1. Hell Natella. Part 1
  2. Hell Natella. Part 2
  3. Hell Natella. Part 4
  4. Hell Natella. Part 5
  5. Hell Natella. Part 6
  6. Hell Natella. Part 8
  7. Hell Natella. Part 9
  8. Hell Natella. Part 10

Page: 2 of 3

For good I agree. Whatever I wish ... I like it more and more. Yes girls - the walls seemed to twitch, moaning here and there, the gas mask closest to Nate nodded, as if agreeing, pushing through the film. - Well, look, do not let me down. I'm waiting for you downstairs, come to me! -

- Excuse me, sir! I do not see where to go. - Nat pressed her head into the shoulders. - Just indicate the direction, and I instantly! -

- Turn a little to the right, more, and now run! -

Nata was followed by instructions and took a few quick steps. In her heels, in the dark, on the soft floor, to put it mildly was not sensible, but she did not dare to disobey. And with the acceleration flew into the soft wall. She was thrown back, she fell on the floor, landing, however gently, on her ass.

- Excuse me, sir! I fell! -

- A-ha-ha, she fell! A ha ha. With overclocking and into the wall. It was necessary to say that you went back, then it would be more tasty to fly. - The voice was obviously making fun and apparently was pleased with the uncomplicated joke. - Well, now come on, you don’t know how to walk, crawl on all fours to the left, there will be such a hillock, get into it.

Fingering her knees and palms, Nata quickly crawled across the wet elastic floor along the stirring wall. The floor was warm, slightly rough and unpleasant to the touch. When you clicked on it, some kind of liquid protruded, and as it approached the tubercle it was more and more. A minute later, Nata was already crawling in the squishing, warm, strange-smelling mucus.

The bump turned out to be a protrusion in the floor, like a small volcano, the size of a manhole. From it came a damp basement heat, and the same sounds as from the walls — groans, sobs, a quiet, muffled cry.

- Doom, you're on the right track, I'm already all excited! Dive into me! -

Nata did not understand what to do, and how to dive into an invisible peasant, but then her hands slipped off the edge of the folded tubercle and she huddled her head forward into a black hole, like an ass. With a shriek, she tried to stop the fall, but her hands slipped through the nasty, sticky walls, and her body sank down into a damp, warm, dark abyss. She slid along this strangely living pipe, raising a mucus mudbug in front of her face, bumping and shoving bodies from that side of the vile gut. The squeal of her fell silent and became coughing and spitting in an attempt to breathe, but not to eat up the mucus that, like water in a water park, strove to fill her face completely. A couple of times she was thrown from side to side when the elastic tube changed direction and finally she was stuck on a horizontal stretch in the darkness of mucus, squeezed with her hands raised above her head. Natella tried to twist and crawl forward, but realized that this strange pipe tightly grasped her body, and in spite of the lubricant, it was qualitatively fixed somewhere in the depths of something incomprehensible.

Fear rolled even harder, her heart was beating furiously, an attack of claustrophobia forced her body to beat in a desperate attempt to free herself. It looks like she was hammering someone's knees behind an elastic wall, someone was mooing through a gag, someone's body leaning on top, kicked in response. She seemed forever buried in this cesspool, wrapped in a rotting gut, littered with jerking bodies of humiliated, raped, used to the fullest and tortured to a pulp, and now written off to the expense or packed for a long hell of storage of girls from the club ...

- What is honey, stuck? You get stuck all the time, that's bad luck ... Probably, someone eats too much! Heh ... - voice feigned sigh. - Okay, climb out! -

The pipe convulsively shuddered, opening the passage and almost squeezing the insides out of Nata, dumped her out. She was in a large spherical room, looking like the inside of a pumpkin.The protruding ribs, orange-brown, appear to be of organic origin. The walls are overflowing with mucus, the same soft leathery floor. Dim red lighting from hidden lights gave a little light. Between each edge on the concave surface, the contours of the female bodies crucified on the wall, like frogs, with legs spread and filled into something soft, similar to an opaque jelly, appeared. Hoses of different thickness stuck out of all their openings, also hidden under jelly, as if merging with bodies and going into walls. Breasts poured like balls, no less than two liters, bulged forward. The edges of the copper fittings protruded from the nipples. The horror was added by the fact that the walled-up girls were alive, their breasts were waved to the beat of breathing, one of the choke was dripping, she was moving under a layer of jelly.

One carrier edge was bent from the wall to the floor with an outgrowth, forming a triangular protrusion-saddle. There was some kind of statue above him, like an Atlanta, supporting a rib, but more like a nag: a serpent with a man's torso, and below the body a serpent. The face resembled an iron mask of a Predator. Eyes gleamed in the hollows.

Nata looked around.

- Mister? -

- Mr. Chambord in front of you! - “The statue” moved, separated from the wall and hanging over the saddle. Snakeman? Hanging on Nata, not touching the floor, his tail went somewhere in the wall, the torso with an iron face leaned toward her.

She bounced off in horror, pressing her back against the sphincter on the wall that had just spat it out into the room. The hole opened like lips and — fuck — sucked Natella's buttocks, not letting her budge. Nata squealed, putting forward one hand with fingers spread, as if hiding from a monster, and the other trying to push off from the wall that stuck to her ass.

- Hey, who wanted to do good? -

Nat stopped, the wall spat it forward. Shivering, she froze in front of Chambord.

“I, sir ...” her voice trembled.

He opened his hands, which covered himself, and Nat realized that in the area of ​​the wrist he did not have a brush, but an octopus tentacle with suction cups that continued for another meter. With a subtle pink ending that looks like a penis. And he reached for her face. She recoiled.

- What was that now, bitch? Don't you like that your master wants to stroke you?

- No, no, I'm sorry, sir, I was scared ... - Nat tried to straighten up, lower her arms and stand quietly in front of the monster hanging in front of her.

- How should I ask for forgiveness? -

- Please forgive me, I did not want! -

- Kindergarten! I don't like something. Try once more. -

- Mister! - already with tears in her eyes Nat pressed her hands to her chest, - please forgive me for twitching. This will not happen again! -

The snake waved its tentacle, Nath jerked, covering her face and squeezing.

- And you say you will not happen again ... Well, ask for forgiveness, if now it does not work out well, we will be bad, tyzh you understand! -

Natella thumped on her knees, prayerfully with her arms folded in front of her chest. - Mister! Mr. Chambord! Forgive me, it was just by surprise! Punish me for it! - The last words were difficult to disassemble through sobbing, large tears were rolling from her green eyes.

A hot tentacle strolled across her face, touched her lips, doubled at the end to open her mouth like fingers. Unceremoniously climbed inside.

- Oh well. I like it. I love to climb all the holes to my girls ... Get up. If you want for good, come here, sit in my saddle. Take the trunk yourself, direct ... I will climb into you, into all your holes, bear in mind. In all. Absolutely. And if you are a good girl, it may not even be very painful ... - Chambord as if flew up to the ceiling, drawing his snake body into the wall. It was not clear whether he got out of there or was growing right out of the wall, since the lower part of his serpent was covered with the same gelatinous gelatinous mass as the walls with splayed girls fused into them ... The arms of the tentacles interlaced on his chest, he again became a statue on the stiffener of the room, hanging over the saddle.

With difficulty getting up from her knees on her heels, Nat walked over to the saddle. Two proboscis protruded from it.Not really big, crooked and similar to dirty carrots. The first ... Read more →

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