1. Ike and Eldar. The soldiers
  2. Ike and Eldar. Start
  3. Ike and Eldar. Hunger
  4. Ike and Eldar. Blackmail
  5. Ike and Eldar. Fracture
  6. Ike and Eldar. Actress
  7. Ike and Eldar. Khalashka

Page: 3 of 6

with him and his friends to the sea to take pictures of the spring surf. Ike said she didn’t promise exactly, but she would call back if she succeeds.

Arriving home, Ike told about all her husband. Eldar vividly imagined himself as a depraved photographer, sensing easy prey in the face of his trusting little wife, would take her straight to her dacha, where she would take her to sex, alone or even with the participation of her friends. Excited to the limit, he immediately dragged Ike into bed, and they made love, hotly discussing the details of tomorrow.

In the morning, Ike wrote to the photographer, and he drove after her at twelve. Eldar collected it as a war. For a long time he carefully picked up the clothes she would wear with her, checked the charging of her phone and, escorting her to the door, put her a pack of condoms in her bag.

“Just in case,” he whispered excitedly, kissing his wife goodbye.

Closing the door behind her, Eldar could not find a place for himself. He launched an iPhone search program and watched a small green dot that was quickly moving around the map, taking his wife away from the adventure. Eldar was filled with conflicting feelings. On the one hand, he exulted about the fact that Ike finally did cross the line and make their fantasies a reality. On the other hand, he was terribly worried about her, fearing that she would somehow be offended.

Ten minutes later he received a message from her: “Everything is in order, we are going to Bilgah. There are a lot of people here, two cars, boys and girls, merry company, we are sitting with this guy and another girl in the back. ” "I kiss, love," he replied to her, and suddenly he felt his heart ache. Sunday, and he, like a fool, sits alone at home, while his beloved is resting in the cheerful company of young people. The dirty sexual adventure he had previously imagined had suddenly turned into a romantic country trip.

And indeed, instead of giving, a noisy company stopped at a restaurant on the shore, where they spent the rest of the day. The guys first wandered along the shore and took pictures, and then sat at the table for a long time, drinking tea and chatting happily and naturally. All this time, the blue-eyed man did not move away from Aiki. He helped her in the process of filming, prompting how to properly frame the picture, holding her hand while they were walking along the shore, and gently hugged her as they sat at the table.

Toward evening, Eldar called. He was annoyed.

“What the hell was that jerk pulling you on a romantic date?” Does he not know that you are married? I thought he wanted to sleep with you, and he, it turns out, decided to introduce you to friends. - Eldar was frantic.

“Don't worry, honey, everything is fine, I really like it, here are interesting people ...” Ike tried to calm him down. - We will soon go to the city and he will surely invite me to his place. You want me to sleep with him?

- And here is a fig! - cut off the Eldar. - This fanfare missed your chance! Let them go to the city themselves, and you stay there and wait for me. I'll come for you now.

Half an hour later, he really rushed after her, and she, in a hurry after saying goodbye to everyone, left. Eldar was evil as hell, and drove the car in total silence. Looking at him, Ike could not keep a smile.

- Are you jealous of me, love? - she gently kissed him and pressed against his shoulder. - Do not worry, I will not trade you for anyone!

- No, well, what's the matter, in fact. - Eldar calmed down a bit, but continued to grumble. - At the sea, he took her with friends ... He apparently wants you to take it all in and fall in love with him, and then run after him like a fool in love. Sedtseed damn! Destroyer of families!

- Yes you are right. - Hayka noticed during the day that she was somehow especially “pulled” to the blue-eyed one.- I really started to feel feelings for him ...

- You see! I was afraid of that! Only a man will send a wife to a fucker, as they immediately arrange a romantic date and try to fall in love with themselves. - Eldar clearly liked that Ike was frank with him, and cheerful notes appeared in his voice. With his left hand he drove the car, and with his right he waved in the air, sending curses to the photographer’s head. - At the sea, he took her, Don Juan huyev! And what? Where are excited males with half a meter members? Where I ask you. Where is Sodom and Gomorrah? Sheer deception and razvodilovo around ... Where is this world heading?

- Yeah, my love, you will not particularly indulge with you. - Ike laughed, and holding Eldar tightly by the hand, did not let her out until she came home.

At home, sitting comfortably at the TV, they watched a movie when a message came from the photographer:

- You have everything ok? - he wrote.

“If you ever call her again, I will break your arms and make you disabled for the rest of your life.” - Eldar wrote back.

- I understood everything, it will not happen again. - the photographer responded immediately, and since then they have heard nothing more about him.


After that incident, Ike was completely confused, and decided to consult with Kama. She was her best friend since school days, although, after graduating from school, their paths diverged. Hayka entered the Institute of Foreign Languages, hoping to build a career as a translator, and Kama married a young man from a wealthy family, for whom her parents had embraced her. My husband was opposed to Kama continuing education or got a job. Exactly nine months later she gave birth, and since then has completely devoted herself to raising her son. The husband was good at providing for the family, but began to pay her less and less attention. Kama suspected that he was walking on the side. Periodically, she found in his phone calls from unknown numbers and suspicious messages, but, fearing to lose her family, she endured. Once, she asked him to take her to her mother, but when she got into the car, she saw that he had come not alone, but with some painted girl who sat next to him and contemptuously looked at Kama through the blackness of expensive sunglasses. Unable to tolerate such rudeness from the spouse who had become brazen in his impunity, and despite her mother's lamentations and exhortations, Kama filed for divorce.

Her friends drank tea in the kitchen of a two-room, well-renovated apartment, which she, along with good alimony, sued her husband a year ago. The child was in the bedroom, and they could calmly talk, especially since they hadn’t seen each other for a long time, and they had something to discuss. After carefully listening to the story of Kama, and sympathizing with her in her problems, Ike began to tell her about her experiences, how she loves her husband, and she knows that he loves her too, what fantasies do not give him peace she herself is increasingly being excited while she discusses them with him.

- All men are crazy. Ecology. - summed up Kama. - I'll tell you so, sis, spit on everything and get stuck while you can. I have lived with my 6 years, as if in a dream. And now, I do not refuse anything to myself. Once we live, look here ...

She picked up the phone from the table and in front of Aiki’s eyes began to flash photos of the guys.

- This one is a Turk. - Kama showed a photo of handsome bearded handsome under two meters tall. - Fuck like a beast. I was so finished with him that screamed like crazy. A little to tears I did not bring.

- And this one is an athlete. - on the photo was a young jock with a naked torso. - Look what a handsome man. For your body watching more than you and me. As where, where it sags, immediately in the hall runs to swing.

“And are you with all of them ...” Ike did not believe her eyes and ears. Divorcing, her school friend seems to have no time to waste.

- Well, you know how ... My husband and I, although it was not so regularly, especially in recent years, but he was still that dog, and had time with me and his damn ... And after the divorce, I first suffered of course, and then opened a facebook page for myself. The name is really different, and the pictures are not mine. But now from the guys there is no end. - Kama laughed.- I can introduce you too ...

- No, it is not necessary yet. - smiled Ike. She liked it,... Read more →

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