1. Hell Natella. Part 1
  2. Hell Natella. Part 2
  3. Hell Natella. Part 4
  4. Hell Natella. Part 5
  5. Hell Natella. Part 6
  6. Hell Natella. Part 8
  7. Hell Natella. Part 9
  8. Hell Natella. Part 10

Page: 1 of 3

Barely moving his legs, Natella, holding the crotch with her hand, which flowed down her legs, followed the girl in black.

They crossed the hall, in which almost no one was left, walked around the central platform stage with poles, entered another ray of the star, passing by the swing area.

Nath did not understand earlier what the swing was for, but now she saw how some of them are used. Practically the same as it was just that, a powerful athlete, who had previously been seen, was gouging a juicy, low fat woman with her huge breasts hanging down in the leather loop of the seesaw. She flew off the blow gliding over his huge cock and almost jumping off, came back. Her thighs were giving off a delicious slap. With a slight delay flew her breasts and slapped her belly. Small hands were tightened behind her back, and for the high heels of small shoes, the athlete held her legs, tapering from wide thighs to ankles, so thin that Nat could only envy her. The bbw had a completely beautiful doll face, now distorted by the same doll grimace of pain in half with pleasure. With it, it was quite possible to take pictures of pin-up.

They stopped at a niche where Albina was located.

She sat with a glass of wine, showing from the hem of the dress cut luxurious legs, thrown over the edge of the table.

- Well, what did she do? Reception has not yet begun, and the presentation has been lost ... -

- The reception apparently ended, madam. - horned in black did something in between a bow and a kniksen. - The Lord took some lady, then tore off this whore and disappeared unnoticed, as usual. -

- Hmm ... - Albina frowned. - I hope he was well satisfied with you, fuck? And who was the second? -

- Unknown, madam. He arrived with her and did not touch her. Moreover, he healed her with a glass of ichor, and the second simply threw it onto this one ... - the horned woman contemptuously waved her hand in the direction of Nata. - The lady was chronoported somewhere, she is not local. -

- Well ... - Albina thoughtfully rubbed the edge of the garter on the stocking.

“This one apparently spat a part of the Master's sperm, madam.” But after he left! -

- Well, you fool! Could get even more recovery ... - Albina shifted her legs. “For the pleased Master, I am letting you go at the reception today.” And for spitting him sperm should punish you ... Wean from disgust to everything that gets into your mouth ... So put it in the burrow of Shambor, let him learn there, and how the reception will begin, in another hour. - Albina purred these phrases, clearly enjoying her knowledge of what awaits Natella. - And then wash off the shit and settle in a free cell. Till tomorrow's reception let him sleep. Maybe even one, if there is a neighbor who is not thirsty there will be ... -

- I obey, madam! - plump in fat latex with horns waved Natele. - Follow me! -

They walked past another pair of men who had been raping a blonde who was choking with white vomit from two sides and with whom there were several packets of kefir lying around. Judging by the girl's bloated stomach - the contents were all inside her. Well, for the most part ...

Slipping into an inconspicuous door between the niches, the girls found themselves in a wide red corridor. The soft pile completely jammed the footsteps, and the echoes of the music completely hid all the sounds. The guard in front of her threw back the hood from her head, sighing with relief, and Nate stopped dumbfounded - the horns, small, with a finger half of the finger, which she considered overhead, turned out to be real, growing right out of the skull, surrounded by a ring of horny fabric ...

Latex bun looked around.

- What got up? Ahhhh. Horned women never seen? -

- Not no...- forced Nat.

- I am now imp! Devilish! - the girl proudly threw up her head, resting her hand in the gorgeous thigh.

- Aah, and the tail? Nata backed away pointed to the tail, moving behind the horned girl.

- Dura, these are springs. Chambord loves people like you, strives to look into every hole. In each. Do not miss a single hole. - devil giggled. - By the way, say goodbye to your tits, they are already half puffed up, Chambord will tidy up everything superfluous, drank fat, you will be blown up like a ball, it feels better than live to touch ... Men like ...

- How to eat? What is going on here? And why "now devil"? -

- Because they made me. Like everyone here. Like you. I am a lady of the first level, my form is black latex and implanted horns. Strict lady - the second level, they wear white, and their horns are thicker, bent. The following are succubi, like Albina, they command us all, only Lamia is above her, you must have heard her. Few people saw her. Well, and the Lord is the Lord ... - the girl somehow got worn out. Wiped her forehead with her hand. - And you meat, fucking hole, bedding and furniture. You are still lucky if you didn’t like the Lord, then uh ... And so, Chambord will vacuum you up, at the same time you will get rid of disgust ... - she giggled again. - And by the way - I need to contact "Madam". Cut in, cow? -

- Yes Milady! -

- Everyone, go after me. Something I broke off ... Need to rest. The long night was ... -

The next door further led them into a corridor, the walls of which were made of intersecting strips of translucent rubber-like material, behind which also naked bodies were swarming. This time it was not like an erotic dance, gas masks looked through the film, the movements of the girls were broken, some could see the straps pulling over their bent arms or legs. Inflated like balls, breasts and juicy ass pushing the walls. And besides the bodies, there seemed to be something else. Dense wiring harnesses or thick corrugated hoses wrapping the bodies of unfortunate people who are not lucky enough to be on the other side of the film. Hiding in the perineum and valve gas masks, wrapping face, stuck in the anus and nipples, plunging directly into the flesh in the breasts. The floor was soft, springing under heels, it seems leather.

The girls behind the membranes were twitching, swarming, moaning, quietly howled through the gags, from the depths came muffled sobs, illegible words.

- What is it? “Nata, terrified, walked through the center of the hell’s corridor, trying to stay away from living walls.

- What? Oh, that! - The devil has weighed with a hoof-boot over the plump chest protruding from the soft wall at the level of the knees. - This is the girlfriend of Chambord, who got him forever. They behaved badly, for some reason they didn’t like to suck customers, gave themselves sluggishly or were afraid to give in the ass ... In short, they were just as fools as you, only they were not lucky. - Devil stopped at the door, made in the form of chrome interlaced tentacles. The arch above the door looked like Cthulhu's head. The door swung open into the dark, breathing walls of twilight.

- Say hello to him from Zenunim! This is my new name by the way! If you are smarter, then you too can become one of us. Imechko you suitable for demoness, do not even have to change. Hehe. - Zenunim pushed Natella into the opening and the doors closed behind her.

Left alone, almost in the dark, illuminated by a reddish light emanating from the film, Nata froze. Go forward? Just stand here? The walls moved, the bodies of the girls, like a huge living creature, breathed, shook a dense translucent curtain, as if they wanted to get out of the hell-looking mirror into the corridor. It was creepy. It smelled of damp, slightly mildew, some unfamiliar scent. For the first time since she fell into the clutches of Albina, Nat seems to be left alone. She looked around, trying to see something in the darkness, stripped off the long-distracted leather belts from her hands.

- Mmmm. - A male voice sounded from the ceiling, some kind of slightly metallic, as if he were speaking from under the mask. - It looks like we are new, girls. Natella ... I already like it.Do you want good or bad? -

- In a good way! Please ... Sir! Do not hurt me, I will do whatever you want! -

- Ho ho ho! ...

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