1. Hell Natella. Part 1
  2. Hell Natella. Part 2
  3. Hell Natella. Part 4
  4. Hell Natella. Part 5
  5. Hell Natella. Part 6
  6. Hell Natella. Part 8
  7. Hell Natella. Part 9
  8. Hell Natella. Part 10

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the level of runoff has increased significantly, and now Nata, with each squatting, loudly flopped her ass in smelly translucent water, sinking to the waist. She froze to take a breath and looked around. In the water flooded feces, pieces of semi-digested food from vomit, used condoms ... The stench in the booth was such that it pinched my eyes. Nata gasped, and she herself vomited again several times. The booth walls squeezed shoulders. The break is complete, we must continue to swing, otherwise in a few minutes it will not be able to push the lever. With a sob, she sucked in the smelly air into her lungs, she crouched, spraying dirt on the walls.

The door in front of her suddenly became transparent and, as if behind a wall of an aquarium, Nat suddenly saw her best friend standing behind the glass. She was behind the door, holding her hand apparently on the button. Her outfit was a cross between the clothes of slaves and demoness. Latex, skinny slender legs, black pants to the knees, with double zipper between the legs. White leather corset with a lot of clasps, rings for fastening chains, beautiful rivets. White shoes, shoes on a flat sole. The bare breasts were obviously a couple of sizes larger than Nate remembered; she was decorated with a dot piercing around the areolas and a large ring threaded through each nipple's cherry. A thin silver chain hung between the rings. Thick, very curly, light brown hair fell loosely over the shoulders to the waist. The face was brightly tasteless, but almost as usual.

- Kira? - Natella leaned on the glass palms, frozen for a second in the upper position. - Hey, I'm here, let me out! Do you hear - Nat screamed loudly and was taken aback when she heard Kira’s calm voice from a speaker from somewhere upstairs in reply:

- What are you yelling, whore? I finally got to you. But it seems a bit early. I hope you are not going anywhere. -

- Kira, it's me, Nata, you do not recognize me? -

- Yes, I recognize you with my eyes closed, such a pussy. - Kira slammed the "glass" with her palm right in front of Natella's nose and yelled at her:

- Because of you, I was here!

- Listen, I don't understand anything. I woke up here in the morning, but yesterday we were going to walk at my wedding. Mom came from Kiev ... I ... -

- In the morning? This is for you in the morning, bitch! I am here for a month! Month and three fucking days! Can you imagine a month in this hell? - Kira's face twisted viciously, she spat on the glass in the face of Natella. - I hope you have plenty of shit before I get to you! And when I get there - I swear, I will tear you your lascivious twat like a British flag! - Kira released her hand from the wall and the door again became metal. Natella was in complete prostration. How so? The best friend turned into a crazy fury, accusing her of finding herself in this strange place, and somehow in a way a month before Nata. And as recently as yesterday they were in Odessa, Nata is sure of that. Yesterday? It seemed as far away as Duke's statue ... All this torture and rape ... Month. And she could stretch a month? Thinking about it standing up to the waist in smelly drains in a shrinking chamber was not the best solution. Nat felt the walls squeeze shoulders.

Sounds above suddenly floated, mixed up like a rewinding film and a storm of sewage hit Nata, as if a hundred toilet bowls had dumped their contents at once. She did not have time to sit down to squeeze the walls, as she found herself in the neck in the garbage. Convulsively twitching, she somehow freed her ass from the stone dildo, which did not warm up at all in the depths rubbed to the red, remaining the same cold. With difficulty squeezing the shoulders along the diagonal of the booth, she straightened.A couple of used condoms and a katun of someone's hair are stuck on her torn breasts. In the corner, a yellow wedding bouquet, smeared with sewage, floated, almost the same as it was with her. Also chewed and with blood marks on thorns of broken roses. Someone here seems to love brides ... The wall became transparent again, Kira looked at her smiling, enjoying the spectacle of how Natella fumbles among the impurities.

Nat tried to somehow press the lever to push the walls apart, for this she had to sink down the neck, but there was already too much water, she pushed her up, making it easier and could not be pressed. Then Nate put her hands on the wall and jumped up, managed to press the lever with her foot. The walls again retreated a little.

Kira stood behind the glass, arms folded across her chest.

- What I did to you? Why do you treat me like that? - With tears in her eyes asked Nat. But it seems that the sound was not on. Kira only smiled even more sinister and pointed her fingers to her ears. Then she showed her the fact. At that moment, because of the turn of the corridor, the maid appeared that brought her here.

