1. Hell Natella. Part 1
  2. Hell Natella. Part 2
  3. Hell Natella. Part 4
  4. Hell Natella. Part 5
  5. Hell Natella. Part 6
  6. Hell Natella. Part 8
  7. Hell Natella. Part 9
  8. Hell Natella. Part 10

Page: 1 of 2

They knocked on the ninth door and when she drove off to the side, they entered the room. Before them was a balcony with windows wide open, transparent curtains fluttering in the breeze, birds singing could be heard. Outside the window, in the distance, the green of an overgrown park with a small lake was visible, several girls were splashing in the water. Antique furniture, silk wallpaper with floral patterns, bamboo-enclosed doorway.

- Mmm, you are even two. Apparently the load is heavy. It's good. Keep me company. - Said naked man, sprawled on a black velvet sofa against the wall. Leaning on the back, stretching his arms over it, he sat throwing his legs on the bench. Two female hands hanging in the air on the rings of the portals before him caressed his trunk and testicles. One - a white, muscular handle with mother-of-pearl marigold slowly moved up and down the member, sliding on silicone grease, the other, belonging to a black or mulatto, with gold rings on the middle and ring fingers, stroked and crushed his scrotum. - Usually I don’t like bodies ... But I was advised to watch one competition here ... So you are just by the way. -

The man snapped his fingers.

- Dasha! Carry on! -

From the doorway, hung with bamboo rustling beads, came a luxurious nude mannequin with a rocker over her shoulder. Two items were hanging on it, covered with a cloth. Walking along the creaky old parquet in white shoes with high heels, the girl went to the middle of the room in front of the sofa. I sat down exposing the ass and dropping the load on the floor, pulled off the blanket. Before Nipple and Nata stood two giant, with a bucket size, enemas, with a white plastic tip in the form of a giant penis.

The mannequin, obeying the sign of the man, collected the “spare parts” of Kira from the girls, picked up the blanket with the beam and left the room.

- I explain the rules of the game - you stick your fat ass on the ends and sit as low as possible. Accordingly, a portion of pleasure is injected into you. Then you get up, trying to keep what is in you. The process is repeated. That one will win in whose ass will fit more, and who splashes less on the floor. So let's settle down ... -

Nipple first stepped on a giant enema. She stood over her, adjusting herself to the tip right under the anus.

- Are you a whore, what are you standing? Do you need a special invitation? -

Nata hastily stepped forward, becoming over her "sports equipment."

- Let's practice! - he clapped his hands - Hop! Sat down!

The girls hastily bent their knees, sitting down on the cold plastic tips. The dry went very painful. Nata hissed, curved lips. The tip did not go deep, stuck. Overcoming pain, Nath crouched lower, squeezing the enema with her weight and feeling relieved, as she poured icy cold liquid into her body.

- Below, my dears, below! - The man straightened his white hand on his penis accelerating her movement. The girls practically picked up their legs, hanging on a coke, forcing the enema to share their liquid with them better.

- Now get up! -

Prisoners straightened, rising. Nath nearly twisted her rectum out when the dry tip went back from her body. Cold mucus smeared the affected hole and ran down a little on the leg. Squeezing the anus, so as not to spill the contents, Natella straightened his legs, jumping off the tip. Glancing back at her unwitting girlfriend, Nath saw that, since the nipple was without heels, she was left slightly on the end of an enema. Looks like it wins even by default.

But the man on the couch noticed it too. - Yeah! We will not cheat! Dasha! -

The model returned, almost running, flowed through his heels and froze in front of the owner, swaying her juicy, pierced breasts.

- Give this your shoes! -

Dasha put her white shoes to feet Nipples. She, without dismounting from the tip, stepped into them, straightened, stepping over and rising. A thick drop of mucus ran down her leg.

- Here you go! Now you can proceed. Come on, girls, who quickly empty the saucepan! -

The girls began to squat, looking like a woman pervert hands masturbating on the couch. At first everything was not so bad. Squatting, Nat got in the ass portion of mucus, not really feeling its volume. The chip-like tip smeared and slid well. The main thing was to get up to strain the muscles so as not to splash the mucus following the member falling out of the ass. Way down. The stop is a rounded tip in a round pink hole, compressed convulsively to hold the contents. Sliding along the expanding tip, until it stops, the sloping surface of the enema is pressed against the thighs that are hot from the muscles. Injection. The island of cold, freezing something inside Nata, sprawling icy jellyfish in the entrails, cooling the back and stomach. Up. Sweet slip inside the ass, the springy surface of the enema straightens, slightly helping to get up. Tense hips raise an exhausted body. Weak "chpok" - the tip slipped out, now rather strain the muscles inside, to keep the precious cold abomination. Do not give Sousuke to win ... Down, the pain of the stretching entrance, the movement of the member inside, seemed to reach the heart. Up, the tense muscles of the thighs contract, the anus with a sob releases the head, hold on, hold on, not spill!

The nipple next to work quickly and quickly, crouching, like a wound up. Her muscular pumped ass slid on the cold plastic absorbing the contents of the enema, but not in itself. Her flat tummy has already perceptibly filled, bulging with a beautiful semicircle under a thin waist. Nat clearly understood that she was losing. Feet ached. How many squats has she done? She looked at her belly. Compared to Soska, she was only slightly plump. Such a tummy would not even be noticeable under jeans. She was much fatter earlier when she was on Earth ... Nat began to squat with force, relaxing her legs in order to push herself into more swill. This gave the result, her stomach also began to fill up stronger.

- So, girls, let's, let's, let's press! - he again corrected the movement of the hand on his penis, driving him to the rhythm of the squats.

The girls put pressure. The nipple wiping sweat from her forehead, began to squat faster. Despite the influx of ice-cold liquid into their gut, the girls were warming up. Nat's face flushed, moving more and more slowly. The leg muscles were buzzing. She was breathing heavily. Here, once again, squatting it swayed, and the tip slid into the vagina, making an injection into the wrong hole. Ripped pain stretched depth. Rising back, Nata felt how her little hole did not collapse quickly enough, and the heavy pearl drops slowly flowed down her legs, dripping on an enema and draining onto the floor.

- Ho ho! Looks like we have a loser! Come on, some more! Already almost half! - the pervert was rubbing eggs on the hand of a black woman, putting her fist on top of the white-skinned woman and helping her to masturbate. The pink tip emerged from the pale skin of an unknown girl's cam and hid back at a speed two times faster than the Nipple squats. The man focused on her. Here and Soski happened the same accident. Swaying, she strongly poked her crotch into the tip, screamed, and with a sweep she sat down on the entire length of the vagina for an enema. When she straightened with a groan, about as much as Natella flowed out of her. The nipple was tired or hurt something inside, began to move more slowly. Her stomach was already like a pregnant one. In Natella, however, too. Heavy ball, almost not sagging down, skin stretched like a drum on the stomach ...

Nat, looking at the announcing client, made a couple of squats and began to moan, pretending that it gives her pleasure.The nipple with a sigh planted herself on the end and remained seated. It looks like she overestimated her strength and squandered them at a too quick start. The enema ball under it was half empty, the contents now bursting the girl's stomach.

Resting her hands on her knees, Nata squatted out of her last strength. Feet she no longer felt ...

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