1. Gift. Part 1: I'm a student
  2. Gift. Part 2: Angelica
  3. Gift. Part 3: The Making of the Gift
  4. Gift. Part 4: Third Course

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He had not been very talkative before, and now he could have been silent for days. I seldom saw him cheerful or joyful. More and more, he was locked up, buried in a book or plunging headlong into work.

- Vlad, what's wrong with you? - I tried to elicit the cause of his sullenness. To call his state of sadness or blues, even the language did not turn.

“Don't pay attention,” he tried to smile. - Just not in the mood.

- I understand that a bad mood can be a day, even a few days. But you are not in one week in this state.

“So, my mood is very bad, since I haven’t wanted to party for more than one week,” he tried to joke, but this joke was so pathetic that I was even more upset.

“Let's go somewhere,” I came in from the other side.

- Come on ...

- In "our" bar? - I suggested.

- No, I'm tired of the same faces ...

- And you are not tired of my mug? After all, you just sit at home ...

- Your not tired, - he smiled. - Your face is, in contrast to these drunk, sober and less pleasant.

“Well, thanks,” I laughed back. - Maybe in the movie?

- Not today. I have already seen this movie ...

“At least go to the store and buy something for dinner.”

- You can go through, only the products I have already bought.

- When did you have time?

- And I did not have a second pair today.

“Well, then let's take a walk,” I sighed. But in fact, I hoped that we would meet someone on the street and still be able to relax.

Sometimes I was lucky and we actually met one of our acquaintances and then we could go either to the bar or the cafe, but more often Vlad said that he still had a lot of work and he just needed to go home.

After a while, I again started pestering him with questions. Like, explain, do mercy, otherwise I'm just guessing and just can not stand your depression.

- Do you remember that period when you just broke up with Angelica? - suddenly asked Vlad.

- And what does it have to do with it? - I was surprised.

- Remember how I pestered you with the same sentences. What did you answer me? "Leave me alone" or "thank you, but I do not want to." Understand that "I do not want."

- Well, I will leave behind you, - I agreed that Vlad is right. - I will not entertain ... But I want to know the reason for your condition. You knew my reason.

- And I want to know the reason for my condition. But I do not know. I just have such a mood. And the reason I really do not know ...

What could I do? Only accept and hope that his depression will pass just as suddenly as it began. And although I really wanted to help Vlad, I didn’t know what. But one day a miracle happened. Otherwise, it can not be called.

From the crisis, into which I fell through the gap with Angelica, I was led out of sex with Katya in the presence of outsiders. Now the crisis happened to my friend, but again two girls helped Vlad get rid of him.


It was an ordinary day, one of those working days, when you are spinning around like a squirrel in a wheel with your routine problems and responsibilities. After the steam, Vlad started cleaning, and my turn was to cook dinner. I fried potatoes. And so, once again I run to the kitchen to check whether our dinner is ready and I meet old acquaintances Olya and Dasha. We were still in the first year introduced by Luda, with whom I met.

“Hello, Dan,” they said to our meeting. - Do you know where Valya lives?

“Why, here is her room,” I pointed to the door. But at that moment I heard a very unpleasant burning smell from the kitchen, so I rushed to check if my potatoes didn’t smell like that.

Fortunately, another dinner was burnt, but mine, on the contrary, was ready for use. I took the pan and proudly carried it into the room. The girls were still treading on the door.

- Nobody is at home? - I asked.

“No one but Valya should come in ten minutes,” said Dasha. Her voice was a little annoyed.

“Then give me what you need to hang around here,” I invited them to us.

“With pleasure,” the girls smiled happily.

- Vlad, welcome guests.

We offered our unexpected guests to have dinner with us. They did not refuse, they only asked for small portions, that they say, fried potatoes is not the right dish for the girls to eat for dinner.

Ten minutes later Valya returned and Olya went to her to solve one important question. She lost her phone, and Valya found him and out of the goodness of her soul decided to return him to his former mistress. That is why Olya and Dasha went to our hostel. Well, I, as a good Samaritan, invited the girls to wait in his room. Well, do not stand it under the door.

After solving the pressing problems and dinner, we treated the girls also coffee. We sat, talked nicely, drank coffee and cookies, which Vlad bought by accident. We were not particularly sweet with him, and today, probably, we felt that we would have guests. And word for word, I realized that our conversation smoothly turned to the topic of love and sex. As if by a wave of a magic wand, suddenly Dasha was beside me, and Olya embraced Vlad by the neck. I even exchanged glances with Vlad. Wow! The situation was repeated exactly like Masha and Katya, although the beginning of the meeting was not at all like that. Deja vu some!

I must say that after that incident with Masha and Katya, I didn’t feel shy about Vlad, and I began to treat sex a little easier. He ceased to be a sacred act for me. Well, on the contrary, Vlad, remembering my attitude towards such sex, did not want to be in the same situation.

- Olya, let's go for a walk, let Dan and Dasha have a good time, and then they will walk.

“But I don’t want to,” Olya said.

“Then we will leave first,” I supported my friend and began to gather.

- Guys, what are you like non-native? Dasha wondered. “Why leave someone?” Are you ashamed of each other?

- Why? Absolutely not shy, - I assured. - We worry about you.

- And in vain, - Olga smiled. - I even like it when they look at me.

- Yes, eh? - I stretched. - Very interesting. What else do you like?

- I also like to dance, show a striptease, kiss ...

- And you, Dasha? - I turned to the other girl.

- Similarly, - she smiled, that's just not for me, but Ole. It seemed to me that they were arranging all this performance for themselves, and not for us and Vlad.

- Maybe you still like to caress each other and kiss when you show a striptease? - everything was clear to me already, I just wanted to hear confirmation of my guesses.

- Of course, love. If it doesn't shock our guys.

I glanced at Vlad and realized that he was now not just surprised, but shocked. My hand jerked to “read” what exactly surprised him now and what he thought about the current situation. But he restrained himself, only asked:

- Vlad, and we will not be shocked by such an idea?

“N-no,” he replied, even more confused.

“Well, then let's get started,” I made the final decision. - Vlad, let's free the girls a little more space.

A minute later, the center of the room was cleared from the table, the curtains closed, and Vlad and I sat side by side on chairs. Olya found suitable music in the phone and the performance began.

I must say, a good idea. The girls danced very well. Both were plastic and beautiful, both felt great music and each other.

“Well done, girls,” I podzadoriv them.

- Do you like? - in Vlad's voice one could hear misunderstanding and mistrust.

- Of course! Don't you? - I did not understand his confusion.

- But you said ...

- Look how many feelings they show, - finally it dawned on me that Vlad had in mind the last meeting with Masha and Katya and my feedback about that meeting. I explained how this meeting is different from today. - The girls love each other, and we are only witnesses of their love. Enjoy, ... Read more →

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