- What's going on here? - was able to understand Nata on the lips. A regular stream of sewage spilled out from above and Natella was not up to reading faces, because someone's shit ran down my head, and water rose to my chin, now when she was standing tall. While she snorted and wiped her face, the action behind the glass began to take a rather strange turn. Girls grappled like cats, dragging each other by the hair. The maid tried to beat Kira with her knees, and she dodged, taking advantage of the fact that she was more stable in shoes without heels. Both shouted something, but there were no words heard, the noise from the toilets in the hall interrupted everything that could have leaked through the door of the sump chamber. The next stream made Nata swim a dog to keep her head above the water. Looks like it's over. The maid should have apparently let her out, but Kira at the moment knocked her to the floor and holding the ring in her hair with one hand, struck her in the face with her fist, not caring where she went. Razvasilas maid nose, several hits disfigured beautiful wide lips, covered with deep slashed abrasions. She weakly resisted, trying to throw off the offender with thin hands.

When Nat already felt the ceiling on her head, barely keeping herself on the surface, a third participant entered into action.

Languidly, slowly moving luxurious legs in high heels, a beauty emerged from behind the bend, judging by the clothes, of the main ones - a succubus. Thick, heavily curly red hair, tied up at the crown of the head and intercepted by a golden, glittering stone, top hat, hung down almost to the waist. A metal collar, also apparently gold, sparkling with lace covered the neck and spread over the shoulders like butterfly wings. A snow-white bra supported a tanned breast with dark nipples from below, on which cherries diamonds scattered on a thin chain, scattering amazing highlights. Press cubes, thin waist, intercepted by a gold rim and diverging by a bend to the luxurious thighs inflated by fitness, covered with a white latex skirt literally about twenty centimeters. From under which hung Kisey transparent fabric almost to the floor, slightly masking the gorgeous sports legs. Sounded clearly the same question.

- What's going on here?

Only this time, Kira, who had leaped up, fell to her knees and began to crawl towards the white lady. Frozen in front of her, she seemed to be saying something, but unexpectedly received a powerful blow from a white shoe on a thick sole, from which she practically turned over on her back flew backward, absurdly spreading her legs bent ... To explain a little more, she was awarded a light poke in the face, as the permission straightened, then the succubus looked at the glass and Natella began to sink.

The air in the chamber is already over, the water has covered it completely. Nata froze in front of the glass on her last breath, looking through the murky water at the fiery beauty of the red. She folded her arms in a pleading gesture.Before her eyes began to darken, she held out of her last strength a breath of stinky air in her lungs. The last thing she saw as a succubus turned and headed back into the corridor, shaking her hips. Bubbles of air escaped from the chest Natella, she began to beat on the glass, like a dying fish on land. Her fingers scraped at her chest, and vile, fetid muddy water gushed into her lungs.

“What a stupid ending ...” she managed to think, darkened before her eyes and she turned off. Nat did not see that as soon as the succubus came around the corner, the maid pressed a button on the door and the water poured down sharply, leaving an unconscious body on the floor, lying in shit ...

(To be continued)

p. s. And the question to the readers is to lay out more often, but with less or less, but more?
Thanks for reading :)

  • Passed by (a guest)
    July 21, 2016 15:47

    One of the best stories from what was published here. It is easy to read in one breath - neither brute force nor tightness, the action develops logically. Just write at your convenience! The main thing is not to throw.


    • Rating: 0
  • Interested (a guest)
    July 21, 2016 16:25

    Everything is great!) But if it is possible without toilet themes ... (IMHO) I would prefer the series more often)


    • Rating: 1
  • July 22, 2016 15:56

    The toilet theme is over :) In the end - etozh hell, it happens in the boiler neck and neck in this very ...


    • Rating: 0
  • Guy (a guest)
    July 21, 2016 20:57

    Better often, wait until you forget what happened. And so everything is fine, and indeed, although it's fun, but the toilet is better to go sideways like that, it’s very interesting how it got into this male edem? How will this end? and of course what kind of adventures it is waiting ahead! Better yet, write more often and more. Do not blunt pen YOUR!


    • Rating: 1
  • July 22, 2016 15:57

    Thank you all for the feedback. I try to write, laying out finished chapters, without interrupting the action. Therefore, it turns out like this. Somewhere the head is longer, somewhere shorter.


    • Rating: 0
  • Sexy girl (a guest)
    July 23, 2016 23:29

    I think it's better more often


    • Rating: 1
  • sv (a guest)
    July 23, 2016 23:57

    If the last parts were still readable, then this is generally nonsense, fuuu, a complete abomination for coprophiles (


    • Rating: 0
  • Sexy girl (a guest)
    July 28, 2016 13:50

    I look forward to continuing)))


    • Rating: 1

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