1. Ike and Eldar. The soldiers
  2. Ike and Eldar. Start
  3. Ike and Eldar. Hunger
  4. Ike and Eldar. Blackmail
  5. Ike and Eldar. Fracture
  6. Ike and Eldar. Actress
  7. Ike and Eldar. Khalashka

Page: 5 of 6

He hugged her and pressed her against the wall, covering her face and neck with greedy kisses, and at the same time trying to get her hand in her panties. Everything happened so quickly, Aygun’s reaction was inhibited by alcohol, and she realized only when she felt that his finger was already penetrating her vagina.

- Oh, you ... what a fast ... I told you that I was married. - shoving him, she ridiculously threatened him with her finger and dived through the door of the women's room.

In fact, Ike liked how quickly and boldly Farid acted. She was always attracted by confident and a little arrogant men who know exactly what they want and achieve it at any cost. Farid was one of those. Moreover, he was absolutely not embarrassed that she was married. Ike looked at herself in the mirror. Most likely, he simply did not believe her, because in this outfit she didn’t look like a decent married woman, but as another whore or even a prostitute, of whom there are many in such night clubs.

A little tidying herself up, she locked herself in a stall and dialed her husband.

- How do you? - Eldar came up from the first ring.

- Great. I met a good boy. - Ike tried to speak smoothly, but he heard her voice wobble.

- Yes, I saw a photo. Seems OK. And how do you like him?

- Nothing cool so ... arrogant ...

- Recognized in love or wants sex? - Eldar recalled a recent incident with a photographer.

“She wants to fuck, what love ...” Ike laughed. - He's the type of bug. We sit with Kama and his friend in a VIP and drink tequila.

“You would eat something ...” Eldar worried. - Do not drink on an empty stomach!

- Ok, daddy. - Ike answered cheerfully. She liked how he was worried about her. - We eat fruit.

- Well, he even climbs to you or what? - calming down a bit, Eldar set about the old.

- Yeah ... Paws me under the skirt, kissing climbs ...

- Well, do you like it or what? - judging by her voice, Eldar obviously liked her last words.

- Like! - Ike laughed presenting the expression on the face of her husband. - Do you want me to sleep with him?

“And you ... want ... ...” Eldar’s voice trembled with excitement.

- Yeah ...

- Well, okay, come on of course, but where will you go to him?

- We'll see, mas. We are still here yet. I'll call you later.

- Come on ... only you that ... call for sure! Kisses!

- Until.

Ike came out of the booth and began to put cosmetics in order. Even before the call to her husband, she had already firmly decided that today she would change him. Moreover, she liked Farid. Clean, well maintained, neat, courteous. And at the same time so bold ... With these thoughts, she once again looked at herself in the mirror and, going out into the hall, headed towards the VIP.


The crowd of dancers has noticeably thinned. Part of the public went home or to other clubs. True, there were those who arrived just now. Ike drew attention to the girl in a pale pink coat, who greeted the company near the bar. Something in her silhouette seemed familiar to her. Looking closer, Ike recognized Irada, Eldar's cousin.

“Damn, only she was missing here,” Ike thought. Irada was about 35 years old, she was divorced, and was, in principle, a good person, if not for one "but." She was a terrible gossip girl, and Ike, even in the most dreadful dream, could not imagine that she would tell numerous acquaintances and relatives after seeing Ike here at night alone, without Eldar, and even in the company of guys.

“Well, she just came and didn’t see me dancing with Farid,” Ike instantly sobered up at the thought. In her head began to ripen the escape plan.

- Are you all right? - Farid approached her. He noticed anxiety on her face.

- Not really ... I will need to leave urgently.- Ike pulled him aside and they stood up so that Irada could not see them.

- Are you offended at me? - Farid put his arm around her shoulders.

- No, you are not the point. It's just that I noticed one person here ... in general, I don't want to be seen. - Ike was excited. - Listen, I'll go to the door, and you tell Kame to let her bring my jacket.

- Here you go. Just met, and you run away. - Farid said disappointedly. “I'll bring your jacket myself now.”

- Thank you, Faridik, but not necessary, but I say, I do not want to be seen in the men's company. - Ike kissed his cheek. - Leave me your number, I'll dial you the other day and we'll definitely meet.

Farid dictated her number and Ike went to the exit, bypassing the bar, trying not to meet Irada’s eyes. Kama met her at the exit.

- What happened to you, my husband jealous? - she gave her jacket.

- No, there is one bitch, his relative. If he sees me, then he'll ring the whole city ...

- Oh, I see ... Husband will come for you?

- He only gets here in half an hour. I'm better off by taxi. - Ike kissed her friend goodbye. “Are you all right?” Do you want to leave?

- Don't worry, I'm in good hands. - Kama laughed. - This Ramin is nothing like, I can even twist him seriously. Okay, run quickly, then we will call you.

Ike went outside. In front of the club, waiting for customers, there were free taxi cars, and she got into an old Mercedes, which was the first in line. She called the address and the car slowly drove off from the club. In this part of the city there were a lot of nightlife and, despite the late time, a traffic jam formed on the road.

- Are you new? - The taxi driver, a middle-aged man, was clearly set to talk.

- In what sense? - Ike didn't understand him.

- I always stand here at night, but I see you for the first time. Could not you find customers? - the taxi driver grinned, searchingly looking into her eyes through the rear-view mirror. - If you want, go to me, I still finished the shift for today ...

Ike suddenly realized that the taxi driver had taken her for a “night butterfly”.

- Stop the car immediately! - She screamed and opened the door on the go.

The taxi driver swore curses and hit the brakes. Ike jumped out of the car and walked briskly back towards the club, thankfully, they did not have time to drive off far. Her heart was pounding. She scored Farida.

“What kind of people ...” she heard his cheerful voice in the receiver. - Have you already missed?

- No, count it, I sat down in a taxi, and the taxi driver turned out to be some kind of jerk. Could you please accompany me, otherwise I’m afraid alone ... - Ike was breathing heavily from recent fright and brisk walking. - I already come to the club.

- No problem. There in the parking lot is black Cayenne, numbers 012. I'm leaving now.

Having calmed down a bit, Ike picked up her husband.

- What's the matter? Are you on the street? Everything is good? - Eldar worried when he heard the sounds of cars.

- I left the club, there this Ira, your relative, was. As I saw her, I immediately ran away.

- Wait, I'll quickly come for you.

- Do not, Elik, it will be a long time, I do not want to stand here alone. Now that guy from the club will give me a lift.

“Okay, just go home right away, enough for today’s adventure.”

- That's for sure. Okay, everything, I already see him.

Eldar hung up and started searching for an iPhone on a computer. The green dot moved quickly toward their home. He wanted to go downstairs and meet his wife in the courtyard, but then decided not to glow in front of her boyfriend. “Who knows, maybe the boy will want to kiss her in the car goodbye. Well, or under the skirt will climb. Or even give it to your mouth ... ”, Eldar imagined how his beloved one came out in the middle of the night from a lover’s car with smeared lipstick and an indecent skirt, and instantly excited.


The road to the house passed without incident. Farid drove fast and confident. Behind the windows flashed the lights of the night city. Ike was sitting at the back, lounging on a leather sofa and listening to the calm music that was playing on the radio. The events of that night made her a little tired, and she wanted to get home quickly ... Read more →

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