1. Ike and Eldar. The soldiers
  2. Ike and Eldar. Start
  3. Ike and Eldar. Hunger
  4. Ike and Eldar. Blackmail
  5. Ike and Eldar. Fracture
  6. Ike and Eldar. Actress
  7. Ike and Eldar. Khalashka

Page: 6 of 6

and, dressed in pajamas, go to bed.

- Can I come to you? - they drove into the courtyard and Farid decided to break the silence.

- Come on! Just introduce you to my husband. - Ike imagined the expression on Eldar's face at the sight of how she went home with Farid in a businesslike manner, and laughed.

- So are you really married? - Farid still could not believe that a married woman can break away at a nightclub.

- Well yes.

- And the husband allows you to go to the clubs?

- He thinks I'm on my girlfriend's birthday.

- Is that Kama what?

- Yeah.

- I see ... are you kidding him?

Ike was silent.

- This is the block, - she showed where to stay.

- Well, shall we see you the other day?

- I will call you.

Getting off the car, Ike went to the front door of the block. Turning, she saw that Farid had followed her.

- Drive home, it's too late. - Aiki had a key-ring from the door, but she dialed the apartment number on the intercom, in the hope that when she heard Eldar's voice, Farid would finally leave her alone.

However, instead of the voice of her husband, the buzzer of the lock to be opened was heard and Farid, leaning on the heavy door of the block, opened it, helping Iike to go inside.

- OK good night! - Ike said goodbye to him and entered the block.

Ignoring her words, Farid followed her. Once inside, he tried to hug her.

- Go home, I beg you, I'm tired! - Ike spoke in a loud whisper, afraid to wake the neighbors. - There is a camera in the block, we can be seen ...

Keeping holding her tightly, Farid stopped for a second and glanced in the direction of the elevators, where the light of the surveillance camera flickered on the far wall. Without hesitation, he pulled Ike toward the stairwell.

“Don't, please ...” Ike whispered. She was unable to resist his actions. Having pressed her against the wall with his whole body, he spread her arms over the sides of his head and tried to kiss her on the lips. Hayk swiveled his head and dodged, and then he began to greedily kiss her neck.

“Not now ... I will call you tomorrow, I promise ...” Ike tried to persuade Farid, who had become hot. - Husband ... he opened the door ... he will now come out to look for me ...


Upon hearing the doorbell ringing, Eldar immediately pressed the door opener button. “Strange, why didn't she open herself?” He thought, “Maybe this guy followed her?” He opened the door of the apartment a little and looked out at the block. The elevator indicators showed that both cabins are on the first floor.

“What is it so long?”, He thought, and left the apartment, closing the door behind him. Carefully, trying not to make any noise, Eldar went down the stairs, listening to the quiet night of the entrance. Soon, he heard some fuss in the ground floor area.

Carefully peering out from behind the railing, he saw his wife pressed to the wall, with their arms thrown back. Farid stood with his back to him and, unlike her, could not see him. Ike raised her head and their eyes crossed. Surely, at this moment, Eldar had a strange expression on his face, a sort of mixture of surprise, anxiety, confusion and excitement, and Ike was unable to restrain a smile. Seeing her smile, he smiled in response, and slightly nodded his head.

Everything happened very quickly.

The recent words of Kama emerged in Eike's head: "Spit on everything and get stuck while you can." Relaxed, she looked down at Farid. He immediately kissed her on the lips. Ike kissed him back.

- Only quietly so that no one hears. She whispered.

Seeing that his wife had surrendered, Eldar felt that his penis was straining to the limit and was sticking out, forming a huge mound on his home pants.

Farid loosened his grip and lowered his hands. Slowly running his right hand between Ike's legs, and not encountering resistance from her side, he grabbed her panties and sharply pulled them down. There was a sound of tearing fabric, and Ike languidly sighed. She was no longer scared, she was no longer in a hurry to go home, she was no longer shackled by her frank outfit, she no longer cared that someone from her neighbors could see her.She felt like a primitive female, caught up in the hands of a strong and skilled male. All she dreamed of at that moment was to quickly feel his cock in herself and surrender to his will.

No longer holding back her desires, she put her hand down and felt his hard dick through her pants. Holding her palm upwards, and noting the rather decent size and readiness, she hugged Farid by the shoulders and whispered:

- Rather ... I want you ...

