1. Ike and Eldar. The soldiers
  2. Ike and Eldar. Start
  3. Ike and Eldar. Hunger
  4. Ike and Eldar. Blackmail
  5. Ike and Eldar. Fracture
  6. Ike and Eldar. Actress
  7. Ike and Eldar. Khalashka

Page: 1 of 6

At one in the morning Ike called.

- How are you?

- OK, how are you?

- Everything is OK, dance, music class!

The voice is contented, the tongue is a little tatty. Zhenushka clearly exceeded her usual rate of two drinks. The disco noise is muffled, it seems to be ringing from the toilet cubicle.

- Well, when are you home?

- At 3 ... and maybe at 4. It's fun for now ...

- No one bothers?

- Nope ... Cute guys are few. With girls dancing.

- Well, ok, I will not interfere. Then I will come for you by about the 4th. Love you my sweetheart!

- I, too! Bye cute!

Putting the phone aside, Eldar imagined how Ike comes out of the closet and, passing by the bar, goes to the dance floor. The music is rattling and she, dancing, joins her friends.

Friday evening, one of the central clubs of the city. Are there really few guys? Like she said that she likes ... Or does she keep back?

The thought of this immediately caused a familiar stir between the legs of Eldar. He imagined how his joy noticed a nearby pumped-up guy in a tight T-shirt. She looks into his eyes and smiles. He turns away, and when he looks again, he is no longer there. Suddenly she feels a gentle, but sure touch to her shoulder. Turning around, she sees that guy, and now they are dancing together. She examines his muscles, and he looks at her with confident eyes of the "bad guy", already imagining how he will fuck her soon.

Erection peaked. Thoughts about his wife's pranks always acted on Eldar like a bundle of Viagra on a pimply teenager. The riser was stone. He was, of course, excited by other aspects of sex, but he achieved such a level of excitement only by representing his wife as a seksvayf.


Eldar was 40. It was his second marriage. The first one broke up a few years ago. Then he went all bad, went to clubs, visited fashion parties, met on the Internet. Once, looking through erotic stories, he came across a series of stories in which husbands described the sexual adventures of their depraved wives. At first it seemed strange to him, but after a while he realized that this was exactly what he had always dreamed of. There were several forums devoted to this topic in the network and he was surprised to learn how much, it turns out, men fantasize about this topic. Someone boasted about his achievements on the path of seducing his wife, someone asked for advice on how to persuade her husband to go to a similar format of relationships.

This is his very instigators, and Eldar began to represent, like marrying a second time, he will definitely try himself in this area. The simplest thing he could do was marry a walker. However, Baku, a modern city with a population of several million, still remained a “big village”, where everyone knew everything about everyone. Eldar, of course, did not want to be at the center of gossip and misinterpretation. Another thing, if his wife, being quite a decent girl, from a decent family, will sometimes go to the left. Well, who does not happen ... Observing caution, the chances of disgracing in this case are much less, and even if it pops up, you could always pretend to be a sucker who would be offended by the narrowed, and forgive her for the sake of great and radiant love. In addition, Eldar wanted to savor this fantasy, gradually and slowly turning it into reality. And to marry a known walker was like drinking expensive and rare cognac at a gulp from the throat. So he could only marry a normal one, and only then try to engage her in his game.

As one of the great ones said: fear your dreams, because they tend to come true ...


They met by chance. Aygun was 25. She lived with her parents. She worked every other day in some office in the center. An ordinary girl. Although not quite. Ike was very beautiful.She had perfect facial features and a very appetizing figure. Even simply and modestly dressed, she always attracted the attention of men.

Despite the fact that she had already met others before Eldar, Ike was not quite experienced in bed, and she was unable to discover and recognize her own sexuality. It could be attributed to the category of girls who registering on dating sites, noted in the column "sexual preferences" - "sex is not important for me." She really was not important sex, because she considered him only a zone of male interests, and treated him more as an opportunity to attract and retain a man. After marrying such girls, they usually convince their husband of frigidity for a long time and persistently, after which they sincerely wonder that the husband begins to run to the left.

In fact, Ike was of course a normal and healthy woman, and, from the beginning of her adult sex life, from time to time she felt the need for relaxation. In these rare moments she brought herself to orgasm caressing the clitoris. During their first sex with Eldar, she climbed into him in the pose of a rider and came from the fact that she rubbed the clitoris on his penis. When they met the next time, and again he pulled her into bed, Ike did not feel much desire, and agreed only because she liked Eldar, and she wanted to make him happy.

The Eldar then puffed on for a long time and snuffled on it, changing its postures and angle of attack, but all was in vain.

- Want to top? - he stopped to catch his breath, and remembered how she had finished last time.

- Not. Come on, stop it, honey. Do not pay attention to me. - Ike kissed him gently. - I finished the other day, and so far I have no desire.

Eldar was not going to surrender without a fight. He already represented her in the role of the future spouse, a real seksvayf who would love and crave sex, in all its multifaceted manifestations. Having gained a solid pace, he finished on her stomach, after which he quickly dived under the covers and, finding herself between her legs, began to caress her clitoris with her tongue. Ika did not expect this at all and at first resisted, saying that she did not want, could not, that she needed to wash herself first. However, the Eldar was relentless. He really wanted to give her pleasure, and he himself was excited, secretly imagining that she was caressing the pussy of his wife, who had just returned home from her lover, all stuffed with sperm. Soon he felt her clitoris swell. Unable to resist his affection, Ike was quickly excited and finished, moaning from pleasure. Eldar saw waves of muscle contractions sweeping through her stomach, she literally twitched from an orgasm.

Exhausted at the end, she lay on her side and curled up. Eldar lay down beside her, hugging her from behind and pressing her whole body against her. She squeezed his hand in her, and they lay a little in silence, feeling the warmth of each other.

- Why are you still divorced? - Ike turned to him and asked a question that has recently been constantly spinning in her head.

Eldar thought. Definitely answer this question was difficult. He decided to seize the moment, and they say, to take the bull by the horns.

- There was a lot of things ... But the main thing is that there was no understanding between us. Especially in terms of sex. You know, I'm not excited by the usual things that not everyone is ready to accept ...

- What, for example?

- Well, for example, I like my wife to be beautiful and at the same time dress defiantly. So that everyone looked at her and envied me.

- Well, that's fine, sort of. Although, of course, our husbands usually try to hide their wives from prying eyes ...

- Well, yes, but I, on the contrary, do not just want to hide, but do not even mind her flirting with others a little. Well, not quite openly ... but it seems to be a secret from me. Well, for example, when she is alone, and I am not around.

- Well, I actually love to flirt. - said Ike thoughtfully. She allegedly tried on the role of the wife of Eldar. - And I like to dress beautifully ...

“Ideally, I would like you not only to like it, but also to arouse it ...” Eldar accepted her game and spoke as if Ike had already become his wife.- So that you yourself would like such adventures.

- That is, you ...

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