1. Ike and Eldar. The soldiers
  2. Ike and Eldar. Start
  3. Ike and Eldar. Hunger
  4. Ike and Eldar. Blackmail
  5. Ike and Eldar. Fracture
  6. Ike and Eldar. Actress
  7. Ike and Eldar. Khalashka

Page: 2 of 6

wouldn't you be jealous if i flirted with others?

- I would, only if I did not know. Then it would be a betrayal. And so ... if I know where you are and who you are with, if you want to fool around a bit, why not? You are a normal, healthy person ... Even if everyone around you think that you are deceiving me, the most important thing is that I will be aware of what is happening and everything will be honest between us.

As if to confirm his words, Eldar began to cover her face with tender kisses.

- Why do you need such a relationship? - Ike was still trying to find a trick in his words. - Probably you want to flirt with others?

- No, that you. - he was indignant. - If I have such a wife, I will no longer need anyone.

- That is, if I understood correctly, I can flirt, but you do not? - Ika smiled slyly.

“Yes, you got it right, dear.”

He was already so excited while Aike was describing the format of their future family life. And her reaction, a sly smile, and the fact that she didn’t accept his proposal "in hostility", but began to ask questions "essentially", forced his penis to strain in full force, and he began to fuck her in a new way.

- Yes, dear, you can, but I do not ... - he repeated kissing her lips and hammering his penis as deep as possible into her. - Everything will be possible, that I can not.

- What, all-all will be? - cunning sparkles appeared in her eyes again.

- Yes! With whom you want you can ... END ... - roaring from the flow of emotions, Eldar finished, splashing her body with another portion of semen.

Leaning back, he breathed heavily and often. Ike lay on one side and took his dick in her hand. She felt like he was gradually decreasing in size.

- You know, last year I came to a friend to the country to stay for the weekend. They are the whole family in the summer in the country. We then went to the sea together with her and her mother. They have a cottage ten minutes walk from the beach. And then I bought myself a new swimsuit in Mango. And he was a little open, you know, so that the panties in the back in the ass climb ...

- Yes I know. - A member of Eldar in her hands began to show signs of life.

- You should have seen what started there, as soon as I took off the sundress on the beach. There were some guys there, so they never took their eyes off us and threw all the jokes at me. Right under her mom, count? They see that we are not alone, with us is an adult woman, and still for our own. We are at sea, they follow us and swim nearby. We sunbathe on the beach, and they are right there. - Ike unexpectedly interrupted the story.

- And then? - despite the elderly age, and the fact that Eldar had finished two times in a row, and the last time only a few minutes ago, his member showed a reinforced concrete erection.

- Soup with a cat! - Ike laughed and gently slapped him on the member, obviously pleased with the effect that her story had on him. - It really excites you! ... Let's go soon, it's too late, now my parents will be on the wanted list.


They got married in a few months. As a decent Azerbaijani girl, Hayk could not come over to him before the wedding, but they met every day and tried to spend all their free time together. Eldar bought her a lot of beautiful and fashionable clothes, trying to choose more and more frank models. If earlier Hayk tried to dress more modestly, then now her wardrobe was dominated by short, tight-fitting or translucent things. Dresses, tops, pants, skirts, shorts, shoes, underwear and swimwear, all this was bought only if it looked sexy, and exhibited its charms. Many items of clothing were so open that she was even ashamed to wear them with her parents. They put them in the closet at Eldar's house and, often, before going to work or a walk, she would change clothes with him.

Eldar owned a small business in the field of construction. He periodically met with clients and visited construction sites, controlling the process of work. Thanks to his free schedule, he could spend as much time with Aygun as he wanted. And the income that brought him business, it was enough for them two.

After the wedding, Ike quit her job and they could now spend more time together. During the day, they often went out for joint walks into the city. On weekends we tried to go out into the countryside, and if we stayed in the city, we would go to clubs and discos in the evenings. Ike was fascinated by photography, and when Eldar was busy with work, she walked around the city with a camera in her hands, gathering material for a photo exhibition.

They were in no hurry to have children. Even before the wedding, Ike admitted to him that several years ago she had suffered an unsuccessful abortion, and since then she cannot become pregnant in a natural way. There are no problems that cannot be solved with money, he told her then, promising that they would lead children after several years when they were bored with free life.

Hayka watched herself well, signed up for fitness, and visited beauty salons, because she had to look perfect in the eyes of her beloved and, of course, the rest of the men. She changed literally before our eyes. From a homely, and a little notorious girl, she turned into a confident young woman who did not hesitate to show her attractiveness to others.

At night, when they got into bed, they plunged into a world where fantasies intertwined with reality. Hayk told Eldar the events of the day, describing in detail her contacts with the male representatives. Like Scheherazade from an oriental tale, she skillfully wove the canvas of the story, playfully controlling the excitement of her sultan, and turning him with only the timbre of her voice, then into a wild beast, then into a cute kitten.

In turn, Eldar always tried to bring her to orgasm. Her delusion that she could not finish more than a couple of times a month was dissolved in the reality of their marriage. Hayka finished daily and enjoyed immensely in bed with her husband, gradually becoming no less a lover of sex than he.

Observing the changes taking place with his wife, Eldar felt himself in seventh heaven with happiness. He bought vibrators and sex toys for her, and although she was wary of some of them, she really liked the small clitoral stimulator. They began to use it often during sex. And once, when he returned from work, Ike told him that she used a stimulant to cum while she was alone, because she "really wanted it."

In short, in the person of Aiki, Eldar got everything that he had always dreamed of. The only thing that bothered him was that their fantasies were still fantasies. As a child, growing up, once realizes that Santa Claus does not exist, so Eldar already understood that Ike only plays up to his desires, but is not really going to make them come true.

These two really loved each other. Their relationship was built on trust, and each of them was afraid of losing the other. Eldar clearly limited the "zone of freedom" in their relationship, saying that he has nothing against having sex for sex, but against falling in love with someone. Hayk did not understand how to sleep with someone, without feeling feelings towards this person.


One day, at a photo exhibition in the Old Town, she met a nice young man. He turned out to be a professional photographer and, having learned that Ike was interested in photography, he began to enthusiastically tell her about the intricacies of his craft. At the same time, some special charisma emanated from him, and Ike felt an interest in him. The photographer also crumbled with compliments on her address, and even suggested that she try herself as a model for his pictures. Ike admitted that she was married, and even showed him a hand with a wedding ring.Taking her hand in his, he said that to hide such beauty from those around it was a sin, and Hayk, looking into his blue eyes, suddenly caught herself thinking that she could sleep with him. Saying goodbye, they exchanged numbers, and the photographer suggested that she go to the next day at noon ... Read more →

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