1. Hell Natella. Part 1
  2. Hell Natella. Part 2
  3. Hell Natella. Part 4
  4. Hell Natella. Part 5
  5. Hell Natella. Part 6
  6. Hell Natella. Part 8
  7. Hell Natella. Part 9
  8. Hell Natella. Part 10

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skyscrapers, one in the center, apparently local downtown, and one on the right, smaller and lower, but still towering over the surrounding buildings every three. Natella's heart beat happily. Almost reached! Maybe half a day's journey and she will be in the city. And there somehow ... Maybe she will be able to find a telephone booth, and somehow she will find money for a call. And pumps! After all, hardly anyone would refuse such a gift. Hell yes! Another dick in the mouth is nothing in front of freedom!

With these thoughts, Nat came down from the hill and the city disappeared from sight, but she heard the sound of running water. A shallow trickle murmured along the stony bed. Growing a half wide strip of clear water rolled somewhere along the bottom of a shallow ravine between the hills. Overgrown with low soft grass, the stalk smoothly descended into the water with rounded gray nudes, still warm from the sun of yesterday. The water was like fresh milk - Nat ran into her, collapsed on her knees and laughed frantically and scooped up water. After rinsing her face, she pulled off a wet sundress, and washed it. What cost her another painful anal sex, since Zar could not miss her kneeling ass and dangling chest and saddled Nata, as soon as she finished washing. Then she washed off, washed her hair and for the first time in several days was clean. She undressed Zara herself, laundered his body, and even gladly gave herself to him sitting right in the stream of warm, slowly flowing water. Zar was half lying on the beach, on the grass, and his lower part was immersed in a stream, and Nata under the water was massaging his relaxed member with both hands. He played with small pebbles, throwing them into the stream.

- What are you going to do when you get back from the city? - he asked.

- I'll be back? I hope that I will manage to get home ... - Nat polished about the pebble with rather grown nails.

- Sorry. I liked it with you ... -

- You wouldn’t like it ... I did this with me ... I didn’t allow my husband to do this, and here with the first person I met. -

- Husband? You lie probably. Who will take such a whore. Stay with us in the village. You will not be lost. The women really will hate you, but nothing, but all your men will be. Like cheese in butter you will live. -

- No, no ... Enough with me fucked. All life natrahalsya ... -

- Well, that's enough. I want more! We have not reached the city yet! So come on, you promised. - he pulled Nata on the grass. Now her ass was submerged in water. - Lift your legs! -

She lifted her legs, holding them under her knees. Zar sat down in the water between the girl's legs, in the second he was excited and stuck with the order of the increased member in her ass. Nat even in the evening noticed that his member is getting bigger and bigger. Apparently nanomachines influenced not only the potency ... She gasped in pain, biting her finger so as not to scream at the top of her voice. A little shifting inside Nata, Zar froze, looking at something in the water. Then he pulled out a handful of pebbles and smiled.

“I don’t know if this is the case in your world, and here our whores have their lascivious holes filled with stones ... I haven’t seen it myself.” And I would like to see ... - Zar with two fingers parted the edges of Nata's labia and sent one slippery pebble right into her vagina. Against the background of the pain of a fat cock stuck in the ass, this movement was practically insensitive.

- Do not! Zar! It does not hurt me, but then they will have to get them! -

- I will help you, my whore! - the guy, without stopping, sent several pebbles in the bosom of his litter at once, threw out the remains of small ones from the palm of his hand and picked up a couple larger ones, already like a walnut. With a screech, heard even from under the water, the pebbles disappeared in the depths of Nata, rubbing against each other and pushing the smaller brethren. Two more followed, then three more. Nat began to feel tension in the vagina.When Zar began to feel the pressure of pebbles on top of his cock in Nata's ass, he twitched. Clutching at her thighs, planting a member deeper and almost jumping out of the brutally stretched ass, he listened as two different pebbles were tapping on her vagina. Finally, he jumped out of her ass, and helping himself with his hand, finished on her face, holding her hair with one hand. “It looks like men are the same in all worlds ...” thought Natella, once again washing her face from sperm. She barely got up, poured out a few stones from the vagina, rejoicing that all the stones in the creek were round and did not damage the walls of the vagina during this barbaric rape. Zar stopped her. - I want you to go with them! -

- Zar, I can not! Try yourself in the ass sun stones and walk around! -

“You said you would fulfill my every wish, whore!” I want the stones to remain in you and you go with them! And if you refuse, then I will bind you and I will do this! ... And I will not be anything. You are not here at all! -

“Good, good ...” Nat raised her hands. - Do not touch. But if they fall out - I'm not guilty. You so excite me that I'm all wet. -

It was certainly a lie, but the beginning rapist could not know it. Sighing, Nata picked up a sun-dried sundress on the stones and without dressing, moved up the hill, crunching stones between her legs. Zar trudged behind, watching the buttocks move under her thinnest waist and listen to the sounds from her innermost place.

As they washed and fucked in the stream, the sun and breeze dried up the fog, and when Natella finally climbed the hill, the city became clearly visible. And she knelt down, pressed the sundress to her face and howled ...

