1. Ike and Eldar. The soldiers
  2. Ike and Eldar. Start
  3. Ike and Eldar. Hunger
  4. Ike and Eldar. Blackmail
  5. Ike and Eldar. Fracture
  6. Ike and Eldar. Actress
  7. Ike and Eldar. Khalashka

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- Look who writes to me! - Ika handed a mobile phone to her husband. “This is Farid, that guy from the club.” Meet with him?

To become a cuckold while walking with his wife was Eldar’s long-standing dream, and a few days ago, the couple finally managed to move from fantasy to reality. That evening, Ike met at a nightclub with a guy who walked her home, depriving her of “marital innocence” right at the entrance.

- See for yourself, I do not mind. - Eldar put his arm around Ike and kissed him gently. “Although ... I think Farid is already a past stage.” Maybe better to find someone new? I would like you to walk with many, rather than start long-running novels.

- Yes you are right. - Ike got into the settings of the smartphone. - I blocked it.

Despite the freedom of relations, the couple greatly valued each other. And, although Ike had already gotten a little used up with her husband’s unusual fantasies and the way he had reacted positively to her recent real adventure, she was in no hurry to use the provided freedom, allowing him to set the pace.

- Well, if you, of course, really want to, then meet one more time ...

- You know, if this is all for the sake of sex, then, frankly, I do not want to. You and I have sex every day, sometimes even several times, and every time I finish to the fullest.

- Well, what if I kept you hungry? For example, tried to quickly finish, so you did not have time to get an orgasm?

- Then I’ll start to rush at all men! - laughed Ike. - You taught me so much to have good sex that I probably won't last more than a week.

- Well, so maybe try? - Eldar smiled, but spoke quite seriously. - Let's agree that I, as always, can end only with you, and you - now only with others.

- Come on! - Ike liked the idea.

- Deal. - Eldar solemnly shook his wife's hand.

They really began to strictly follow the "sex diet." Eldar tried to climb less to his wife, relieving his own tension in the toilet, and even hid the vibrators, which they used to use in bed before.

- For the purity of the experiment. - He explained.

It took about two weeks. Hayka more and more often went on walks alone, or accompanied by Kama, a school friend with whom she had recently restored communication. Being a young divorced mother who lived separately from her parents, Kama was not averse to having some fun. Especially on weekends, when she sent the child to her father, and was left to herself.

And today, Eldar lingered at work, and Hayk, remembering that some kind of presentation was being held at the Center for the Arts, went there, taking with him an iPad with samples of his photographs. At the end of the presentation, she called Eldara and, after making sure that he was still at work, recruited Kame.

- How are you? Maybe in the city?

- Can. Come on in an hour on Sahil.

Soon the girlfriends were already shopping in one of the main streets. It was a rainy day, and Ike put on her flat-heeled boots and a short warm tunic that was completely hidden under a short pea coat. From the outside it might have seemed that under her coat she was wearing only pantyhose, and Hayk was constantly catching the looks of others around her delicious thighs. Men looked with undisguised interest, and women condemning and with envy. Ike did not care, she had long been accustomed to dress defiantly, to the delight of her husband.

Kama also attracted a lot of attention. Tight jeans, tucked into boots with high heels, and a short leather jacket, showed the surrounding roundness of a young mother in all their glory.

Soon, next to them stopped a black Mercedes with two young men of about thirty. One of them got off the car and headed towards them.Posing as Vagif, he invited them to join them. Ike was already going to refuse politely, but Kama, who in each male representative, and especially the owner of an expensive foreign car, was seen ahead of her by a potential lover, was ahead of her. Agreeing to go to a restaurant for a couple of hours, the friends sat in the back seat of the car.

On the way, Ike quietly photographed the interior of the car and sent it to her husband.

- We met with two guys, going to a restaurant. - she wrote to him.

- Kisses. Well done. Forgive me for being so busy, here is such an emergency ... - he answered her in a couple of minutes.

The place where they came was a small hookah bar, decorated in Arabic style. Along the walls, on the sides of the long hall, there was a line of tents with cozy sofas. The young people said something to the waiter, and he led them to the end of the hall. Almost all visitors to the establishment were men, and passing along the tents, Ike involuntarily cringed under their evaluative glances.

Reaching the end, they turned into a corridor and found themselves in a separate office. It was very warm and cozy inside, and Ike relaxed a little. A wide table that occupied almost the entire space of a small room was surrounded on both sides by comfortable sofas. Kama sat next to the guy who was driving, and Ike got the one who got out of the car to meet them. Vagif was prettier than his friend, behaved very courteously, spoke beautifully and interestingly, without ceasing to admire her young body at the same time, and Ike completely arranged such a balance.

She decided to clean up and, going into the corridor, found a toilet nearby. Having done that, she remembered how Eldar complained that nothing spoils the impression of a woman like a sanitary pad under beautiful linen. Throwing out an old pad in the bin and not putting on a new one, she adjusted her hair, put bright red lipstick on her lips and returned to the office.

The waiter brought brandy and sweets, and soon a fragrant hookah. Slightly dimming the light, he came out, tightly closing the door behind him.

Ike was not a smoker, and only occasionally, for a company, did she indulge in cigarettes. Hookah seemed to her an interesting entertainment, she liked to inhale the delicate fragrant smoke, which pleasantly relaxed her along with the cognac, which she slowly sipped. Her interlocutor asked what she was doing, and Ike told about her passion for photography, and even showed him several works on the iPad. Vagif looked at them with interest, having moved closer and put his arm around her shoulders with his right hand. Showing something on the screen, he occasionally lowered his left hand on her lap, gently and confidently touching her feet between the boots and the skirt, each time becoming higher and higher.

Ike did not resist this and pretended that nothing unusual was happening. Gradually, she began to embrace the excitement that had long languished in her. Looking at Kama, she saw that she was already kissing passionately with her boyfriend, whose hands were walking freely around her magnificent body. Ike was always excited by the promoter of erotica and porn, but now everything happened live, in a meter away from her, and this sight brought her completely. She felt that her panties and pantyhose soaked from the juice, which released her, already ready for everything, pussy.

“Where will he take me?” Is it right here? It's so crowded here ... What if someone enters? ”Ike thought, looking around. She was still struggling with remnants of shame, but she no longer doubted that she would now give herself to this man whom she had met only a couple of hours ago.

Reaching the panties and feeling the moisture on his fingers, Vagif confidently took the tablet from her and set it aside. Having unbuttoned his fly with a quick movement, he pulled out a dressed member and laid Aiko’s hand on it. She took it, not hesitating to show her desire. To the touch, the member seemed rather large, and Ike looked down, trying to see it in a muffled light.

Taking it as a signal for further action and using his right hand, with which he still hugged her shoulders, Vagif with a strong and confident movement bent her head down, pressing the head of the penis to her lips. A specific smell hit her nose and she ...

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