Farid unbuttoned his pants and, clutching at her skirt on both sides, pulled her up with such fury that Ike felt her legs lift off the ground. Lifting her, he planted her on his penis, and put her hands under her thighs, began to fuck Ike, just like that, holding her up in the air. Ike clung to his neck, leaning his back against the wall, and clasping his legs.

Eldar has long stroked himself through the fabric of his trousers, but now, seeing his wife obediently sitting on a guy's dick, he pulled his own member out, and began to nadrachivat it with frenzied force.

Farid also accelerated the pace. I felt his good sports training. He acted strongly and firmly, like a real sex machine, hammering blow after blow into her obedient body. His hot fervor was transmitted to her with every movement, and she felt like inside her, this heat turns into pleasure, gradually paralyzing her whole body.

“You can cum right in me,” she told him.

Eldar and Farid finished at the same time. Eldar, splashing the steps of the stairs, and Farid, pulling a member from Aiki, and buried his head in the folds of the skirt, curled around her belt. Apparently, he was a supporter of the saying “listen to a woman and do the opposite,” and did not cum inside, as they say, out of harm's way.

Putting her on her feet and having recovered his breath, he picked up her torn panties from the floor and, having carefully wiped his penis with them, stretched them to Ike. She took them “on the machine”, and continued to stand silently, with her skirt tucked up above her waist and panties in her hands, until he left, without even saying goodbye, tightening her trousers on the go.

Eldar ran to his wife.

- How are you, my love? - he hugged her.

- Careful ... - as if suddenly waking up, Ike began to wipe her lower abdomen and the space between her legs with her panties. - Soil up ...

- Nothing, love, do not worry. - he took her panties and put it in his pocket, then straightened her crumpled skirt. - Let's go home soon.

They rode in the elevator in silence, hugging tightly, like two lovers after a long separation.

Throwing open the door of the apartment, Eldar grabbed Ike in his arms and carried him straight to the bedroom, as usual, they carry the bride on their first wedding night. She was going to take a shower, but Eldar, not accepting her objections, pounced on her and began to greedily lick her pussy. At first, it was unusual for him to smell and taste someone else's sperm on her, but he quickly got used to the role of the cuckold, which he chose for himself, getting more and more pleasure from realizing the reality of what was happening.

Ike quickly finished and fell asleep, forgetting about the shower. Carefully covering her with a blanket, Eldar tossed around for a long time, remembering the scene in the block and masturbating.

Waking up in the morning, Ike found on the bedside table a box tied with a bright gift ribbon. Opening it, she gasped in surprise. Inside lay a massive gold bracelet, which she spotted in the jewelry department six months ago and persuaded Eldar to buy it to her.

- Found a gift? - Eldar rushed from the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hands.

- Yes! - Ike was happy, like a child who received a long-awaited toy. - Did you buy it then and keep it in reserve?

- Well, yes, this is for your good behavior. - Eldar beamed with joy.

- You decided to “motivate” me in this way? - Ike laughed and in her eyes appeared sparks, which he adored. - You know, I like it more and more ...

  • November 14, 2015 16:30

    Dear readers!

    I present to you the second story from the series “Hayk and Eldar”. It describes the events that occurred in the initial period of communication of the characters, when they first met and, having entered into a life together, took the first and, often, inept steps towards building relationships in the style of seksvayf. The story was quite voluminous, because I wanted to describe not so much the process itself, as the experiences of the characters. Immediately I apologize for the inconsistent chronology of the series, I just wanted to start with more vivid events, and therefore consider the first story - “Soldiers” as something of an advertising announcement, or as they say now, “teaser” of the whole series.

    I look forward to your comments! It doesn’t matter whether they are positive or not, I’m very interested in everyone’s opinion. I admit, it was your comments that encouraged me to continue the series, and without them everything would be stuck on the first story.