The fact that she took the mist for the skyscrapers of a distant city turned out to be much closer. The city stood on a nearby hill. The skyscrapers were no higher than the fifth floor and it was the central donjon of the fortress and one corner tower. The city was surrounded by an unfinished low wall, because of which were visible tiled and wooden roofs of various buildings. A liquid stream of carts and people from the open gate moved along the road from village to city and back. At the second edge of the wall there was a skeleton of the tower, which was taken into darkened, abandoned scaffolding - it looks like the construction was not something that was not carried out, but was abandoned in general. And a very long time.

- Heck! Heck! Heck! - Nata pawed her hands on the ground.

- Uh, whore, what's wrong with you? Here is the city, we have almost reached ... I won't even fuck you anymore, there's nothing left to do there ... -

- City? City ... - Nat shook her head from side to side, dragging freshly washed wet hair on the ground. Jumped up. - What the fuck is the city? Fucking hole! Middle Ages Fucking! Ahhh ... Everything, I fucked up ... -

She collapsed back into the grass and fell silent.

“C'mon, normal city that you don’t like ...” Zar sat down beside her and stroked her bare back. After a few movements, his hand began to descend a little lower than it should be, and eventually he began to stroke her round buttocks, slightly scratched by their previous exercises on the grass. - You are so juicy ... I can not resist every time I touch you ... -

Zar was breathing heavily, clinging to Natella's magnificent bottom, but after a few moments he let her go, slamming with frustration with both hands on his magnificent ass. His penis, which had just been thoroughly processed down in the creek, did not wish for the time being, slightly tanned in the sun, a savory girl's ass. Unexpectedly for himself, he realized that he liked how his palms crush the supple flesh of a weeping girl. Moreover, he liked the sound of a slap. And he repeated it. First with one hand. Plop! Then another. Plop! Nata shuddered, but remained lying down ... He squeezed his palms, pressing his fingers into his victim's soft, relaxed ass. The member began to move in his pants and Zar began to hastily untie the just tied rope belt. Vyprostav body pouring with blood, he did not take off his pants, attached it to the girl's vagina and entered, leaning slightly forward. Pushing the stones inside, member Zara fell into the depths.His hands squeezed Natella's ass again, weighed a couple of delicious slaps, and then he threw his thumbs right into her anus and began to stretch him, looking at the pink hole bleeding with the last drops of the whitish mass, from which his cock sounded so powerful. He entered even deeper, Nate rushed forward, trying to get rid of the pain, he squeezed her ass, stretching her thumbs with a point and crushing the flesh of the others, pulling her on the penis like a toy.

- Tpruuu! Wait! Calm Whore! I ... well ... like it! So good! - He said intermittently, with each phrase vkolyachaya member into the depths of the vagina, bumping into the elastic wall, which created him additional pleasure and pain to her. Pebbles rustling around the penis bursting Natella bosom, painfully rubbing the tender flesh. Nat tried to wriggle out, he intercepted her by a thin waist, not allowing her to leave her penis, holding her like a fish on a hook. As if by itself, under the hand of the girl lay a large round cobblestone that was hiding in the grass. She half turned, without looking, stabbed her right hand over her left shoulder ... There was a dull blow. Hands holding her waist relaxed, a member slipped out of the expiring lubricant vagina. A couple of small pebbles fell out to him. When she turned around, Zar was lying on his back, absurdly twisting his legs under himself, with Natella's soiled member with a grease sticking out of his half-rolled trousers. A purple bruise spread across his temple. He did not breathe.

Throwing a stone, Nath again burst into tears, dusting grass dusting her hair. After a while, she almost calmed down. She shoved the body back into the ravine. I went down to the water and sat down in a stream, swearing through tears, and I pulled out all the stones from the depths of my long-suffering hole. Washed, got up, shook off a sundress and got dressed. I picked up the bag and coat Zara. Sifted through the possessions, finding a few copper coins with incomprehensible stamps, the small crust left over from the loaf that Zar took with him a handful of hazelnuts and wrapped in a rag pieces of very salty dried meat of unknown origin.

Sighing, she slipped her raincoat into a bag, threw a sack onto her shoulder and walked toward the city gates, stepping barefoot with glue residue on the soles on the dusty, midday grass ...

(To be continued)

  • Ivan (a guest)
    September 13, 2016 15:27

    When is the sequel?


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  • Irinochka) (a guest)
    September 18, 2016 19:59

    do you think you should write?


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  • Anelia (a guest)
    September 20, 2016 16:26

    Really looking forward to continue !! Unreally interesting!


    • Rating: 0
  • September 25, 2016 10:31 pm

    You rarely find a story in which the author released his creative spark to flare up wherever she pleases.

    Write further.


    • Rating: 0
  • October 24, 2016 2:08

    Continuation will be or you can not wait?


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  • Irinochka) (a guest)
    January 19, 2017 3:16

    damn, and the continuation in general will be? or did the author himself already forget that he wrote it?


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  • December 28, 2017 10:13 PM

    Ay author


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