1. Hell Natella. Part 1
  2. Hell Natella. Part 2
  3. Hell Natella. Part 4
  4. Hell Natella. Part 5
  5. Hell Natella. Part 6
  6. Hell Natella. Part 8
  7. Hell Natella. Part 9
  8. Hell Natella. Part 10

Page: 4 of 5


She fell silent and they drove the rest of the way in silence. I even managed to doze off a bit until it swung on a pothole. We climbed another hill and the village appeared below. Hundreds of houses, plowed fields in the valley around, forest far behind the village. River. Cows on the pasture. Pastoral landscape, without any signs of modern civilization. No pillars, no asphalt roads ... The most technological here was the cart. Drum brakes, swivel mechanism - Nata did not think that the cart could be so complicated in fact.

- Come on, girl, climb into a stack. You will barely shine your bare back. - the muzhik waited until Nata was buried in the hay, corrected something outside and let the horse forward again. Having moved down the hill, they entered the village. High deaf fences divided the sites like small fortresses. This is not a post-Soviet village with a half-walked picket fence and a lonely grandmother. Life was in full swing here. Behind the dull fences, something mooed, cried, pounded, smoked with a chimney with the smell of coal. Dirty central street along the edge was paved with wooden pavement. Colorful, but somehow more or less equally dressed, almost all barefoot, the peasants went about their business, carrying baskets, bundles, bags. At the well-crane, the gossiping women were waiting for their turn to fill two wooden buckets with a rocker. On the square, in front of a two-story log house, the house was richer, the peasant turned onto another street, narrower and without a sidewalk, drove a little more and stopped in front of the gate of one and a half human height, gathered from deaf, gray wood from time to time.

- No traces of paint ... Stunned ... Where I hit ... - Nat whispered under her breath, hardly holding herself not to begin to itch - the hay and the bag were intolerably pricked.

The heavy sash of the gate closed behind the cart. The horse walked a few steps and stopped.

“Get out ...” the bearded man threw, turning the horse around. - I'll take the hay, I'll be in the morning. Go to the hayloft and sit there. So as a mouse! I have three sons, sporting boys - I twist it to my side!

Nata got out of the cart and slipped into the slightly open hinged door of the big hayloft. The strong smell of the grass of fresh hay from the cart was replaced by the stifling aroma of a huge haystack stack. Through the cracks penetrated the rays of the setting sun. There was an empty place in front of the barn and there was some kind of wooden agricultural machine, the name of which Nata did not know. The owner closed the door behind her.

She chose a spot in the corner and relieved herself in the hay. Well, when for several hours no one raped you ... Winding the blue ribbon from her hand, she threw it aside and lay back, stretching her arms over her head. The breasts and the inflated abdomen pulled the coarse fabric of the bag, and the edge reached up, almost opening the hairless, smooth crotch.

She did not notice how her dirty, but still attractive body, carefully watched a pair of eyes from the top level of the hayloft - the youngest son of a peasant drove the sheep early today and decided to get some rest while no one is at home. The boy, with bated breath, looked at Natella's bare legs, wishing that he had not settled down to look right there, to a secret place that he had hardly ever seen before. However, he was almost in the seventh heaven anyway, he hadn’t seen so long female legs for so long. Local girls wore skirts to toe, and it was only possible to see something on the river, where the washers lifted up their skirts, rinsing their underwear in running water. Sneaking up to bathing was even more difficult, he was chrome since childhood. And not so much free time for the younger man in the family. The girl seems to have come with his father and will stay here for the night.Looking at how she dug into the hay, he realized that today the spectacle was apparently completed, snaked out through the vent on the second floor and jumped down to the ground along the extension ramp. He could not wait to share with his friends what a find was hidden in his barn. How he wished that the stranger smiled invitingly at him, kissed him on the lips and spread her legs in front of him, allowing him to finally become a man ... With a dream, he ran into his older brother, who had just returned from the forge.

- And I saw something! - blurted out without thinking of the younger and bit his tongue. My father probably did not want anyone to see her. But now ... Let the brothers envy, he first saw another girl.

- and? - senior, broad-shouldered, dark-eyed ambal with a haircut under the pot, only slightly slowed down.

- Girl! Naked, in one bag! -

Nata came to the words indistinctly, deafly, but something she heard and was driven in, digging deeper into the hay.

- Yes ... You see overheated in the sun today ...

“She’s in our barn!” -

- Hmm? -

- Father caught someone else. Hid in the hay. I thought we would not see. He is not there, he took the hay to his grandmother Zhalein. Just drove off! -

“If you break, I'll break your other leg, Zar ...” muttered the ambal, bypassing the extension and heading for the hayloft gate. The door was backed by a chump. The blacksmith kicked out the sash and entered, squinting in the twilight of the shed.

- Here, here she ... Was ... - Zar looked pitiful. Fumbling in the corner, he found no one. He didn’t dream of someone else’s screaming girl wearing a rough bag ...

- Well, Zar, get ready to limp on both! -

- Yes, here, just now, she couldn’t get away with it ... Vaughn, look, and the tape is lying! - he rushed about fumbling on the hay.

- Whom we catch? - peeped the middle of the door. - Rats again? -

- Girls ghostly Zaru imagining ... Absolutely without a woman was stunned. Ahaha. - the smith laughed.

And Zar, having grasped Nata, who had squeaked at last, dragged her out of the hay, crying joyfully: “Well, I told you so!” -

Older brothers exchanged glances. The middle one looked back, entered and closed the door behind him.

- You're a young fellow. I looked. And now go. Take a walk We with Kiron need to interview the guest ... -

- Hey! This I saw her first! -

- Vali come on, lame man! And so that no one sounds! - the elder Kiron waved his huge palm and leaned over and pulled Natu to his leg. The bag propped up, revealing a pink slit and a swollen belly.

- Let go! Let me in! Your father will return to the city will take me! Let go! - Nat was swinging her free leg, while trying to lower the bag down.

- Look, Tarek, kicks! -

“We’ll fix this conductor ...”, taking the rope off the wall, said the middle one. - Hold your hands! -

The elder leaned on the body spread on the earthen floor and sealed Nata so that she could not even breathe. Her stomach gurgled plaintively and left a small puddle between her legs. Tarek grabbed her arm and tied to the pole, which rammed the hay. I repeated the procedure with the second hand. The brothers crucified on the poles of Natella were lifted up and hung on the edge of the car that stood in the middle of the hayloft.

“Well, you can take a tapericha and see what's what ...” said Kiron, lifting up her bag to the very throat. For some time, the three looked at Nata's naked body, until Kiron reached out and squeezed his nipples with hardened dirty fingers.

- A good girl ... Chur I am the first! -

- Hey, I found her! - Zar stepped forward, blushing. In his pants already stuck with a stake.

- Mal is still there, you don’t shave sales, shaggy has become like a goat ... Go, do not bother adults. - Tarek pushed the younger one to the side. - Let her legs zadem, so as not to kick again. Yes, it is necessary to shut the mouth, and then there will be a yell. Elda then you won what ... -

Brothers silenced the girl's mouth, grabbed Nata by the legs and tied her knees to her elbows on the pole. Crucified as a frog, again relieved by pressure on the stomach, Nat stood in front of the rapists, bleeding with mucus. Her pink slit beckoned brothers. The elder quickly took off his pants. His rough fingers grasped the edges of the genital lips like a vice, stretching the delicate skin.

- Wow, good kralya! We have not seen this. Smooth, look ah? No hair. Handsomely...- Muttered hard breathing blacksmith and drove the rather big size member into the hot inside of Natella. In a dry plunge immediately on all ... Read more →

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