1. Ike and Eldar. The soldiers
  2. Ike and Eldar. Start
  3. Ike and Eldar. Hunger
  4. Ike and Eldar. Blackmail
  5. Ike and Eldar. Fracture
  6. Ike and Eldar. Actress
  7. Ike and Eldar. Khalashka

Page: 4 of 6

that a friend does not sit grieved, but tastes the pleasures of life. - Do you go to the disco? We get out on Fridays and Saturdays, don't you want to join us?

- With pleasure. - agreed Kama. - You just tell me in advance that I leave the child with the mother.

Although the conversation with Kama did not give her direct answers to her questions, Ike felt much more confident after meeting her. Her best friend, as well as Eldar, was a supporter of the maximum enjoyment of life. Indeed, she thought, recalling the words of Kama, why can peasants enjoy sex without thinking about feelings, while we, women, always look for and find in everything, some moral and psychological barriers?

When she got home, she told Eldara that she wanted to take Kama with her when they went to the club for the weekend.

- Just do not stare at her, she, after a divorce as a chain broke, and sleeps with everyone in a row. She warned her husband, remembering how Kama showed off to her about her achievements. “I will live with both of you from the world.”

- Why do I need your Kama. - offended Eldar. - By the way, if you want, go with her together. I'm already pretty tired of these discos. I will just sit at home and calmly work on the project. And closer to the 4th I'll pick you up.

So they agreed.


Hayka first went to a nightclub without a husband, and did not want to attract too much attention to herself. Eldar, on the contrary, connected with this evening a lot of expectations. On Friday morning, he dragged her to the stores and bought her new items. They argued for a long time, choosing what to wear, and finally stopped at a closed turtleneck with short sleeves and a straight miniskirt made of thick fabric. Bottom Ike put on a bra with inserts, which increased her breasts by a couple of sizes, and black fishnet panties. She was going to wear pantyhose, but Eldar insisted on stockings.

- So that you are the most beautiful there, - he explained.

At 10 pm, Ike called a taxi and, wearing high-heeled shoes and a short leather jacket, went after Kama. She was already waiting for her on the street in front of the house. Ike, not without pleasure, noted that she looks much better than her peers. Kama was always inclined to be overweight, and after the birth of the child, she completely distributed herself, acquiring mouth-watering forms. She was wearing tight jeans and a T-shirt that showed off her big breasts.

They sat down at one of the tables near the stage. At first, the evening was calm, a small orchestra played jazz-rock on the stage, and there were not many visitors. But closer to midnight new visitors began to arrive, the orchestra was replaced by a DJ, and, under the disco rhythms, the people threw themselves on the dance floor.

At first, Ike and Kama danced together, but soon, many fans appeared around them. Eike did not particularly like any of them, and she moved around the platform, dancing with one or the other. One of the guys offered to buy her a drink, and she ordered a cocktail. A little later, another boyfriend, bought her a beer. Girls occasionally sat down at a table, and, having a little rest, started dancing again.

At one o'clock in the morning she called Eldar, hiding from loud music in the toilet stall. Cocktail and beer did their job, and she was already a little tipsy. Eldar wondered if someone was clinging to her. I didn't meet any interesting guys, and told her husband that she was dancing with girls. She felt from his voice that this upset him a little. Having promised to call at the 4th, he said that he loved her and said goodbye.


Returning to the hall, she began to look through her eyes for a friend. That was nowhere, and Ike went to their table. She sat alone for some time, when suddenly, out of nowhere, Kama emerged.

- Well, where are you gone? Come, introduce you to normal guys. - Kama dragged her in the direction of the VIP zone. “Take things, go over there like white people.”

VIP area consisted of tables with cozy semicircular sofas. For one of them were two guys about 25 years old. They were expensive and stylishly dressed, and on the table in front of them casually lay a pack of expensive cigarettes, heaped mobile phones and car keys. Papa's boys, Ike thought as they got up, helping the girls to sit down. The sofas were deep and, sitting down, Ike felt her skirt go up, no longer covering the openwork gum of her stocking. "Eldar ... damn contagion, I knew that these stockings would torture me," thought Ike and put the bag on her knees.

“Get to know this is Aygun,” Kama was pleased with the effect that Ayka had on the guys. - And this is Farid and Ramin.

“Let me help you,” without waiting for an answer, Farid took the bag from Aiki's knees and put it on the side of himself. - Aygun, what is your beautiful name! What will you drink?

He smelled of some expensive cologne. It was noticeable that he watches himself, and constantly visits the gym. He was wearing a dark business suit and a bright satin shirt without a tie. Ramin, who sat down next to Kama, was also dressed, as they say, with a needle.

- Tequila? - whether asking her, or answering his own question, Farid reached for the bottle on the table and poured the drink into glasses. - For the acquaintance!

Ike was already quite drunk, but she liked the new company and she decided to relax well. To the cheers of the guys, she and Kama drained their glasses. Behind them drank and guys. In this part of the hall, the music sounded quieter, and they could calmly talk without trying to shout it out. Gradually, a cheerful conversation ensued at the table. The guys turned out to be really “normal.” They joked and laughed a lot, and Ike even began to seem as if they had known each other for years. She asked Kama to take a picture of her with Farid, and quietly sent this photo to Eldar. He sent a bunch of emoticons and wrote that he was terribly glad that his wife was finally resting "grown-up." Putting the phone aside, Ike felt Farid's hand on her leg.

- By the way, I'm married. She said to him in a serious tone.

- I am married, I have three children and fourteen grandchildren. - Farid retorted in no less serious tone.

They both burst out laughing.

- Let's go dance. - not waiting for an answer, he dragged her to the dance floor.

She played some kind of hip-hop composition. From drunk, Aiki was a little dizzy, and she tried to dance slowly, carefully turning her legs. She found it difficult to balance in high heels and Farid held her around the waist. At some point, hip-hop was replaced by Latin American rhythms, and deftly grabbing her arm, he began to circle her, making all kinds of pirouettes. Farid apparently used to do Latino dances, because he confidently led her in a dance, spinning, releasing and picking up at the right moment. Ike did not try to control the process, and just relaxed, feeling like a toy in the hands of an experienced juggler. The final chords sounded, the carousel of disco lights and dancing faces flashed for the last time before her eyes, and Farid, making a U-turn and throwing her back, caught her somewhere at the very bottom, supporting her shoulders and waist. Latino rhythms were replaced by some other melody, Hayk was standing still, frozen in his arms on a bent leg, while her second leg was thrown up.

"I wonder if everyone saw my panties now or not," she thought. Farid, taking advantage of her “hanging” state, dug into her lips with a long kiss. It was rather unexpected, but pleasant, and Ike felt herself wet between her legs.

“So ... Time out. And then I completely broke up something ... "- she thought, and straightening the fully lifted skirt, went to the table. Taking the bag, she told Farid that she was going to the toilet.

- I spend. - he went near, supporting her by the waist.

The entrance to the toilet was fenced from the hall by a decorative wall, behind which was a narrow and long corridor. Going over the wall, Farid quickly lowered his hand below the belt and his palm was under her skirt. ... Read more →

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