coughed, freeing her mouth from a member of Zara, and, catching her breath, asked: - Zar, far from the city? Or at least to the creek? You smell bad! -

“You are badly licking me ...” He moved a member overgrown with curly hair, still sticking with a stake. - Come on, sit on top. How do yesterday. I like it! -

Nat perched on him, dropping his vagina on the penis, and leaning back, massaged his balls with her hand. Then her hips moved, describing the circles around the axis of the penis. Zar got up on his elbows. Natella lifted her lush ass, almost lost her cock, so that the pink head appeared from the vagina, and dived in again when her thighs went down. Wet champ of the immersing member led Zara to delight. He grabbed her wasp waist. Fingers almost converged around her body. Strong hands pressed her down, straddling the base. Member rested against the wall of the vagina. The girl moaned and moved faster.

- Jump, stronger! Yes! Yes! Like this! - Zar caught his trembling chest in front of his face and squeezed them with dirty hands. Nata diligently jumped on the penis, until he leaned back and finished. He still crushed her full breasts, covered with dust, frozen clumps of sperm and tears. Then he shoved her off himself and rose to her feet.

- Okay. Let's go. Not for long already. Soon the creek. Show me what you told about sex in the bathroom. - Sex sounded strange and Nat realized that he said it in Russian, reproducing the sounds of a word that was not in his speech.

The fog kept on, not rising and not dropping another couple of hours. The sun climbed higher over the horizon when Nat saw in the misty haze the outlines of the city in the distance.She expected to see some mossy district center, one-story buildings or fences of one and a half height, as in a village, but here a rather unequal silhouette of a big city could be seen from the fog, even a couple could be seen ...

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