    And one more small request. Among us there are representatives of many nationalities, religions, skin colors and smells of the armpits. At the same time, we are all human beings and instincts are peculiar to us, among which sex occupies one of the main places. The world has long since globalized, and it is foolish to think that any sexual preferences are peculiar to any particular nations or nationalities. Against this background, some readers who ask me to stop writing about Azerbaijan and not “dishonoring the nation” remind me of an aunt from the distant 80s who was zombied by the communist regime, who took part in the USSR-US teleconference and declared live in our country not!". So, I declare to you with full responsibility, there is sex in Azerbaijan! And it's great)))))


    • Rating: 0
  • okuyet (a guest)
    November 15, 2015 12:06

    agree, the criticism of the “zombie” acted, the “village” was cited and the Azerbaijani woman in your new story turned from a reckless little beast rushing at the soldiers on the street (by the way, when and where you could see the builders in those parts of Baku your heroes), turned into a classic aboriginal with precautions and compulsory advice from a girlfriend @ sweetie)))
    Bravo, quite another thing!


    • Rating: 1
  • November 18, 2015 20:21

    Thank! Glad you liked it))


    • Rating: 0
  • November 14, 2015 17:38

    long plot evolves! and so, the story, just on top!)))


    • Rating: 3
  • November 18, 2015 20:26

    Thank. And yes, it worked out for a long time, but this is the “Beginning”, and I wanted to tell you more about the heroes.


    • Rating: 0
  • November 14, 2015 21:27

    Chic story with the psychology of gradual emancipation and beautiful descriptions. Thank.


    • Rating: 2
  • November 18, 2015 20:31



    • Rating: 0
  • Lily (a guest)
    November 14, 2015 22:08

    Great, really liked the story! The author, for God's sake, write another pr Ike


    • Rating: 1
  • November 18, 2015 20:39

    Thank you) Be sure to write more! There will be at least one or two more stories about the adventures of the heroes before the events described in The Soldiers. Well, there will definitely be several stories that happened to them after.


    • Rating: 1
  • November 14, 2015 22:10

    Bomb))) urgent continuation !!!


    • Rating: 1
  • November 15, 2015 0:28

    Sumptuously! Ten, looking forward to continue.


    • Rating: 1
  • November 15, 2015 17:31

    Class !!! Begin to read the sequel!


    • Rating: 1
  • November 15, 2015 17:32

    I demand the continuation of the banquet !!!)))


    • Rating: 1
  • Vagif (a guest)
    November 16, 2015 13:14

    The story did not live up to expectations, but the ending was at its best. I really want to continue.


    • Rating: 1
  • November 17, 2015 14:53

    I join previous praises)
    Naturally continue! And for some reason I would like the meeting of Aiki with Farid to be not the last)


    • Rating: 1
  • November 18, 2015 20:44

    Thank! I do not want to upset you, but they no longer met with Farid, because Eldar was opposed to Ayka making permanent lovers ... However, she has yet to meet many interesting characters)))


    • Rating: 0
  • November 17, 2015 17:13

    Great! Be sure to give my wife to read, and then this topic, apparently, only turns me on)))


    • Rating: 1
  • November 18, 2015 20:50

    Thank! I would be very happy if my work will inspire you to conquer new peaks))


    • Rating: 0
  • Ch17 (a guest)
    November 17, 2015 10:26 pm

    Ochchen beautifully turned out !!! I especially liked that he also gave a gift for IT !!! Mmmmm ... lovely !!!)


    • Rating: 1
  • November 24, 2015 1:40

    It's so great to give each other good)


    • Rating: 0
  • Ali (a guest)
    November 18, 2015 8:10

    Da eto armanin napisal. V Azerbaycane takoqo ne bivaet !!! Debilmiy armanin napisal eto.


    • Rating: -2
  • a guest (a guest)
    November 20, 2015 14:04

    Well, when to wait for the continuation, the author does not stop at the most interesting place.


    • Rating: 1
  • November 24, 2015 1:41

    I will not stop)) A couple of weeks and will be continued)


    • Rating: 0
  • November 21, 2015 20:30

    I started reading and goosebumps: they describe me exactly ... Divorced from prim, indifferent to sex, and married the same “interesting” ... I also couldn’t believe that she could change her and I would only wear her 8 years living and I am grateful for her fate !!! But another would have killed her many, many times already! THANKS, AUTHOR! I UNDERSTAND YOU AND KAIF WITH YOU!


    • Rating: 1
  • WPI (a guest)
    December 1, 2015 1:03

    Will the continuation or all faded?


    • Rating: 0

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